
shànɡ wèi xiào yìng
  • epistatic effect
  1. 结果表明,这些指标的上位效应均不显著,均符合加性&显性遗传模型。

    The result showed that the epistatic effect in all of those traits were not significant .

  2. 研究结果表明:在茧质性状的遗传控制方面,显性效应、加性效应、上位效应所起的作用是不一样的;

    The results are as follow : The additive effect , dominance effect and epistatic effect played different role in silkworm cocoon characters genetic variation .

  3. 大豆蛋白质含量相关QTL间的上位效应和QE互作效应

    Epistatic Effects and QE Interaction Effects of QTLs for Protein Content in Soybean

  4. 在有上位效应存在的情况下,MIM对QTL的加性效应的估计较准确。

    With the epistasis existed , MIM would obtain better estimates of QTL additive effects .

  5. 检测到的主效应QTL和上位效应QTL共解释了55.1%的表型变化。

    The main QTLs and epistatic loci totally explained 55.1 % of the phenotypic variation of allelopathic activity .

  6. 且低氮胁迫下,叶绿素含量还受基因间上位效应的影响。

    And chlorophyll content was also influenced significantly by digenic interactions .

  7. 纤维亚麻种子产量的加性和显性及上位效应

    Additive 、 Dominant and Epistatic Effects in Seed Yield of Fibre Flax

  8. 01,无显著性差异。因此,可以认为,高糊化温度是个显性性状,是由二对基因控制的,而且,基因间具有上位效应。

    Therefore , the high GT was controlled by two pairs dominant genes with epistatic gene effect .

  9. Wr+Vr分折证实除加性作用外,细胞质效应及上位效应也影响培养力的高下。

    Wr + Vr analysis reveals that the cytoplasmic and epistatic effects influence the culture ability in addition to additive effects .

  10. 结果表明上位效应不显著,猪产仔数性状符合加性-显性遗传模式,受一个有效基因控制。

    The results show that one effective gene is responsible for litter size and additive dominance genetic model is adequate while epistatic effects are not significant .

  11. 所有性状的各组合均有显著的加性效应和1~3种上位效应,1/3的组合有显著的显性效应。

    Significant additive effect and 1 3 kinds of epistatic effects were found in all crosses and significant dominance effect were detected only in 1 / 3 crosses .

  12. 抗性遗传中加性效应是主要的,同时存在部分显性,没有上位效应,符合加性&显性模型。

    The tomato Late blight-resistant genotype additive effect was the main effect , part of dominance effect were also existed , no epistatic interaction effect was found Accord with additive-dominant model .

  13. 结果表明:穗长、穗行数的遗传符合加性一显性模型,穗粗、百粒重的遗传不符合加性-显性模型,可能还有基因连锁或上位效应存在;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) ear length and rows / ear conformed to additive-dominance model ; ( 2 ) ear diameter and 100 - kernel weight failed to follow the additive-dominance model , which might be csused by gene linkage or epistasis ;

  14. MDA含量和可溶性蛋白含量以加性上位性效应为主;

    The contents of MDA and soluble protein existed significant additive × additive epistasis effects .

  15. 从贡献率上看,在人工气候室进行的苗期耐冷试验中,QTL的上位性效应大于加性效应;但是在生长箱中进行的试验中,加性效应起主要作用。

    Additive effect contributed to budding cold tolerance greater than epistasis effect .

  16. 上位性效应尤其显性×显性效应(dd)在某些组合显著存在,且该效应比加性效应显得更加重要;

    The epistatic effect was dd and exists in some group .

  17. 水稻种子耐贮藏性QTL主效应和上位性效应分析

    Analysis of QTLs with Main and Epistatic Effects of the Seed Storability in Rice

  18. 控制这些性状的QTL表现加性效应和上位性效应。

    These traits were controlled by QTLs with additive effect and / or epistatic effect .

  19. 不同供氮水平下玉米株型相关性状的QTLs定位和上位性效应分析

    Mapping QTLs and Epistasis for Plant Type Traits in Maize Under Two Nitrogen Levels

  20. 在所定位的QTL中,既有仅表现为加性效应或上位性效应的,也有同时表现这两种效应的QTL。

    Of all QTLs , some showed either additive or epistasis effect , others exhibited the mixture effects .

  21. 主效QTL、上位性效应和它们与环境的互作(QE)都是数量性状的重要遗传因素。

    Main-effect QTL , epistatic effects and their interactions with environment are important genetic components of quantitative traits .

  22. 在加性和上位性效应中,各QTL贡献率差异较大,变幅为3.87%~24.62%。

    Among the additive effects and the epistasis effects , the variation explained by QTL rangs from 3 . 87 % to 24 . 62 % .

  23. Wang等(1999)的方法能够分析加性效应、加加上位性效应及共与环境的互作效应,但无法估计显性以及与显性有关的上位性效应。

    The methods proposed by Wang et al ( 1999 ) could analyze additive effects , additive by additive epistatic effects and their interaction with environments , but could not estimate dominance effects and epistatic effects related to dominance .

  24. 用单片段代换系(SSSLs)研究水稻株高及其构成因素QTL加性及上位性效应

    Additive Effects and Epistasis Effects of QTL for Plant Height and Its Components Using Single Segment Substitution Lines ( SSSLs ) in Rice

  25. 同时棉株在不同发育时期体内生化性状表达不同,在花铃期CAT、POD和SOD酶以显性效应为主,其次为加性上位性效应,加性效应表达量很小;

    In boll-setting period , CAT , POD , and SOD existed dominant effects , the next were additive additive epistasis effects , and the additive effects were small . There were reciprocal relation and control among biochemical traits .

  26. 结果表明,TMV、CMV和疮痂病抗性遗传符合加性-显性模型,疫病抗性遗传不符合加性-显性模型,还存在显著上位性效应。

    The results indicated that the resistances to TMV , CMV and bacterial spot conformed genetically to the additive-dominant model but the resistance to phytophthora blight did not and significant epistatic dominance effect existed in it .

  27. 对抽穗期QTL的加性效应,显性效应,加×加、加×显、和显×显上位性效应进行了估计,对遗传主效应与环境的互作效应作了预测。

    Additive effects , dominance effects , epistatic effects of additive × additive , additive × dominance , and dominance × dominance of QTLs for heading date were estimated , the interaction effects between main genetic effects and environments were predicted .

  28. 大部分加性和上位性效应的贡献率较低(0.76%~9.92%),仅有少数QTL或上位性QTL解释总方差的10%以上。

    The contribution rates of additive and epistatic effects seemed to be in a low magnitude for most cases ( 0.76 % – 9.92 % ) while a few QTLs or QTL pairs explained more than 10 % of total variance .

  29. BCC1和BCC0群体产量等主要性状无上位性效应,且主要受一般配合力效应影响,采用S1法改良是有效的。

    The main agronomic traits of population BCC 1 and BCC 0 have no epistasis effect and they were major influenced by general combining ability . It was valid to take S 1 method improvement .

  30. 这3个性状上位性效应亦重要。

    Epistatic gene effects are also important for the three traits .