
shàng chún
  • upper lip;labrum;epichile;anocheilon;anochilos;supralabial
上唇 [shàng chún]
  • (1) [labrum]∶昆虫和甲壳动物以及其它节肢动物的上面的或者前方的唇,包括单一的一块或者一片,紧接着上颚的前方或者上面

  • (2) [epichile]∶一些兰花唇瓣的顶生裂片

  • (3) [supralabial]∶ 一个上唇鳞片或者板

上唇[shàng chún]
  1. 他的上唇部位开始长胡子了。

    The beginnings of a moustache showed on his upper lip .

  2. 那个男人浓密的髭须完全遮住了他的上唇。

    The man 's heavy moustache hid his upper lip completely

  3. 他上唇扁平,下唇耷拉。

    His upper lip was flat , but the lower one sagged .

  4. 这种缺陷指婴儿出生前上唇或上口没有正常形成。

    The defect happens when a baby 's top lip or mouth doesn 't form properly before birth .

  5. 很快,到处都能看到蓄着胡子的上唇。

    Pretty soon , you might be seeing hairy lips everywhere .

  6. “阿尔塔男”不再关注身上是否有足够的男性特质(力量、强悍、短时间内赢得尊重以及一天之内留出上唇胡须的能力),而是更在意友好、智慧、风趣以及关爱等品质。

    They are less interested in having typically ' masculine ' traits ( strength , toughness , instant respect and the ability to grow a moustache by sundown ) , and are more interested in qualities such as friendliness , intelligence , being interesting and caring .

  7. 方法是在上唇结节下方与两侧将切口设计成V形,将传统的弧形切口改为曲线切口。

    We designed a v-shape incision beneath the labial tubercle bilaterally .

  8. 上唇压力与切牙覆盖呈正相关,下唇压力与切牙覆牙合及下牙弓长度呈正相关,并可导致下颌后缩,加重了AngleⅡ类错牙合畸形。

    Upper lip pressure was related to the overjet between incisors , lower lip pressure was related to deep overbite and the length of dental arch , and therefore related to Angle Class ⅱ malocclusion .

  9. Non不。说“Non“时就把它当成英文里的“No”使用,但要把最后一个“n”的音发出来,注意舌头不要再碰到你的上唇。

    Non ( Non ) Say'No'as if it were English , but for the last'n ' , pronounce it but don 't touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth again .

  10. 但上唇皮肤瘢痕及口腔黏膜瘢痕之间MMP-2蛋白的表达水平未见差异。

    But the expression of MMP-2 protein levels between the upper lip skin and oral mucosa scar are not significantly different . 3 .

  11. 方法:采用组织化学、SDSpage凝胶电泳以及电生理等方法观察上唇提肌形态学、电刺激收缩阈值、最大收缩力以及MHC各亚型的变化。

    Methods : The morphologic changes were observed by histochemical methods 、 the phenotype of MHC by SDS PAGE 、 the tension of contraction and the threshold value of electrical stimulation by electrical physiological methods ;

  12. 方法应用Millard术式原理,不切除上唇瘢痕,而是用以形成两型瘢痕组织瓣,用来矫治不同情况的鼻畸形。

    Methods Two types of the upper lip scar tissue flap were developed in correcting nasal deformities with Millard 's technique .

  13. 手术方法采用了Z成形原理,吸取了鼻底三角瓣的优点,基本上消除了上唇组织移位的病理改变。

    The principles of Z plasty and advantages of the basilar nasal triangular flap were adopted in this operation . The pathological changes following transfer of the tissue from the upper lip were almost avoided in this operation .

  14. 当我用三星(Samsung)新款65英寸超高清电视在线收看Netflix的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)时,我可以看到剧中饰演副总统的凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)上唇出汗了。

    Yes , I spotted sweat on the upper lip of Kevin Spacey 's fictitious vice president while streaming Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' on a new 65-inch Ultra HD television from Samsung .

  15. 双侧上唇动脉在中线相互交通形成弓形动脉,该动脉走行于距红唇缘深面约6mm的粘膜下组织内,动脉有恒定的伴行静脉。

    The arcuate artery lay within the submucous tissue beyond the vermilion border about 6 mm . The concomitant veins were constant .

  16. 面角、颌突角、ANB角、Y轴角、面轴角和上唇突度与髁突垂直向位移呈显著相关。

    NP FH , NA PA , SNB , ANB , Y axis , FA and UL EP correlate significantly with the vertical condylar displacement .

  17. 上唇皮肤瘢痕及口腔黏膜瘢痕中MMP-2蛋白呈较强阳性表达,且高于其自身对应的正常组织,提示瘢痕的形成与MMP-2有关。

    MMP-2 protein is highly expressed in both upper lip skin scar and oral mucosa scar , and significantly higher than the control group in the normal tissue , indicating scar formation and MMP-2 may be relevant .

  18. 方法:在矫治单侧唇裂继发畸形时,常规应用仿Millard术式,并结合上唇瘢痕组织瓣,对所有唇、鼻畸形进行解剖复位。

    Methods Using improved Millard technique combined with scar tissue flap as a routing method to correct nasal and lip deformities of secondary deformities of unilateral cleft lip .

  19. 结果临床应用于67例,其中上唇38例,下唇29例。缺损最大水平宽度3.5cm,最小1.6cm。

    Results This method was used in 67 cases , in which 38 cases were the upper lip defect and 29 cases were the lower lip defect .

  20. 方法:应用ALOKA-630二维超声诊断仪对1176例中晚期妊娠的胎儿颜面结构进行观察,着重观察胎儿上唇是否连续。

    Methods We observed with ALOKA-630 all the fetal faces of1176 fetuses that it was second trimester and late pregnancy , and observed seriously whether the upper lip of fetal was continue or not .

  21. 方法采用下唇动脉弓为血管蒂的移位岛状红唇瓣,一次手术修复上唇部分红唇缺损,红唇瓣面积最小为1.5cm×1.5cm,最大为1.5cm×2.0cm的楔形。

    Methods An island flap pedicled with the inferior labial arterial arch was used to repair upper lip defects . The size of the wedge-shaped flap ranged from 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm to 1.5 cm × 2.0 cm .

  22. 她刚毅的上唇常因欢乐的微笑而颤动。

    Her firm upper lip often twitched with a merry smile .

  23. 她的上唇动度非常有限。

    She also has very limited mobility in her upper lip .

  24. 正常人和唇腭裂者上唇和腭的动脉供应

    Artery supply of the lip and palate in normal anp cleft

  25. 这个昆虫的上唇和上颚都受了伤。

    The upper lip and mandibles of the insect were injured .

  26. 文摘:目的为手术整复上唇畸形提供参考依据。

    Abstract : objective to provide reference basis for cheiloplasty .

  27. 上唇部皮肤混合瘤1例

    Case report of mixed tumor of skin of upper lip

  28. 结果上唇参数随年龄增长而增长,7岁前发育较快,4岁前为显著。

    Result Upper lip parameters is growing with the age .

  29. 他的上唇上有汗珠。

    There were beads of perspiration on his upper lip .

  30. 这张照片显示出她上唇动度的极限。

    This photo shows the extent of mobility in her upper lip .