
xìnɡ cì jī
  • Sexual stimulation;a sex thrill
  1. 不恰当的、过度的或随意滥用厌恶性刺激会引起人们的反感、控告与抵制。

    Inappropriate , excessive or capricious administration of aversive stimulation has led to scandals , lawsuits and prohibitions .

  2. P物质具有强大的血管扩张活性,其参与皮肤伤害性刺激的感受与局部血管功能的调节。

    P-substance has strong vasodilative activity and is involved in the sensation of the skin to traumatic stimulation and the modulation of local vascular function .

  3. 外周P物质受体介导伤害性刺激所致脊髓背角c-fos基因的表达

    Peripheral substance P receptor mediating c-fos gene expression in the spinal dorsal horn induced by peripheral noxious stimulation

  4. 后角CGRP可能与伤害性刺激传导有关。

    CGRP in posterior horn may be related to noxious stimulation conduction .

  5. 内脏伤害性刺激后Fos在大鼠脑内NOS阳性神经元内的表达

    Expression of Fos in NOS-positive neurons in rat brain following visceral noxious stimulation

  6. 结论高渗透压反应性刺激人角膜上皮细胞MMP-9的表达和产物。

    Hyperosmolarity increased the expression of MMP-9 in human corneal epithelial cells in dose-dependent miner .

  7. VEGF在神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓的表达及其对伤害性刺激反应的易化作用

    The Expressions of VEGF in the Spinal Cords of Rats with Neuropathic Pain and the Facilitating Effects on Noxious Stimuli

  8. 方法:选用SD大鼠,采用直结肠扩张(CRD)作为内脏的伤害性刺激。

    Methods In SD rats CRD was used as noxious visceral stimuli .

  9. 大鼠牙髓伤害性刺激诱导延髓内Fos表达

    Noxious dental pulp stimulation induced Fos expression in the medulla oblongata of the rat

  10. 大鼠腹膜伤害性刺激c-fos在中枢神经系统表达的实验研究

    Empirical study of the rat peritoneal noxious stimulation inducing expression of c-fos in central nervous system

  11. 鼠尾伤害性刺激与颧髎穴电针后弓状核-导水管周围灰质-延髓头端腹内侧区的前脑啡肽原mRNA的表达及与Fos蛋白共存

    Expression of preproenkephalin mRNA and its coexistence with FOS in rat ar-pag-rvm following tail nociceptive stimulation and acupuncture in Quanliao point

  12. 吗啡-3-葡糖苷酸(M3G)对伤害性刺激诱导大鼠脊髓c-fos表达的影响

    Morphine-3-glucuronide ( m3g ) potentiates noxious stimulus-evoked FOS protein-like immunoreactivity in the rat spinal cord

  13. 大鼠脑干内向杏仁中央核投射的神经元对胃肠道伤害性刺激的FOS表达

    The gastrointestinal noxious stimulation induced Fos expression of brainstem neurons projecting to the central amygdaloid nucleus in the rat

  14. 外周伤害性刺激后颈髓和三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核中向中缝背核投射神经元的c-fos表达

    Peripheral noxious stimulation-induced c-fos expression in neurons of cervical cord and caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus projection to the dorsal raphe nucleus

  15. 吗啡对非伤害性刺激后CCI大鼠脊髓c-fos表达的影响

    Effect of morphine on expression of c-fos induced by innoxious touch-stimulus in the spinal cord in CCI rat

  16. 结论:机械性刺激猫脑MCA诱发血管痉挛早期(2h)显示内皮细胞的缺血瀑布级联效应,与神经元细胞凋亡相呼应。

    Conclusion : Ischemia cascade effect occurred in the endothelial cells in the early stage of acute mechanical cerebral vasospasm .

  17. 大鼠延髓内脏带向杏仁核投射的儿茶酚胺神经元对内脏伤害性刺激的FOS表达

    Visceral noxious stimulation induced Fos expression of catecholaminergic neurons in the " medullary visceral zone " projecting to the central amygdaloid nucleus

  18. 电生理研究显示ACC部分神经元对伤害性刺激或预示伤害性刺激的环境信息产生反应。PET研究表明,伤害性刺激和疼痛引起的不愉快可以激活ACC。

    Electrophysiological studies showed that some neurons within the ACC responded to either noxious stimulus per se or environmental cues that predict a painful stimulus .

