• hoof
  • 马、牛、猪等生在趾端的保护物,亦指有角质保护物的脚:~子。~筋。


(牲畜趾端的角质物) hoof:

  • 炖猪蹄

    stewed pig's trotters;

  • 马不停蹄

    make a hurried journey without stop;

  • 蹄声嗒嗒

    clatter of horse's hoofs

  1. 属于或关于指甲、爪或蹄。

    Of or relating to a nail or claw or hoof .

  2. 汽车制动蹄级进模设计

    Design of the Progressive Die for the Auto Brake Hoof

  3. 种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。

    The stallion pawed the ground impatiently .

  4. 科学家们已经发现了一种约有马驹般大小的有蹄草食性动物的骨骼。

    Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a small horse

  5. 离那匹马的后蹄远些。

    Keep away from the horse 's hind feet .

  6. 蹄锋利,呈凹形,富有弹性。

    The cloven hooves are sharp edged , elastic and concave .

  7. 那马赛完后还踢蹬着蹄儿。

    The horse was still pawing the ground after the race .

  8. 那匹马在跑马场的四周遛蹄。

    The horse paced around the ring .

  9. 烂蹄病是可以避免的。

    Foot rot is an avoidable affliction .

  10. 马有四只蹄儿。

    A horse has four hoofs .

  11. 诗18:33他使我的脚快如母鹿的蹄、使我在高处安稳

    He maketh my feet like hinds ' feet , and setteth me upon my high places .

  12. 他使我的脚快如母鹿的蹄,又使我在高处安稳

    He makes my feet like hinds ' feet , and setteth me upon my high places . 33

  13. 腐蹄病C型节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白基因的克隆与表达载体的构建

    Cloning and Construction Expressing Vector of D.nodosus serotype C Pili Gene

  14. Ca、P营养失衡对乳牛蹄病的影响

    Effects of Imbalance Between Ca and P on Hoof Disease of Dairy Cattle

  15. 制动蹄宽度前/后(mm)

    Brake shoe width ( front / rear )

  16. 基于ADAMS的双蹄块式自动变速器仿真研究

    Dynamic Characteristics Simulation of Dual Shoe-type Automatic Transmission Based on ADAMS

  17. 街角一个警察怀疑地打量了他一会儿,注意到了他那水手式的蹄W。

    A policeman on a street corner eyed him suspiciously , then noted his sailor roll .

  18. 变形蹄奶牛与正常蹄奶牛比较,变形蹄奶牛被毛Cu含量升高;

    The content of Cu in the hair of hoof deformities in dairy cattle were higher than those of the control group .

  19. 鹿腐蹄病A型节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白与绵羊IL-2融合基因表达载体的构建与表达

    Construction of a Plasmid Expressing a Fusion Construct of D.nodosus Serotype A Pili Gene and Ovine IL-2 Gene

  20. 冬季时,5S~(-1)、10S~(-1)、30S~(-1)、200S~(-1)切变率下,变形蹄奶牛全血粘度高于正常蹄奶牛(P<0.05)。

    In winter , at shear rates of 5S-1 , 10S-1 , 30S-1 , 200S-1 , whole blood viscosity of hoof deformities in dairy cattle were higher ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  21. 带有三联密码AAA的Kozak序列对品蹄疫DNA疫苗免疫效果的研究

    To Compare the Immunological Results of Foot-and-Mouth Disease DNA Vaccine with Triple Codon AAA of Kozak Sequences

  22. F2为肢蹄因子(或者称为长寿因子),它包括蹄角度、蹄踵深度和后肢侧视。

    Foot & Leg health factor ( or longevity factor ) F2 consists of foot angle , foot heel depth and rear legs-rear view .

  23. Nastran有限元分析软件对制动蹄压簧进行结构强度分析,确定其在装配状态下产生塑性变形的原因。

    Nastran 's finite element analysis software to carry out the structure strength analysis of the compression spring of brake shoe and finds out the plastic deformation reason .

  24. Grace一直躲在车里,而Lucy从未让我忘记她踏进小红狗肉馆看到的第一幕,一口满是炖狗蹄的大锅。

    Grace hid in the car the whole time and Lucy has never let me forget that the first thing she saw , upon entering Xiao Hong 's dog diner , was a wok full of simmering puppy paws .

  25. 美国制动蹄有限公司总裁小威廉oBo盖文在其1949年的经典著作《自下而上的管理》中指出,要想成功地激励员工,需要的是教育,而非说教。

    Successfully motivating employees involves teaching rather than telling , William B. Given Jr. , the president of American Brake Shoe Co. , wrote in his 1949 classic Bottom-Up Management .

  26. 介绍了所研制的D(T)N2-200(400)型汽车制动蹄专用凸焊机的设计原理、基本结构以及KD(T)-2051型微机控制器的控制原理、性能及特点。

    Design principle and basic construction of the self developed model D ( T ) N2 200 ( 400 ) single purpose projection welding machine for motor vehicle brake shoe and control principle , property and features of the model KD ( T ) 2051 microcomputer controller are presented .

  27. 优秀的管理者通常都知道搞“一言堂”的后果。美国制动蹄有限公司总裁小威廉oBo盖文在其1949年的经典著作《自下而上的管理》中指出,要想成功地激励员工,需要的是“教育,而非说教”。

    Great managers have always known the trouble with dictating to employees . Successfully motivating employees " involves teaching rather than telling , " William B. Given Jr. , the president of American Brake Shoe Co. , wrote in his 1949 classic Bottom-Up Management .

  28. 介绍了7523型、540A汽车制动鼓蹄镗削机床的设计性能,提出了机床部分结构缺陷的改进办法。

    The paper introduces the design performance of 7523 type , 540A type truck brake pulley and retaining pawl , and puts forward improving way for some constructive defects in a borer .

  29. 沥青玛蹄脂混合料的路用性能及生产技术

    Properties Used for Road and Production Technology of Stone Matrix Asphalt

  30. 多糖含量的测定:木蹄层孔菌多糖的含量测定采用苯酚-硫酸比色法。

    Polysaccharide content was determined using phenol-sulfuric acid method . 3 .