
guài wèi
  • Strange odor;wrong with
怪味 [guài wèi]
  • [wrong with] 怪异的气味

  • 茶有什么怪味吗?

怪味[guài wèi]
  1. 妈把那玩意扔出去了,她说它有股怪味。

    Ma threw that out . She said it smelled

  2. 例句这牛奶闻起来有怪味。我觉得它变质了。

    This milk smells a bit2 funny - I think it 's gone off .

  3. 他做了个鬼脸,打算用咖啡把那怪味地冲下去。

    He made a wry face and attempted to wash the taste away with coffee .

  4. JonesSoda公司执行官皮特·凡·斯托克表示,既便他自己喝不惯这些怪味饮料,但它们总是很畅销。

    Peter van Stolk , chief executive of Jones Soda , said on Monday the collection of strange-flavored sodas usually sells out quickly , even though he can not stomach the drinks .

  5. 我在米饭里吃出了怪味,就把饭吐了出来。

    I tasted something nasty in the rice and I spat .

  6. 如果没有东西腐烂的话是不会有怪味的。

    If nothing 's rotten , then there is no stench .

  7. 我不喜欢榴莲,特别是那股浓烈的怪味。

    I don 't like durians especially their strong odd smell .

  8. 一名乘客告诉空服员她闻到怪味。

    A passenger told a flight attendant that she smelled something funny .

  9. 她身上的怪味给她添了很多麻烦。

    A strange smell about her caused her much trouble .

  10. 鱼也死了,怪味到处都是。

    Fish are dying , and the stench is everywhere .

  11. 难怪整个房子有怪味了。

    This is what you smell all over the place .

  12. 微风已经变了,空气中散发着一种怪味,这里还有个庞然大物。

    Thebreezehad changed and there was a strange smell in the air .

  13. 它们很可口,不过会让你的尿液有股怪味。

    They 're tasty , and they make your pee smell funny .

  14. 我嘴巴里有股怪味。

    I 've got a funny taste in my mouth .

  15. 你能去除我嘴里这怪味吗

    You can get this taste out of my mouth ?

  16. 园子很快就充满了烧垃圾的怪味。

    The garden was soon stinking with burning rubbish .

  17. 这儿怎么会有股怪味?

    Why does it smell so weird in here ?

  18. 我一进屋就发觉到那股怪味。

    I remarked the unpleasant odor as soon as I entered the house .

  19. 这件衣服油腻腻的,还有怪味,像臭鱼似的。

    It is greasy and has a foul smell , like rotten fish .

  20. 要知道,你那条狗身上有怪味!

    You know , that dog of yours smells !

  21. 锅里冒出一股怪味。

    The cooker is giving off a funny smell .

  22. 固态法小曲白酒出现怪味的解决方法

    Solutions to Strange Taste in the Production Process of Xiaoqu Liquor by Solid Fermentation

  23. 他口里有怪味。

    His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth .

  24. 他的手很潮有股怪味。

    His hand was damp and smeiied strange .

  25. 把桔子皮放进冰箱里可以把怪味吸掉。

    Put some orange peels in the refrigerator and they can absorb odd smell .

  26. 不,我试过了.她说我那儿有股怪味.

    No , I tried that . She says it has a weird smell .

  27. 就是因为这种怪味,很多人第一次喝豆汁儿都觉得难以下咽。

    But most people will find it hard to swallow because of the odor .

  28. 民众甚至将窗帘用漂白水泡过,试着减少怪味。

    People even soaked their curtains in bleach to try to reduce the odor .

  29. 怪味鸡是我们的特色菜。

    Special spicy chicken is our specialty .

  30. 这种食品有种怪味。

    The food has a peculiar taste .