
  1. 中国正遭到“海龟”的入侵,土生土长的上海人章瑞平(rayzhang)(见上图)就是其中之一。

    China is experiencing an invasion of sea turtles , and Shanghai native ray Zhang , above , is one of them .

  2. 这位身高2.26米的上海人自2002年在NBA选秀夺得状元后,已经打了8个赛季的比赛了,这位小巨人已经饱受伤痛之苦。

    The2.26-meter Shanghai native , who played for eight seasons in the NBA , has been troubled with a series of injuries .

  3. 尽管上海人如此喜爱他们的包子,但《上海未来:重建现代性》(ShanghaiFuture:ModernityRemade)一书的作者安娜•格林斯潘(AnnaGreenspan)说,在中国,各种街头小吃都正面临威胁。

    But for all that Shanghai loves its buns , street eats of all varieties are under threat in China , says Anna Greenspan , author of Shanghai Future : Modernity Remade .

  4. 听口音,她一定是上海人。

    Judging from the accent , she must come from shanghai .

  5. 去年刚经历过申奥成功兴奋的我,那一刻又有一种自豪感油然而生&因为我是一个上海人。

    I was overtaken by special pride because I am Shanghainese .

  6. 刘扬是我们的班长,他是上海人。

    Liu Yang is our monitor and he is from Shanghai .

  7. 上海人决心把上海建成世界型的大都市。

    They are determined to build Shanghai into a cosmopolitan city .

  8. 对上海人而言,青团是清明祭祖时必不可少的供品。

    As for Shanghai , green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings .

  9. 感谢每一个上海人的热烈欢迎!

    Thanks to everyone in Shanghai for the warm welcome !

  10. 你们班还有谁是上海人?

    Who else are from Shang Shanghai in your class ?

  11. 外国人,中国人;上海人,乡下人。

    Foreigners , Chinese ; Shanghai people , countryside people .

  12. 她可能会是我们公司里第一个上海人吧。

    Probably she 'll be the first Shanghai musician in my company .

  13. 杨先生是北京人还是上海人?

    Mr Yang , are you from Beijing or Shanghai ?

  14. 他是什么地方人?他是上海人。

    Where is he from ? He is from shanghai .

  15. 可见新旧上海人密度差异。

    This shows the difference between the old and new Shanghai density .

  16. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。

    He comes from Shanghai , so he prefers rice .

  17. 这说明密度的新老上海人有所不同。

    This shows how the densities of old and new Shanghainese vary .

  18. 易初莲花购物中心已经被上海人普遍认可。

    Lotus Supercenter has been widely recognized by Shanghai people .

  19. 我是上海人,他是北京人。

    I am from Shanghai and he is from Beijing .

  20. 新上海人社会观念的嬗变

    The Transmutation of Social Ideology of New Shanghai Residents

  21. 我觉得上海人很有幽默感。

    I guess Shanghainese have great sense of humor .

  22. 不仅仅是上海人工作压力大。

    The stress of work is not just limited to people in shanghai .

  23. 和老师谈话的那个学生是上海人。

    The student who be talking with the teacher be from Shang hai .

  24. A-Mei:Sherry,你是上海人吧?

    A-Mei : Sherry , are you from Shanghai ?

  25. 上海人最想租什么?(英文)

    What Do Shanghai People Want to Rent Most ?

  26. 李明是北京人还是上海人呢?

    Is Li Ming from Beijing or from Sadherehai .

  27. 谷先生是位上海人,听到太太的夸奖后面带微笑。

    Gu , a native Shanghainese , smiles at his wife 's praise .

  28. 上海人的睡眠时间最长,平均为7小时28分钟。

    People in Shanghai sleep the longest , seven hours and 28 minutes .

  29. 你们中有多少人是上海人?

    How many of you are from Shanghai ?

  30. 上海人非常热情。

    The people in Shanghai are very friendly .