
  1. WT1在哺乳动物性别发育过程中的调控作用

    The Regulating Role of WT1 in Sexual Development of Mammals

  2. 哺乳动物的性别发育经历了个连续不同时期;受精时期性染色体的构建(XY或XX);

    Mammalian sexual development is characterized by three distinct , sequential events : the establishment of sex chromosomal at fertilization ( XY , XX ) ;

  3. 通过对人和动物5α-还原酶的研究进一步证实睾酮和DHT在机体具有不同的功能,DHT对男性性别发育、前列腺的生理和病理均具有重要的影响。

    The analyses of 5 α - reductases in humans and animals highlight the differences between testosterone and DHT , and the significance of DHT in male sexual differentiation and prostate physiology and pathophysiology .

  4. 在这些研究结果的基础上,本文对由于性染色体畸变而导致的性别发育异常的机制进行了分析和讨论。

    Mechanisms of the sex chromosome aberration causing abnomal sex development were discussed .

  5. 目的从医学遗传学角度探讨性别发育异常的病因。

    Objective To study the cause of sexual development abnormality in respect of medical genetics .

  6. 种种因素干扰正常的性别发育,产生范围广泛的生殖畸形或雌雄间性。

    A variety of factors can distort normal sexual development thereby giving rise to various forms of abnormal genitalia or intersexuality .

  7. 国际体育仲裁庭裁定,世界田径规则对于性别发育差异的运动员来说是必要的,以确保公平竞争。

    The CAS ruled that World Athletics regulations were necessary for athletes with differences in sexual development to ensure fair competition .

  8. 性别发育是基本的生命活动过程,它是一个涉及多个基因时空表达的网络调控体系。

    Sexual development is a fundamental process of life , which is a regulatory cascade of spatial-temporal expression of multiple genes .

  9. 人类性别发育包括性别决定和性别分化两个阶段,是由性染色体和常染色体上一系列性别决定和分化基因调控的。

    Sex development in human is determined by lots of genes on sex chromosomes and autosome . It can be divided into two stages : sex determination and sex differentiation .

  10. 在性别发育过程中持续表达的WT1/Wt1与多种伴有性别发育异常的疾病相关,其重要性表现为对多个性别发育关键基因在转录水平和转录后水平的调控。

    WT1 / Wt1 which keeps expressing all the time is related to many diseases which represent abnormal sexual development . It plays an important role in this process acting as regulator for several essential genes .

  11. 哺乳动物的性别发育过程分为两步:第一步性别决定,由基因决定原始性腺发育成睾丸或者卵巢;

    In mammal , sex development can be divided into two steps . The first step is sex determination & it is the consequence of the interactions of many genes which can cause differentiation of gonads as testis or ovary ;

  12. 不同性别和发育阶段的小鼠下颌下腺颗粒曲管的上皮生长因子免疫组化和体视学研究

    An immunohistochemical and stereological study of epidermal growth factor of granular convoluted tubules in submandibular glands in mice of different sex at different developmental stages

  13. 在动物性别向雌性发育的通路上SRY起到了一个阻遏子的作用。

    SRY plays the part of a repressor in the feminization .

  14. 动物实验表明,雄激素对大脑性别差异的发育,以及对维持两性行为和认知的差异都非常重要。

    In many animal species , sex hormones have been shown to be essential for sexual differentiation of the brain during development and for maintaining sexually dimorphic behavior throughout life .

  15. 日本血吸虫具有复杂的生活史,虫体大,抗原复杂,分离、鉴定与血吸虫性别分化、发育相关的分子,对探讨血吸虫的发育及成熟机制,筛选新的抗血吸虫疫苗候选分子都具有重要意义。

    Schistosoma japonicum has a complex life history , parasites large antigen complex , separation , identification and growth-related molecular schistosomiasis , the development and maturation of Schistosoma mechanisms , screening of new anti-schistosome vaccine candidate molecules are of great significance .

  16. 雄激素即男性激素对男性性别的分化和发育起重要作用。

    Androgens , the male sex hormones , play an essential role in male sexual differentiation and development .

  17. 结论可用间隙的临床预测应结合年龄、性别、牙合发育阶段等指标作综合评估。

    Conclusions The prediction of available space should be based on age , sex and stage of occlusion .

  18. 对动物性别决定和性腺发育相关基因的研究是发育生物学重要的研究内容之一,也是水产养殖业中性别人工控制的理论基础。

    Study on animal sex determination-and gonad development-related genes , an important part in developmental biology , is a theoretical basis for artificial sex control in aquaculture .

  19. 目的观察妊娠期及哺乳期镉接触对大鼠性别分化、生长发育和青春期启动的影响,以及其可能的内分泌干扰机制。

    Objective This study aimed to assess the effects of cadmium exposure during gestation and lactation period on sex differentiation , growth and development , and initiation of puberty of the pup rats , and to explore its possible mechanism related to endocrine disruptor .

  20. 性别决定是性别分化和继续发育的前提,受睾丸决定因子SRY/Sry的启动,小鼠的性别决定发生在交配后的10.5d~12.5d,Sry恰好只在此时表达。

    Sex determination is the premise of sex differentiation and following development . The sex determination is started by gene SRY / Sry , which happens between 10.5 d. p.

  21. Dmrt基因是一类与性别决定相关的基因,在性别决定和分化发育中起调控作用,目前已经在多个物种中发现了Dmrt基因。

    The Dmrt gene is a new gene family related to sex-determination , which palys a regulatory role in sex determination and development and found in many species .

  22. 人类原始未分化性腺是具有双潜能的性腺,SRY基因是男性Y染色体短臂上的性别决定基因,其表达诱导原始未分化性腺向睾丸发育,是男性性别发育的始动因素。

    Undifferentiated gonad in human is bipotential . SRY is a sex-determining gene in short arm of Y chromosome which induces bipotential gonads to testis . It is also the initiating factor in male development .

  23. 在生命漫长的进化过程中,性别的遗传是高度保守的,不同进化地位的物种在控制性别发育的过程中有着不同的决定机制。

    Inheritance of gender is highly conserved in the long-term evolution . Animals have different sex regulatory determination mechanism during development .

  24. 鱼类的性别决定与分化是由一系列相关的事件构成的复杂的生物过程,雌性和雄性个体在遗传物质和生活环境的共同作用下,各自向相反的性别发育。

    Sex determination and maintenance in fish involved complex processes with many interacting events . Females and males differentiated in opposite directions with combined actions of chromosomal and environmental factors .