
zǒnɡ bāo
  • general contracting
  1. 浅谈总包单位的施工协调论建筑工程总承包企业的管理

    Discussion on construction coordination of general contracting unit ON MANAGEMENT OF GENERAL CONTRACTING ENTERPRISE OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING

  2. 工程分包与工程总包、承揽分包、联合承包有密切联系,但与工程转包有本质不同。

    There is some close relation between subcontracting construction partly and general contracting , contract subcontracting , joint contract , but is different from subcontracting construction wholly in nature .

  3. AHP层次分析法在总包招标评标中的应用

    The application of Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) in general contract tendering and assessment

  4. 并与一步总包反应(采用EDM模型)进行对比,验证了自定义标量法和所采用的机理的正确性。

    Compare this method with one step reation model ( EDM ) and validate the correctness of this method and the mechanism .

  5. 所有员工在进入现场前,接受总包商的HSE教育,详细了解有关HSE规章制度。

    Before all employees entering into the site , they must accept HSE education of the general contractor and relative HSE rules and regulations must be informed .

  6. 根据Hu-Wang所推导的采用质量浓度单位(mol.kg-1)时,消除排除水影响的总包聚酯化反应方程,对Flory和Lin的动力学方程进行了修正。

    Flory 's and Lin 's kinetic equations were amended by using Hu-Wang 's general polyesterification kinetic equation which eliminate the effect of the removal of water .

  7. 通过回归计算得到了碳酸化分解过程的总包成核表观活化能为123.679KJ/mol,表明该成核过程为化学反应控制。

    The apparent activation energy of nucleation of carbonization process obtained by regression calculation is 123.679KJ / mol , it can be seen that this process is a crystallization process controlled by chemical reaction .

  8. 并对CO络合催化机理进行了讨论,求得总包反应级数约为1.3,表观活化能为50.46kJ·mol-1。

    Based on the results obtained , the overall reaction order and apparent activation energy calculated are ~ 1.3 and 50.46kJ · mol - 1 respectively . The mechanism of CO oxidation on Pd (ⅱ) _Cu (ⅱ) / activated carbon was discussed at the same time .

  9. 本文利用纤维分散装置使纤维分散,发现纤维束的总包覆角为270°、纤维张力为25N时,纤维可被较好地分散;

    In this paper , fiber bundles were dispersed by the special fiber dispersion device . The fibre bundles could be well dispersed while the total wrap angle is 270 ° and fiber tension around 25N .

  10. 电站工程总包方对分包方及其产品的质量控制措施

    Quality Controlling Measures of General Contractor for Subcontractor and Its Products

  11. 射频识别技术在邮政速递总包中的应用与实现

    The Application and Implementation of RFID in Postal Express Total Package

  12. 射频编码信息在邮政总包中的应用探讨

    Discussion on the Application of RFID Tag 's Coding to Post Bags

  13. 项目总承包在燃机电厂建设中的运用工程总承包项目中总包对电气分包的管理控制

    Management control of chief contractor to electrical engineering partial contractor in general project

  14. 改进的总包性立方型状态方程

    An Improvement on Generalized Cubic Equation of State

  15. 验证点的总包含数以及百分比包含数

    Total contains and percent contains for verification points

  16. 是集设计、开发、工程总包、设备制造为一体的综合性企业。

    The company owns a group of professionals , advanced products and independent intellectual properties .

  17. 片状触媒合成金刚石有一个重要现象:金刚石总包覆着一层很薄的金属膜,金属包膜在金刚石的生长过程中起着重要作用。

    Metallic film plays an important role in the phase transformation of synthetic diamond single crystal .

  18. 根据业主、总包方提出的制作顺序进行图纸深化、钢结构制作。

    Deepen the drawings and make the steel structure in the fabrication order provided by employer and contractor .

  19. 过高的总包覆角和纤维张力容易使纤维磨损程度加剧。

    But when the total wrap angle and fiber tension is bigger , fiber will be damaged severely .

  20. 总包商应将总包商代表的委任职责和权限通知分包商。

    The Contractor shall notify the subcontractor of the delegated duties and authority of this contractor 's representative .

  21. 结果表明,铁水反应是由两个基元反应组成的总包反应。

    The results show that reaction of iron with water is an overall reaction , divided into two elementary reactions .

  22. 项目管理:帮助设计师,总包方,最终用户理解公司产品和优势。

    Projects management : work with architects , general contractors , end users and explain the products benefits and results .

  23. 总包商不应不合理地扣留或延误分包商适当申请所需的确认。

    The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold or delay required validation of or assistance to the subcontractor 's proper applications .

  24. 施工风险管理合同中,贵公司的财务职责和职权类似于总包商时。

    Cm contracts at-risk where your firm 's financial responsibility and exposure are similar to that of a general contractor .

  25. 然后,对建筑智能化总包行业背景、发展状况、竞争格式进行了具体先容。

    And , for a total package of intelligent building industry background , development status , competition pattern described in detail .

  26. 分析了设计单位进行工程总承包的优势所在;探讨了工程总包实施中各类风险。

    Analysed the predominance of design institute in general contract project and discussed all kinds of risk in project general contract .

  27. 该项目由我公司技术人员协助总包单位进行施工图深化设计。

    This program is designed and refined by our professional employees in the process of assisting the colleagues from the head office .

  28. 介绍一种新的工程管理模式&工程咨询管理总包,并介绍了日照港的建设经验。

    This paper presents a new engineering management mode : engineering consultation management contracting , and recommends the experience of Rizhao Port .

  29. 我公司为项目总包商,负责建立检测站,并对其进行调试,以及后期的运行维护。

    BRW was the turn key company , built and debugged the stations , and is responsible for running and maintaining them .

  30. 博瑞德提供工艺技术包、工程设计和工程总包服务,也提供环保和公用事业领域的投资经营服务。

    Puritek provide process engineering solutions and turnkey project services as well as investment services in the water , environmental and utilities field .