  19. 目的:重度抑郁症(majordepressivedisorder,MDD)患者不仅优先加工负性刺激,而且缺乏对正性刺激加工的偏向,本研究探讨重度抑郁症患者情绪刺激抑制功能缺陷的神经关联。

    Objective : Individuals with major depressive disorder ( MDD ) not only preferentially process negative stimuli , but also lack a bias for the preferential processing of positive stimuli .

  20. 结论CE复合物诱导人单核细胞的活化,并抑制成熟巨噬细胞炎性刺激下的活化作用,可能与结核菌免疫逃避和病理损害有关。

    Conclusion CE induced pre-activation of monocyte , but inhibit differentiated macrophage activation induced by inflammatory stimulation . The immuno-modulation effect of CE might be correlated with MTB immune evasion and tissue destruction .

  21. 胃肠道伤害性刺激引起大鼠孤束核与中脑导水管周围灰质神经元表达FOS

    Reciprocal projection neurons between the midbrain periaqueductal gray and nucleus of the solitary tract express FOS after noxious stimulation of the stomach and intestines in the rat

  22. 结论:牙髓免疫系统对龋源性刺激产生了积极的应答,早期阶段以T细胞介导的细胞免疫为主,而进展期阶段B细胞介导的体液免疫反应进一步增强。

    Conclusion : The pulpal immune system actively responds to carious stimuli . The T lymphocyte-mediated re ˉ sponse in early phase has a central role in the initiation of pulpal specific immunity , but in advanced phase , B lineage cells further the humoral immunoresponse .

  23. 结论:自发性高血压大鼠动脉平滑肌细胞内G蛋白&肌醇磷脂途径对外源性刺激的敏感性过高,这可能和这一途径的某些成分的数目、结构或功能存在着某些变异有关。

    Conclusion : The highly sensitive reactivity to GTP γ S in generation of inositol phosphates in VSMCs from SHR may be related to the possible abnormality of the number , substructure or function of some components in G proteins , phosphoinositide turnover .

  24. 发现伤害性刺激可引起下橄榄核Fos样蛋白阳性神经元数量显著增加(P<0.01);而在针刺镇痛条件下,Fos样蛋白阳性神经元的数量又明显减少(P<0.01)。

    The results indicate that the number of the positive neurons of fos-like protein significantly increased in the group of harmful stimulation ( P < 0.01 ) and decreased obviously in the group of acupuncture analgesia ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 结论用无伤害性刺激在正常人可引导出稳定的BTEP反应波。

    Conclusion Stable BTEP can be induced and recorded by non-invasive stimulation in healthy subjects .

  26. 以上结果表明针刺穴位或伤害性刺激或5-HT都可以激活延脑下部去甲肾上腺素能神经核团,促使其下行性地释放NA,这可能是针刺镇痛的重要机制之一。

    The result shows that needling of meridian point , noxious stimulation or 5-HT all activate units located in the A1 regions of the lower medulla , probably facilitating the descending release of NA in spinal cord .

  27. 目的研究增龄对纤维蛋白诱导急性肺损伤大鼠肺组织单核巨噬细胞趋化因子-1(MCP-1)表达的影响,探讨老年大鼠对炎性刺激易感的可能机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of aging on fibrin deposition up-regulate the expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 in lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) - induced acute lung injury ( ALI ) .

  28. 实验结果如下:(1)、作为伤害性刺激的经皮电刺激(TES)和阻断冠状动脉(CAO)均可引发束旁核痛敏神经元的放电反应。

    The result : ( 1 ), Both the nocuous stimuli such as transcutaneous electrical stimulation ( TES ) and coronary artery occlusion ( CAO ) are effective on increasing the discharge of Pf .

  29. 结果表明:多巴胺可使尾核PEN和PIN对伤害性刺激的反应增强,主要表现为PEN痛诱发放电增加和PIN诱发抑制时程延长。

    The results showed that DA could increase the frequency of the evoked discharges of PEN and lengthen the duration of inhibition in PIN , in other words , the reaction of PEN and PIN to the pain stimulation might be enhanced by DA .

  30. 实验用Wistar大鼠,玻璃微电极细胞外记录右侧三叉神经脊束尾侧核会聚神经元对同侧面颊部伤害性刺激的反应。

    Experiments were carried out on Wistar rats . The nociceptive responses of convergent neurons in the right trigeminal nucleus caudalis ( TNC ) to noxious stimuli exerted onto the receptive field ( cheek ) were recorded extracellularly with glass microelectrodes .