
  • 网络sex education
  1. 最后,对编写的第一章和第三章的课程内容进行了具体的教学设计,研究设计出了基于SPSS统计软件的有代表性的教育案例分析应用的教学组织形式。

    Finally , compile the first and chapters III in concrete instructional design , research and design the form of representative education case analysis based on SPSS application for teaching organization .

  2. 彼得斯(Peters,2000)认为,遥距教学是一种新型的、工业化和技术性的教育,这一观点与经济效益息息相关。

    The distance teaching is a new type of education with modern technique , which is comparable in the scale to industry .

  3. FrancoArda是SmarterComics公司的创办者和总裁,他之前做过投资银行家,三年前他用自己的资金创办了这家公司,他希望出版知识性的教育类漫画。

    Franco Arda is the founder and head of SmarterComics . He formerly worked as an investment banker . He started the company almost three years ago with his own money . He wanted to create educational comics that increase understanding .

  4. 终身教育思想在当今已经成为一种世界性的教育思潮。

    Life long education has become a fad in the world .

  5. 从事创新性的教育必须有一批具备创新素质的教师。

    Teachers with creative qualities are needed in creative education .

  6. 给出一个假设性的教育定义,它是教育理论研究的逻辑前提;

    A supposed definition of education as the logic prerequisite educational theory study ;

  7. 在调查结果的基础上,从考试、青春期心理变化、学生人际关系、学校教育和社会环境等因素分析学生产生心理健康问题的原因,并相应提出针对性的教育对策。

    , and proposes corresponding educational solutions to the existing psychological health problems .

  8. 提倡和实施素质教育,是世界性的教育改革趋势。

    To advocate and implement education for quality is a world-wide educational reform trend .

  9. 论坚持合规律性的教育观

    On the Rules of Education and Instruction

  10. 国际教育服务贸易从公益性的教育国际交流与合作演变而来。

    Trade in international education services evolves from non-profit international cooperation and exchanges in education .

  11. 乡村职业教育对他们进行了针对性的教育,做到了因材施教;

    Village profession education reached to a situation where students were taught according to their aptitude ;

  12. 缺少一般性的教育或者知识。

    Lacking general education or knowledge .

  13. 针对高职生的职业心理素质特点,提出有针对性的教育对策与方法。

    The author proposed targeted education strategies and methods for vocational students ' vocational mental characteristics .

  14. 可变性是通过采取有针对性的教育策略,这种弱势状况可以得到改善。

    The variability means this disadvantaged situation can be improved by taking a targeted education strategy .

  15. 公共艺术教育集娱乐、欣赏、基本知识于一体,是一项综合性的教育。

    Public art education appreciation , entertainment , basic knowledge in one , is a comprehensive education .

  16. 在充分考虑教育与环境之间的相互关系的基础上,建立了四个具有代表性的教育创新反应扩散模型。

    Four representative diffusion models of educational innovation were established after considering correlations between education and environment .

  17. 在世界性的教育发展主题中,教师的专业化发展问题倍受关注。

    In the subjects on worldwide education development , the development of teachers ' professionalization is paid attention .

  18. 其次,上海郊区结合郊区干部的特点,对他们进行了有针对性的教育。

    Secondly , target education is given to the cadres in the suburbs in line with their characteristics .

  19. 高等教育的国际接轨应是指建立一个具有国际可比性的教育质量的评估和鉴定制度问题。

    Therefore connecting China 's assessment of higher education means establishing an internationally comparable system of evaluation for education quality .

  20. 这所以国际管理教育而久负盛名的学校打算将其坐落于亚利桑那州的校园出售给一家营利性的教育公司。

    The school , long known for its international business focus , is selling its Arizona Campus to a for-profit education company .

  21. 教育史学研究中史料、方法与理论三者密切配合、协调发展;描述叙事性的教育历史与解释分析性的教育历史相互依存、互相促进;

    In the research of the science of education history , historical material , research method and theory are interrelated and coordinated .

  22. 20世纪70年代以来,西方教育科学领域发生了重要的范式转折:由探究普适性的教育规律转向寻求情境化的教育意义。

    A pattern conversion of education that from research general disciplines to seek individual meaning has occurred in developed countries since 1970s .

  23. 民办教育是一种创新性的教育形式,民办教育理论研究也应该是一种创新性的研究。

    In view that private education is an innovative form of education , the study of private education should also be innovative in essence .

  24. 论文第五部分是在结合某县农村中等职业学校办学实际情况的基础上,提出了一些有针对性的教育建议。

    Combining the actual condition of local rural secondary vocational schools , the fifth part of the paper puts forward some targeted education suggestions .

  25. 现代性的教育仍是我国实现现代化的重要手段,也是现代人生存发展的重要手段。

    The modernity-oriented education is still an important means for China to realize her modernization program and for modern human beings to achieve self development .

  26. 心理健康教育要注意分类指导,针对不同培养类型、不同年级特点进行有针对性的教育;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) The mental health education should be aimed directly at the characteristics of the students for different educational purposes and their grades .

  27. 实践需求与理论缺失说明了建构具有针对性的教育工程管理理论的必要性和重要性。

    The practice demand and the lack of theory show the necessity and importance of constructing the educational engineering management theory in view of this situation .

  28. 外语学科由于自身特点和社会的需要,必然要在教学过程中真正体现主体性的教育理念。

    The subject of foreign languages should inevitably embody the educational concept of subjectivity in the teaching process owing to its own characters and social needs .

  29. 创新型教师具有创新性的教育观念、知识结构、能力结构、教学方法和人格特征。

    The innovation-typed teachers have to have the following characteristics : innovative senses of education , innovative knowledge structure , abilities structure , teaching methods and personality .

  30. 现代性的教育观之出路在于现代性与后现代性的教育观的有机整合,即走和合之路。

    In this sense , the way out for modernity-oriented educational outlook lies in the organic integration of modernity-oriented educational outlook and post - modernity-oriented educational outlook .