
  • 网络privacy;Privacy Protection;Privacy Policy;inprivate
  1. 他的酒店至少应该提供一点隐私保护。

    The least his hotel could do is provide a little privacy .

  2. 加强信息安全和隐私保护。

    The meeting underlined the need to strengthen information security and privacy protection .

  3. 改进SET对持卡人的隐私保护

    A Revision of SET to Improve Cardholders ' Privacy Protection

  4. 有效的数据隐私保护对Internet产业的发展极为重要。

    Effective data privacy protection is very important to internet industry .

  5. 基于隐私保护的MobileRFID阅读器协议

    Mobile RFID reader protocol based on privacy-protection

  6. 基于隐私保护的超高频移动无线射频识别(RFID)系统安全性研究

    Research on Security of UHF Mobile RFID Systems Based on Privacy Protection

  7. 隐私保护数据挖掘算法MASK的优化

    Optimization for MASK algorithm in privacy preserving data mining

  8. 隐私保护信息检索(Privateinformationretrieval),简称PIR,是为了保障个人隐私在公共网络平台上的私密性而采用的策略。

    Private information retrieval ( PIR ) is a strategy to protect individual privacy on the public network platform .

  9. 具有隐私保护的RFID标签读取系统

    RFID Reading System with Privacy Protection

  10. RFID的认证与隐私保护

    RFID Authentication and Privacy Protection

  11. 随着Internet的普及,Web服务商业化的发展,Web服务参与者的隐私保护问题已经成为网络用户最关注的问题之一。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of commercialization of web services , the privacy issue of actors for web service becomes one of the hottest topics .

  12. 采用OAuth作为其中一种身份验证协议的Web站点将增强用户的隐私保护和安全性。

    A Web site adopting OAuth as one of its authentication protocols will enhance the privacy and security for users .

  13. 违反这类规则的应用将被拒绝纳入苹果应用商店(APPStore),而任何违反隐私保护政策的行为都有可能导致联邦监管机构执法部门的介入。

    Apps that break these rules risk ejection from the App Store , while any breach of a privacy policy could involve federal regulatory enforcement .

  14. 苹果(Apple)收紧了隐私保护方面的规定,以确保用户对个人数据的担心不至于影响到新一代医疗健身应用的发展。

    Apple is tightening up its privacy rules to ensure a new generation of health and fitness apps are not thwarted by growing concerns over how developers use personal data .

  15. 许多国家的Facebook用户,隐私保护支持者及政府官员均对一些侵害个人隐私的新功能或设置怨声载道。

    Facebook users , privacy advocates and government officials in many countries have lobbed vociferous complaints that some new features or settings were privacy violations .

  16. 假如对于很多人而言,更好的隐私保护真的是个重要因素,那么Google+可能很容易地就风靡开来,届时Facebook将不得不改进自身的隐私政策。

    If better privacy is in fact a big factor for many people , then Google + could easily become so popular enough that Facebook will be forced to improve its own privacy policies .

  17. 基于用户隐私保护的EAP-AKA协议

    EAP-AKA protocol with robust user privacy protection

  18. 其一是采用目录服务模式并基于HandleSystem协议扩展提出的HS-TDM发现机制,实现物品发现信息的分级授权管理和隐私保护。

    The first one is the HS-TDM discovery mechanism , which is extended by Handle System protocol based on directory service mode , and it can support the authorization at different levels and the privacy protection .

  19. 由于P2P技术具有非中心化、可扩展性、健壮性、高性能/价格比、隐私保护和负载均衡等特点,适合应用于文件共享、对等计算、即时通信、协同工作和搜索技术等。

    Since P2P technology has such feathers as non-center , scalability , robustness , high performance / price ratio , privacy protection and load balance , it fits in file share , peer computation , cooperation and search fields .

  20. 直接匿名协议(DAA)由可信计算组织提出,旨在解决远程可信平台的认证和隐私保护问题。

    Direct Anonymous Attestation ( DAA ) protocol was proposed by Trusted Computing Group for secure remote platform authentication and privacy protection .

  21. 总之,本文提出了两种LBS中隐私保护的RNN查询算法,并通过实验对算法的性能进行验证和评估,这将有助于LBS的进一步普及,提供让用户更加满意的安全的服务。

    The experiments proved efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm proposed in this thesis . These contributions will help the further popularization of LBS and provide more satisfactory and security service for user .

  22. 而且对通过间接推理获得敏感信息的行为很难预防。因此,本文在Hadoop基础上,设计了医疗信息的访问控制与隐私保护的方案。

    It is difficult to prevent the obtaining sensitive information from the indirect inference . Therefore , we designed the scheme of access and control privacy protection scheme of medical information based on hadoop in this paper .

  23. 基于数据变换法,提出使用高效数据结构即倒排文件的隐私保护关联规则挖掘算法IFB-PPARM。

    Based on data-distort method , we propose privacy preserving association rules mining algorithm IFB-PPARM using efficient data structure namely inverted file .

  24. DGT协议利用了数字商品的特点,克服了传统电子交易系统在安全性、交易证据、认证机制复杂性、客户隐私保护和数字商品支持等方面的一些不足。

    But there are still many limitations and immature aspects in existence aesthetics . The DGT protocol improves many limitations such as security , evidence of transaction , complexity of authentication in traditional electronic transaction system .

  25. 聚类挖掘中隐私保护的几何数据转换方法

    Geometric Data Transfer Method for Privacy Preservation in Clustering Data Mining

  26. 针对习惯路线预测攻击的定位隐私保护策略

    A Location Privacy Protect Policy For The Usual Route Prediction Attack

  27. 数据挖掘中隐私保护的随机化处理方法

    A Randomized Processing Method for the Privacy Preservation in Data Mining

  28. 这种做法有悖于苹果公司对应用软件开发者严格的隐私保护要求。

    That skirted Apple 's strict privacy guidelines for app developers .

  29. 大阪市立中央图书馆读者隐私保护探析

    On the Reader Privacy Protection in the Osaka City Centre Library

  30. 该机制的主要贡献有:首先,给出了一种匿名的数据隐私保护方法。

    First , an anonymous data preserving method is provided .