
  • 网络sexuality;sexual feeling;sexual sensation
  1. 吻合皮神经组与未吻合皮神经组比较,保护性感觉的恢复率有显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    The results were significantly different between two groups ( P < 0.001 ) .

  2. 遗传性感觉和自主神经障碍Ⅳ型导致儿童Charcot关节病

    Children charcot joint caused by hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type ⅳ

  3. 在分析了影响人体舒适性感觉诸因素的基础上,讨论了PMV(预测平均投票值&PredictedMeanVote)指标的作用和运算方法。

    PMV ( Predicted Mean Vote ) index is a highly nonlinear function of human being 's thermal comfort influencing factors so that the calculation of PMV index involves complex iterations .

  4. 目的对遗传性感觉和自主神经障碍(HSAN)Ⅳ型导致儿童Charcot关节病的3例患者进行分析,增强对该疾病的认识。

    Objective To improve the knowledge of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy ( HSAN ) type ⅳ by analyzing three children Charcot joint cases caused by this disease .

  5. 通过SD语义差异法的问卷调查得到关于主观对试验区域的热舒适性感觉都很不舒服,都期望能够再凉快一点,树荫下的热感觉要稍好于草地与广场。

    Through the SD semantic differences of the questionnaire survey method to get on a subjective test area the thermal comfort of all feel very uncomfortable , are expected to be able to cool the , the shade of hot feeling a little better than to meadows and square .

  6. 遗传性感觉神经根神经病及染色体组型分析

    The karyotype analysis in a family of hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy

  7. 遗传性感觉神经根病8例报告&与纯神经炎麻风的鉴别

    The differentiation of hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy from pure-neuritic leprosy

  8. 替加色罗对内脏感觉过敏大鼠模型的抗伤害性感觉作用

    The anti - nociceptive property of tegaserod on rat model of visceral hypersensitivity

  9. 糖尿病患者多发性感觉末梢神经病变的其他原因

    Additional causes for distal sensory polyneuropathy in diabetic patients

  10. 2个先天性感觉缺陷性眼球震颤家系皆伴有先天性无虹膜,呈常染色体显性遗传。

    Two sensory defect congenital nystagmus families accompanying with congenital aniridia showed autosomal dominant inheritance .

  11. 遗传性感觉交感神经病Ⅰ型一家系的临床、电生理和病理改变

    Clinical electrophysiological and pathological study on hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type ⅰ in a Chinese family

  12. 这些核团可能是膀胱意识性感觉的中继处。

    These nuclei were thought to be relay stations of the conscious sensory pathway of the bladder .

  13. 近年来,阿霉素的逆行性感觉神经节切除术已被应用于临床治疗一些顽固性神经痛。

    In recent years , retrograde adriamycin sensory ganglionectomy has been used in treatment of refractory neuralgia .

  14. 疼痛性感觉是脊髓损伤后截瘫和四肢瘫患者所面临的一个经常性的和令人烦恼的后遗症。

    Painful sensations are a frequent and troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury .

  15. 成活后的皮瓣远期随访质地一般比较柔软,带蒂皮瓣一般比较薄,相对容易恢复保护性感觉。

    Most of the living skin flaps were soft and thin and were relatively easy to recovery the protecting sensation .

  16. 1例行指神经修复,术后3个月恢复保护性感觉。

    In one patient for whom two digital nerves were repaired , the protective sensation had recovered 3 months postoperatively .

  17. 针对目前的市场波动,她表示,理解波动性感觉起来到底如何,这一点至关重要,否则一切都只是纸上谈兵。

    In relation to the current market volatility , she says it is important to understand what volatility feels like , otherwise it is just theoretical .

  18. 空洞的出现可引起一系列症状和体征:阶段性感觉缺失、痉挛和瘫痪等。

    The presence of a syrinx is responsible for a cohort of specific signs and symptoms that range from dysesthetic sensations with classical algothermal dissociation to spasticity and paresis .

  19. 皮瓣外形、质地较好,恢复保护性感觉,能满足日常生活需要。

    The texture , appearance , and function of the flaps were satisfactory , and no complication occurred . All the flaps had protective sensation , which could meet the requirement of the daily life .

  20. 闪回是以客体时而中断来引起主体连贯性感觉的电影艺术手段,可以推广到教学中。

    Flashback is the way that a object is cut in order to make the main body to has a consistency sensory just as it is used in the cinema is used in the teaching .

  21. 11例获得6~24个月随访,皮瓣质地优良,恢复部份保护性感觉,外形及功能恢复满意。

    All of the 11 cases were followed up for 6 to 24 months , the color and texture of the flap were excellent , the protective sensation were recovered , the configuration and function were satisfactory .

  22. 基于心理感知评分和物理性能的测试数据研究织物性能和舒适感觉之间的关系,得出服装舒适性感觉因子和织物物理性能之间的线性回归方程。

    The relationship between fabric physical properties and clothing comfort was studied based on psychological scaling in comfort perception and physical testing . The regression equation between clothing comfort perception factors and the fabric physical properties was derived .

  23. 本文报告了一个家庭三例遗传性感觉神经根神经病患者的临床表现,并对其中二例及其父母的染色体作了核型分析。

    This paper reported a family in which 3 members suffered from hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy , and described the clinical features of the patients , and analysed the chromosomal karyotype of two patients and of their parents .

  24. 结果对称性感觉运动性周围神经病2例,多发性单神经病2例,感觉性周围神经病1例,脑神经损伤2例,累及中枢神经2例。

    Results Clinically , there were symmetrical sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy in 2 cases , mononeuropathy multiplex in 2 cases , pure sensory peripheral neuropathy in one case , cranial nerves injuries in 2 cases and central nervous system involvement in 2 cases .

  25. 如果非商业性用户感觉我们的呼声在会上没有人听到,那么我们不会让人们参加Icann,格罗斯先生表示。

    If non-commercial users feel like our voices are not being heard at the meetings , we can 't get people to participate in Icann , Ms Gross said .

  26. 改良TEP术主要并发症为皮下或阴囊气肿、血肿或血清肿、暂时性神经感觉异常、膀胱损伤以及腹股沟区异物感。

    05 ) . ( 3 ) The main complication of modified TEP was subcutaneouly or scrotum emphysema , hematomas or seroma , temporariness paresthesia , bladder injury and foreign body sensation in the inguinal area .

  27. [背景与目的]腓骨肌萎缩症(Charcot-Marie-Tooth,CMT)亦称为遗传性运动感觉神经病,具有明显的遗传异质性,临床主要特征是四肢远端进行性的肌无力、肌萎缩以及感觉障碍。

    [ Background and objective ] Charcot-Marie-Tooth ( CMT ) disease , also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies ( HMSN ), is genetically heterogeneous and characterized by slowly progressive distal muscle wasting and weakness with sensory loss .

  28. 如同古希腊悲剧一样,这里面也有着一种必然性的感觉。

    Like in the Greek tragedy , there is a sense of inevitability .

  29. Ia型遗传性运动感觉神经病的临床严重程度和轴突功能障碍

    Clinical disease severity and axonal dysfunction in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy Ia

  30. 节段性分离性感觉障碍并不是诊断脊髓空洞症的必要条件。

    The characteristic segmental sensory disorder is unnecessarily the indispensable clinical feature of syringomyelia .