
  • 网络War Theory;theory of war
  1. 因此,孟子的政治哲学和战争理论存在着根本的缺陷。

    Therefore Mencius'political philosophy and theory of war are basically flawed .

  2. 战略问题和战争理论问题的研究,至今还只限于极少数人的工作。

    But so far only a few people have taken up the study of the problems of strategy and the theory of war .

  3. “正义战争理论”的当代意义论析

    An analysis of the current significance of " just war theory "

  4. 从战争理论看企业竞争的本质属性及指导原则

    The Nature and Guiding Principle in Business Competition in Terms of Military Theory

  5. 克劳塞维茨的战争理论揭示了战争的三位一体本质,即战争是暴力性、不确定性和政治从属性的结合体。

    The war theory of Clausewitz opens out the " trinity " of war .

  6. 正义战争理论是近代国际法的重要基础,战争影像与战争正义性建构关系密切。

    The construction of war-image and that of the just war doctrine are closely related .

  7. 在现代战争理论中,如何对综合火力打击计划方案实现有效评估成为一个重要研究方向。

    In modern war 's theory , how to evaluate efficiently the plan for comprehensive fire attacking has been an important research direction .

  8. 孟子是中国历代农民起义战争的理论始祖。

    Mencius'is the theoretical forefather of the various peasant uprisings in Chinese history .

  9. 战争因果理论之检证和应用;战争之未来展望及解答。

    Testing and Applying Theories of War Causation ; the Future of War , Solutions to War .

  10. 自然法复兴催生了惩治战争犯罪理论;新自然法学促进了国际人道法体系的完善。

    The revive of natural law puts forward the theory of punishing war crime , and new natural law promotes the perfection of internation - al humanitarian law .

  11. 这就是毛的“人民战争”理论在大范围内施行的一个有力案例&一支庞大的革命军队能够在群众的支持下获得成功!

    This was Mao 's " people 's war " carried out on a grand scale , a powerful example of what a large revolutionary army could accomplish with the support of the masses .

  12. 但是WendyBarnaby说,未来出现“水战争”的理论是一个神话。

    But the idea of future'water wars'is a myth , says Wendy Barnaby .

  13. 关于高技术战争经济问题理论研究的构想

    An idea of theoretical research of hi-tech war economic issues

  14. 战争的讨价还价理论&探索战争的理性主义解释

    Bargaining Theory of War : Exploring Rationalist Explanations for War

  15. 提倡战争或尚武理论的人。

    A person who advocates war or warlike policies .

  16. 战争成本的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of the war cost

  17. 他是中国军事技术史上提出火炮在战争中应用理论的第一人。

    He was the first in China to put forward the theory of applying artillery in warfare .

  18. 本文通过对非战争军事行动理论和实例的分析,探讨了非战争军事行动的内涵,并着重论述其不同于战争行动的特点,以及与战争行动的基本关系。

    Through analyzing theory and practice of Non war military operations , this thesis discusses its connotation , characteristics and relationship with war military operations .

  19. 《孙子兵法》既是现存最古老的战争与战略理论著作,也是优秀的军事哲学和战略思维著作。

    The Art of War is not only the oldest of war and strategic theory writings , but also an excellent work of military philosophy and strategic thinking .

  20. 艾森豪威尔于1954年4月提出的多米诺骨牌理论是越南战争的指导理论。

    The Domino Theory , which Eisenhower put forward in April 1954 , is the guidance theory in the Vietnam War that four American governments carried out later .

  21. 战争与和平理论是国际关系理论核心理论之一,不同的理论流派对于战争与和平的认识有着不同的观点。

    War and peace theory is one of the core theories of international relations theories , different theories for understanding of war and peace have different points of view .

  22. 按照马基雅弗利的理论来看,美国的新部署是不是为了掩饰美军在伊拉克和阿富汗悬而未决的撤退,又或者是为美国的长期战争打下理论基础?

    In Machiavellian terms , is the new American deployment a cover for the pending withdrawal of American combat forces in Iraq and Afghanistan , or the real rationale for the Long War ?

  23. 它不仅是正确解读20世纪西方战争文学的理论前提,而且在“以人为本”的理念深入社会生活众多领域的今天,具有更为深广的现实意义。

    It not only is the theory premise to re-read exactly the western war literature but also has thoroughly practical significance in today 's theory of individualism deep into many fields of social life .

  24. 将战争成本最小化理论运用到完善我军的目前战时财力预测模型中,综合资金成本作为财力动员评价的重要指标。

    The theory of cost minimal in the war is used to improve financial resources forecasting model of our armed forces and the synthesized fund cost is taken as the important quota of the financial resources mobilization evaluations .

  25. 医学模式的转变,医学科技的迅猛发展,信息技术和现代管理理论在卫勤保障领域的不断渗透和应用,促进了现代战争卫勤保障理论的发展,为改革现行卫勤教育训练体系提供了必要条件。

    It takes the requirement that the development of health service theory on modern war with the change of the medicine mode , swift progress of medical science and technology , the constantly infiltration and application of information technique and modern administerial theories .

  26. 战争法运用的理论探讨

    The Theoretical Discussion on the Application of the Law of War

  27. 经济战争的类战争理论分析

    Theoretical research of quasi-war of the economic war

  28. 皆在能够促进我国对战争游戏法的理论研究和实践的应用。

    We hope this study could promote both the theoretical study and the practical study of wargaming in China .

  29. 信息化战争研究需要系统理论的指导,需要新型的战争模拟手段。

    War problem 's research in the information age needs system theory and new methodology of war gaming & simulation .

  30. 所有这些,今后都应该注意,而战争和战略的理论则是一切的骨干。

    We must now pay great attention to all these things , but most of all to the theory of war and strategy .