
yòu shòu
  • cub;young;joey;whelp;kit;progeny
幼兽[yòu shòu]
  1. 幼兽挤在一起取暖。

    The cubs cuddle up together for warmth .

  2. 我记得尼罗河上的鸟给鳄鱼清洁牙齿。Kropotkin说,在西伯利亚的丛林里,失沽的幼兽和幼鸟会被同类甚至异类收养。

    I remember how birds clean crocodiles ' teeth in the Nile , and the orphaned animals and birds in the Siberian forests who are adopted into the dens and nests of other creatures even other species as Kropotkin witnessed .

  3. 他们成功地使它们每年都产了幼兽。

    They succeeded in getting them to raised cubs annually .

  4. 我们称狮子和老虎的宝宝为幼兽。

    We call babies of lions and tigers as cubs .

  5. 你现在不是在操场上,幼兽!

    You 're not in the playground now , cub .

  6. 而且我们还与小幼兽们睡在一起

    And we also slept together with the cubs .

  7. 我们非常细心的照顾幼兽

    So we were especially nice with our cubs ,

  8. 动物的妈妈和婴儿们。一只北极熊幼兽偎依在他的妈妈知道需要护理他。

    A polar bear cub lets his mother know he 's ready to nurse .

  9. 医师们决定,如果母老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话。

    The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother 's cubs .

  10. 什么名字虎首幼兽?

    What to name tiger 's first cub ?

  11. 幼兽幼小的,常为小型的毛皮动物湿生中小型土壤动物生物量测定方法

    A young , often undersized fur - bearing animal . Determination of soil meso-and microfauna biomass

  12. 我非常喜欢这些幼兽

    I really liked my cubs and

  13. 袋鼠宝宝称作“幼兽”,它们刚出生的时候只有拇指大小!

    Baby kangaroos are called joeys and are only the size of your thumb when they 're born !

  14. 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。

    A bull , finding a lion 's whelp asleep , gored him to death with his horn .

  15. 那些幼兽又弱又矮小.小门开了,葛斯踏进兽笼。

    The cubs were sickly and undersized . The small door opened and Gus stepped inside the cage .

  16. 尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。嗯,气候非常温和。

    Although a vicious hunter , the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs .

  17. 幼兽可分为三期:第一期,难于人工饲养,死亡率约75%。

    They are quite vocal . It is difficult to raise in captivity and the death-rate is about 75 % .

  18. 幼兽——澳大利亚人对幼年袋鼠的称呼——一直待在内置的婴儿袋内,直到能够独立生存。

    The -- what Australians call a baby kangaroo -- stays in this baby carrier until it can survive independently .

  19. 尽管如此,保有狼人部分的孩子或者说幼兽能出生的机会仍然很小。

    However , the chance that any children or cubs that result from such a pairing will breed true is small .

  20. 幼兽跟随童子军进行周末露营旅行,不料却遭遇一场诡异的惊魂之旅。

    Cub follows a scout troop that goes on a weekend camping trip , only to stumble across a rather unique psycho .

  21. 大熊猫的妊娠期和幼兽的初生体重变化很大,分别平均为139.8天和142.6g。

    The study showed a wide range in gestation period and infant body weight and on average they were 139.8 days and 142.6 g.

  22. 幼兽看守的时候会吼叫;他们会放弃森林小树林,进入城墙打猎。他叫哈里在生活中实践吠檀多,放弃不真实的念头,追随真实。

    The cubs shall roar as they keep watch ; they will forsake the forest groves and come hunting inside the walls of cities .

  23. 幼兽皮未鞣制的小动物或幼年动物(如小牛)的皮一面由软牛皮制成的小鼓。

    The untanned hide of a small or young animal , such as a calf . a small drum with one head of soft calfskin .

  24. 幼兽一完成他的成年礼,长辈们就开始赞扬他掌握精神世界的奥秘的需要,激发他无穷的好奇心。

    From the moment a cub completes her rite of passage , elders praise her driving need to understand spiritual mysteries and encourage her boundless curiosity .

  25. 但是它却用奶哺育幼兽。它的奶是由皮肤里的腺体分泌的,流出来聚集在一个“坑里”。

    But it feeds its baby with milk , which comes out from some gland in the skin and wells up in a " pit " .

  26. 所有成功的国家,包括亚洲小虎和幼兽们,都制定了有效的政策提高其技术人员的素质和数量。

    All successful countries including the Asian Tigers and'cubs ' have efficient policies for increasing both the quality and quantity of technically trained personnel [ 6 ] .

  27. 当然当他还是只小幼兽的时候这没什么但是当他长到40或50公斤重时

    And of course when the cub is a small cub , It 's nothing , but when they reach 40 or 50 kg , you know ,

  28. 几只幼兽在父母身边不时笨拙地蹦跃嬉戏。巨兽跃起空中,落在地上发出沉闷的声响。

    From time to time the little ones played round their parents in unwieldy gambols , the great beasts bounding into the air and falling with dull thuds upon the earth .

  29. 北极熊图片集。忠实的妈妈,雌雄通常给予出生双胞的幼兽,停留在它的身旁超过两年直到它们能够猎杀和保护自己。

    Dutiful mothers , female polar bears usually give birth to twin cubs , which stay with her for more than two years until they can hunt and survive on their own .

  30. 猎豹是陆地上速度最快的动物,曾在亚非大地上大量生长,但它们的幼兽常为狮子等捕食,栖息场所也因不断增加的农庄和牧场而缩减。

    The fastest land animal in the world , cheetahs once thrived in Africa and Asia , but lion predation haunts their young , and farms and ranching have reduced their habitat .