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  • bandicoot
  1. 他想去够袋狸的耳朵,32岁的凯特王妃说道,她身着一件黄色的连衣裙。

    ' He 's trying to grab his ear , ' said Kate , 32 , who was wearing a yellow dress .

  2. 他们大多喜欢捕食老鼠,袋狸,和其他啮齿类动物,但偶尔吃像鸟一样,飞鼠树栖动物。

    They feed mostly on animals like rats , bandicoots , and other rodents , but occasionally eat arboreal animals like birds and flying squirrels .

  3. 狐狸跟在后面而汤米和崔西的父亲知道那袋狸是濒临绝种的动物,于是允许带它们回家。

    The foxes had been after them and , knowing that bilbies are endangered animals , Tommy and Trish 's father lets them take them home .