
  • 网络cis-acting;cis-acting regulation
  1. 重组人甲胎蛋白基因顺式调控元件功能的研究

    Functional Analysis on the Recombinant of Human α - Fetoprotein Gene cis-Acting Elements

  2. Nodal基因的第一内含子中存在着顺式调控增强子元件

    A Cis - regulatory Enhancer Element of the nodal Gene is Present in Its First Intron

  3. 研究ob基因表达的顺式调控元件对于了解猪脂肪沉积的遗传机制有重要意义。

    It is essential to identify as-elements which control the expression of porcine ob gene .

  4. 真核基因转录激活调控是在启动子、增强子等顺式调控元件和转录因子、激活因子以及RNA聚合酶II(PolII)等调控蛋白的参与下协同进行的。

    The eukaryotic gene transcriptional activation by RNA polymerase II ( RNA pol II ) requires interaction between cis-acting regulatory elements and trans-acting factors .

  5. 在真核生物中,多个转录因子结合位点组成顺式调控模块(CRM),对临近的基因的表达提供着更为复杂的调控功能。

    In Eukaryote , several transcription factor binding sites constitute cis-regulatory module ( CRM ), providing more complex regulation for expression of neighboring genes .

  6. 因而,MAR序列作为一种很有效的基因表达顺式调控元件,具有良好增强效果,MAR序列构建的高效表达载体对于优化转基因技术有非常重要的意义。

    It is important to adopt efficient strategies to overcome gene silencing and increase transgene expression level for optimizing transgenic technology .

  7. NMD作用的顺式调控元件选择性剪接过程受多种顺式作用元件和反式作用因子相互作用调节。

    The alternative splicing is regulated by the interaction between diverse cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors .

  8. 推测A区所包含的顺式调控元件很可能是决定A33基因组织特异性表达的关键元件。

    It was speculated that the cis acting element in region A might determine the tissue specific expression character of A33 promoter .

  9. 这一结果提示原病毒在nodal基因第一内含子中的整合降低了nodalmRNA的表达,其原因可能是病毒的插入破坏了nodal基因第一内含子中整合位点上的或其附近的顺式调控元件。

    A 2.3 fold down regulation of the nodal transcript in the 3563 ES cell line suggested that the proviral insertion might decrease the nodal mRNA expression by disrupting the potential cis regulatory elements present at the insertion site in the first intron of the nodal gene .

  10. 用心脏顺式调控模块预测心脏特异表达基因

    Prediction of Cardiac Specifically Expressed Genes by Using Cis-Regulatory Modules

  11. 序列模式挖掘和聚类是预测顺式调控元件(转录因子结合位点)的重要方法。

    Sequential pattern mining and clustering are important to predict cis-regulation elements ( transcription factor binding sites ) .

  12. 研究表明,在植物维管组织特异性定位表达启动子中,顺式调控元件与反式作用因子协同作用,调控基因的表达。

    The gene expression is regulated by the cooperative interaction of cis acting element and trans acting element in the plant vascular .

  13. 在该基因的启动子中,共鉴定出34个顺式调控元件,其中多与逆境胁迫有关。

    Totally 34 cis-regulatory elements were identified in the full promoter . Among them , some of cis-regulatory elements play an important role in mediating the abiotic stresses signallings . 4 .

  14. 结论:幽门螺杆菌生物活性物质通过顺式转录调控元件SRE调控细胞基因表达。

    Conclusion : Biological active substance from Hp regulates gene expression through SRE cis-element .

  15. 多个顺式作用元件调控t-PAcDNA乳腺定位表达

    Multiple Cis acting Elements Regulating t PA cDNA Expression in Mammary Gland

  16. 目的:构建受AFP顺式作用元件调控的超抗原表达载体,将SEA(D227A)特异性的表达于AFP阳性肝癌细胞膜表面。

    AIM : To construct the superantigen SEA ( D227A ) expression vector modulated by cis acting element of AFP and express it specifically on AFP + hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) cells .

  17. MYB转录因子是植物转录因子中最大的家族之一,可以特异的识别结合基因启动子中的MYB顺式作用元件,调控生物或非生物胁迫相关的一系列基因表达。

    The MYB transcription factors comprise one of the largest families in plant transcription factors . It can specifically interact with MYB cis-acting elements and induce expression of multiple responsive genes under biotic and abiotic stresses .