
  1. 美好的愿望无需隐形的翅膀,你给我的就是最真实的存在。

    Best wishes without wings , you leave me nothing but the reality .

  2. 我知道我一直有双隐形的翅膀。

    I know all along that I have a pair of invisible wings .

  3. “隐形的翅膀”艺术展时代美术馆中国北京;

    " Invisible Wings " Art Exhibition , Times Art Museum , Beijing , China ;

  4. 一直以来都有一个愿望,给孩子一双隐形的翅膀。

    We always have a hope , the hope to give children a pair of invisible wings .

  5. 隐形的翅膀,让梦恒久比天长,留一个愿望让自己想象!

    Invisible wings , so that dreams last forever , leaving a wish for my own imagination !

  6. 节目快接近尾声了,我们女生一齐演唱了一首“隐形的翅膀”,博得众人的热烈的掌声。

    Show is approaching to the end , we girls toghter sang a " invisible wings ", command all the warm applause .

  7. 在北京大学2008新年联欢晚会上,时任北大校长的许智宏演唱了一首流行歌曲《隐形的翅膀》。

    Xu Zhihong , the former president of Peking University , won over the public in2008 for his rendition of the popular song " Invisible Wings " during the university ` s New Year party .