
zhàn zhēnɡ jī qì
  • war machine;war apparatus
  1. 德国的战争机器摇摇晃晃,声音隆隆地越过了边界,快到林茨时却走不动了。

    The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill Linz .

  2. 托尼的朋友“罗德上校”(Col.James“Rhodey”Rhodes)也有自己的“钢铁爱国者”(IronPatriot)战甲,它是一套更新换代并且新刷了涂料的“战争机器”(WarMachine)战衣。

    Tony 's friend Col. James ' Rhodey ' Rhodes ( Don Cheadle ) has his Iron Patriot suit , which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint .

  3. 她曾担任微软工作室的艺术总监,与游戏开发商一起合作开发了《极限竞速》(ForzaMotorsport)、《世界街头赛车》(ProjectGothamRacing)、《战争机器》(GearsofWar)和《质量效应》(MassEffect)等热门游戏。

    She previously served as director of art at Microsoft Studios , working with game developers on franchises like Forza Motorsport , Project Gotham Racing , Gears of War , and Mass Effect .

  4. 而且铁匠铺可以升级以购买额外的战争机器。

    As well as a blacksmith upgrade for purchasing additional war machines .

  5. 它的强大的战争机器在很大程度上是寄生性的。

    Its formidable war machine had been to a large degree parasitic .

  6. 他的战争机器扫除了欧洲绝大部分地区的抵抗。

    His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe .

  7. 为苏联破坏了纳粹战争机器的运转。

    The USSR for breaking the might of the Nazi war machine .

  8. 他们要求“战争机器”以色列。

    They want what they call " the Israeli war machine " .

  9. 同时也是帝国战争机器的一个组成部分;

    Yet an integral part of the Imperial War machine ;

  10. 你怎么会想去报效这个腐败的美利坚战争机器呢?

    How could you want to serve the corrupt American war machine ?

  11. 同盟国最终粉碎了纳粹的战争机器。

    The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine .

  12. 它剩下的只有无尽无休的由商人和战争机器发动的代理战争。

    It 's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines .

  13. 这支部队是第一批现场试验新装备和新战争机器的单位之一。

    These troops were among the first to field-test new equipment and combat gear .

  14. 后来逐渐由单纯的战争机器演化为学术工具、商业工具。

    Then gradually evolved from the simple war machine tools , business tool for academic .

  15. 西方进攻的主要目标是摧毁他们的战争机器。

    The primary objective of any Western offensive would be to neuter their war machine .

  16. 我们已无法控制局势,战争机器缓缓走向灭亡。

    The situation was out of our hands and the war machine ground on towards disaster .

  17. “曼联是一架战争机器,而他们的速度已经慢了下来,”卡佩罗说。

    " Manchester United were a war machine and they have slowed down ," Capello said .

  18. 你甚至还能找到战争机器,在电影中都没怎么出镜的那种。

    You will even find War Machine , who isn 't even really in the movie that long .

  19. 这些战舰上的军官和大多数人一样,对纳粹的战争机器都幼稚地估计过高,而且十分羡慕。

    These battleship officers , like most people , were callowly inclined to admire and overestimate the Nazi war machine .

  20. 钛飞行员必须学会把自己看作个别的牺牲品,看作帝国战争机器的一个主要部分。

    TIE pilots learn to view themselves as individually expendable , yet an integral part of the Imperial war machine .

  21. 游牧政治则呼吁以战争机器对抗国家装置的捕获和专横统治。

    Nomadic politics that appeals to war-machine fighting against the capture and " despotic rule " of the apparatus of state .

  22. 习惯了宁静生活的居民,纷纷表示这架战争机器“有碍观瞻“,威胁到了本地安全,于是召来了警察调停“邻里纠纷”。

    Police have now been called in to settle the " neighborhood dispute " amid claims the tank was intimidating locals .

  23. 尽管南方联盟决心巨大,但囿于物资转运设施方面的不足它难以与北方强大的战争机器抗衡

    For all the Confederacy 's commitment , its inferior logistical infrastructure has been no match for the North 's unstoppable war machine .

  24. 战争机器有着将视觉效果,音乐,情感混合在训练关卡的传统。

    Gears of War has a long standing tradition of mixing visuals , music , and emotion in their trailers for the game .

  25. 一个战争机器的图片也出现在了结尾字幕的画面里,并且盔甲的肩部装上了格林机关枪。

    An animation of a War Machine suit can also be seen in the closing credits with a Gatling gun attached on a shoulder .

  26. 如果说,没有对生命的悲悯与敬畏,没有对战争机器的鞭挞和否定,也就不可能在生命语境的角度来解读战争和反思战争。

    It is impossible to interpret and reflect the war in the context of life without compassion of life and fear , whipping the war machine .

  27. 研究火箭坦克-这个升级项目可以把攻城坦克变为“战争机器”,给它们火箭用以攻击空中单位。

    Research Rocket Tank - This upgrade changes Steam Tanks into War Engines , giving them a rocket-like attack versus air units . CURRENTLY NOT ACTIVE !

  28. 你们将与其他战线上的英勇盟军及兄弟一起并肩战斗,摧毁德国的战争机器。

    In company with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts , you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine .

  29. 新近的展览提醒着游客们,广岛当年被锁定为攻击目标,绝非偶然,而是因为它曾是日本战争机器的繁忙的制造中心。

    Newer exhibits in Hiroshima have reminded visitors that the city was no random target , but a buzzing manufacturing hub of the Japanese war machine .

  30. 所以,写一本书,承认支持酷刑和邪恶红利的战争机器,有什么不喜欢切尼的呢?

    So , write a book , admit to supporting torture and make obscene profits on the war machine , what 's not to like about Cheney ?