
  • 网络SAIC
  1. 分别与通用和大众合资的中国最大汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAICMotorCorp.)去年前11个月销售了414万辆汽车,同比增加12.4%。

    China 's largest auto maker SAIC Motor Corp. , 600104.SH + 4.03 % which has manufacturing ventures with GM and VW , posted a 12.4 % year on year sales gain to 4.14 million vehicles in the first 11 months of last year .

  2. 在发言前,我想首先对此次科普展的另两家主办方&上海汽车集团股份有限公司和上海科技馆表示感谢。

    I 'd like to begin my remarks by thanking SAIC and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum for joining GM as co-sponsors of this important exhibition .

  3. 上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAIC)总裁陈虹说,开发电力发动汽车是发展之必然趋势,汽车制造商必须为这一基础性变革做好准备。

    According to Chen Hong , president of SAIC Motor Co Ltd , developing electric cars is an inexorable trend and auto manufacturers should prepare for the fundamental change .

  4. 阿里巴巴控股集团有限公司正在启动10亿元人民币(1.6亿美元)的资金,与中国最大的汽车制造公司上海汽车集团股份有限公司合作开发互联网汽车,并计划在明年推向市场。

    Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is starting a 1 billion yuan ( $ 160 million ) fund with SAIC Motor Corp. , Chinas largest automaker , to develop a connected car that may go on sale next year .