
yǐn bì
  • take cover;seek cover;hide;conceal;occult;hearse
隐蔽 [yǐn bì]
  • [take cover;conceal] 借助别的东西遮盖掩藏

  • 他们隐蔽在高粱地里

隐蔽[yǐn bì]
  1. 如果我们隐蔽在这儿,就能了解一切状况。

    If we take cover here , we can overlook everything .

  2. 变形为守护者模式,我们要在残骸中隐蔽起来。

    Switch to Guardian mode , we 'll take cover in the debris field .

  3. 隐蔽的摄像机在监视着公共场所。

    Video spy cameras are being used in public places .

  4. 她终于到达了森林中的隐蔽处。

    At last she gained the shelter of the forest .

  5. 我们被藏匿到房间里一个隐蔽的角落。

    We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room

  6. 在人迹罕至的地方可以找到一些隐蔽的小海滩。

    Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track .

  7. 他从一个隐蔽的有利位置望出去,看见一辆车开了过来。

    From a concealed vantage point , he saw a car arrive

  8. 他们又开始跑,离开隐蔽处朝公路冲去。

    They began running again , broke cover and dashed towards the road .

  9. 敌军步兵正在隐蔽。

    The enemy infantry was hiding .

  10. 港口在一个隐蔽的海湾里面。

    The harbour was in a sheltered bay .

  11. 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处。

    A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in .

  12. 房子建在树林里隐蔽的地方。

    The cottage had been built in the shelter of trees .

  13. 侦查人员隐蔽在高粱地里。

    The scouts took cover in the sorghum fields .

  14. 她最爱寻根究底,寻求事物隐蔽、内在的缘由。

    She liked to get to the root of a matter and find out its hidden and internal causes .

  15. 其隐蔽的影响是全球贸易急剧下降,部分原因是因为石油生产国不能像以往那样承担进口。

    The implication is a sharp decline in global trade , which has plunged partly because oil-producing nations can 't afford to import as much as they used to .

  16. 18Takecover寻找庇护隐蔽是指寻找庇护或保护免受危险物的侵害。

    To take cover means to find shelter or protection from something dangerous .

  17. 科学家们需要用这台大型太空望远镜来探测宇宙中最隐蔽的秘密,即中微子,别名“幽灵粒子”。

    This massive space telescope is what it takes to detect the Universe 's best kept secrets – neutrinos – also nicknamed ‘ ghost particles ' .

  18. 这使水鼩能够在水中屏吸长达24秒,足以让它们寻觅那些隐蔽的水生猎物。

    This allowed water shrews to hold their breath for up to 24 seconds – more than enough time to find all of that hidden aquatic6 prey7 .

  19. n阶等差数列的隐蔽公差

    The Enshrouded Difference of Arithmetic Progression with n Order

  20. 一类隐蔽油气藏的TM图像解译模型

    TM remote-sensing-interpretation models of a subtle type of oil-gas reservoir

  21. 方法:对2例原发性颞下窝肿瘤患者通过CT检查见颞下窝肿瘤,应用隐蔽的发际内侧切口进行手术。

    Method : Two cases of tumor originating from fossae infratemporalis showed by CT were operated on with the side incision within the hair .

  22. 基于FTP协议的命令序列隐蔽信道

    Covert channels based on command sequence of FTP protocol

  23. CCD图像跟踪系统广泛应用于图像制导、光电观测等领域,其利用目标的二维图像信息,实现对目标的跟踪,具有跟踪精度高、隐蔽性好、抗干扰能力强等特点。

    It is widely used in accurate guidance technology and photoelectric measure field that Array CCD detector image tracking system .

  24. 结论:对原发于颞下窝的肿瘤应注意其早期症状,CT检查是诊断颞下窝肿瘤的有效手段,隐蔽于发迹内的侧切口是比较好的手术进路。

    Conclusion : For tumor originating from fossae infratemporalis , early symptoms and CT examination are helpful in diagnosing , and side incision within the hair is a good surgery access .

  25. 利用隐蔽数据求指数型元件可靠性Bayes置信限及Fiducial置信限

    The Bayes confidence limit and the fiducial confidence limit of the reliability for series system masked data

  26. 并且BPSK调制实现了较好的载波抑制,隐蔽性好、抗干扰能力强。

    Moreover the BPSK modulation makes carrier suppression with good concealment and strong anti-jamming ability .

  27. 通过对PE(PortableExecutable)文件格式的分析,可以发现设计优良的静态软件水印也可以实现较好的隐蔽性与鲁棒性。

    Through the analysis of the PE ( Portable Executable ) file format , it is believed that well-designed static software watermarking can achieve better concealment and robustness .

  28. 介绍一种如何在BMP彩色图像中实现信息嵌入的方法。该方法信息嵌入率高,隐蔽性好,且易于实现。

    This paper introduces a method of embedding data in BMP color image , which is a high hiding power and is easy to realize .

  29. 工作于VHF/UHF波段的超宽带合成孔径雷达(UWBSAR)具有穿透叶簇(或地表)对隐蔽目标进行高分辨成像的能力。

    Ultra-WideBand synthetic radar ( UWB SAR ) in VHF / UHF band features the capability of foliage ( ground ) penetration and high resolution imaging of concealed targets .

  30. 本文在上述RFID认证协议的基础上,进一步研究了在公共场所中,由多个隐蔽的恶意RFID读写器构成的跟踪网,威胁RFID标签携带者位置隐私等问题。

    Based upon the above-mentioned RFID authentication protocols , we do further research on the tracking network of hidden malicious RFID reader in public places , and the threat to location privacy of RFID tags carriers .