
zǒnɡ tǐ zhàn zhēnɡ
  • total war
  1. 第二次世界大战是一场典型的总体战争,交战各方都动员了各自国家的一切力量进行战争。

    The Second World War is a typical total war with each side mobilizing every aspect of force to fight .

  2. 同时,指出在有限战争和总体战争中军事体系的各个因素所发挥的作用是不一的。

    At the same time , this article pointed out that the various factors in the military system play a role is different in a limited war and a total war .

  3. 苏联的卫国战争在世界反法西斯总体战争中占有重要地位。

    The great Soviet patriotic war against nazi Germany was in the highest flight in the world anti - Fascist War .

  4. 这两类小说看似风格迥异,但都从总体上对战争进行了否定,使现代反战文学达到了一定的艺术高度。

    They appear to be totally different in styles but they generally deny wars , making contemporary anti-war literature reach a high art level .

  5. 总体和平、局部战争,总体缓和、局部紧张,总体稳定、局部动荡,是当前和今后一个时期国际形势发展的基本态势。

    The basic trend of the development of the international situation at present and in a period to come features overall peace , local wars , overall relaxation , local intension , overall stability and local fluctuation .