
  • 网络Bandwidth;Mbps;MHz;Gbps;system bandwidth
  1. 这样的方法,就能将语音信息需要的总带宽限制在300Hz以内,而且能保证足以能够听懂的语音质量。

    In this way , sufficient information was abstracted for intelligible speech to be reconstructed , and yet the total bandwidth was confined to less than 300 Hz .

  2. 传送带[流水]作业法所有流产生的总带宽和总的可用带宽

    Total aggregate bandwidth produced by all streams and total bandwidth available

  3. 在高速大容量数据采集系统中,当数据传输率的总带宽达到132MB/s以上时,如果通过PC机的PCI总线使数据存入IDE硬盘,将难以实现。

    It is difficult to implement storing data into IDE hard disks through PCI buses of personal computers , when data transfer rate is higher than 132MB / s in the high speed large capacity data acquisition systems .

  4. 显示此接口保留的总带宽,以比特/秒为单位。

    Shows the reserved bandwidth for this interface , in bits per second .

  5. 总带宽140nm。

    The total bandwidth is 1 40 nm .

  6. 地面网络的总带宽约为每秒20千比特。

    The total bandwidth of the ground network is about 20 kilobits per second .

  7. 同样,查看过去使用的总带宽并推断未来的变化,可以帮助判断什么时候需要进行网络升级。

    Similarly , watching the total bandwidth used in the past and extrapolating to the future helps you determine when network upgrades are needed .

  8. 为了增加可调谐光纤激光器的调谐带宽,需要一种具有大信道间隔、大的总带宽、各信道的峰值反射率在带内保持均匀而在带外迅速下降的多信道滤波器。

    In order to increase the bandwidth of tunable fiber laser , a large channel spacing and bandwidth multi-channel filter with same reflection peak is required .

  9. 本文给出了一种采用前后交叉连接结构的高速大容量背板的具体设计实现,在保证信号完整性前提下大大降低了设计难度,其总带宽达到1Tb/s。

    This paper presents a detailed design of a backplane with high speed , huge capacity and a bandwidth of 1 Tbps using the architecture of front-and-rear cross-link , which ensures signal integrity and lowers the design complexity .

  10. 考虑了主用户的频谱总带宽、次用户终端剩余电量以及主用户对不同次用户在频谱接入中的信任度对频谱共享的影响,设计了新的次用户效用函数和频谱共享算法。

    Considering the three factors total bandwidth of primary users , secondary terminal remaining battery capacity and reliance of different secondary users which would have influence on the spectrum allocation , a new secondary utility and spectrum sharing algorithm are designed .

  11. 加之实时多媒体业务占用的带宽明显加大,在网络总带宽一定的情况下,导致每个用户可以用来接收多媒体业务的带宽不足,造成播放效果不佳。

    Moreover , the real time multimedia service with high bandwidth occupation is growing more , in the condition of certain total bandwidth , every user has no enough bandwidth to receive multimedia service , so the playback performance is poor .

  12. 本文以带宽分配和功率消耗为优化参数,系统总带宽、各链路最大发射功率以及回程链路与接入链路间的容量均等为限制条件,来实现优化系统吞吐量的目的。

    To achieve a better performance of system throughput , bandwidth allocation and power consumption are regarded as variables to be jointly optimized , which are under constraints of total bandwidth , transmission power and balanced capacity between backhaul link and access link .

  13. 本文将流量实时采集技术与流量控制技术相结合,提出了一种动态流量管理的思路,可以根据内网总带宽的使用情况及个人网络带宽使用情况,动态对网络流量管理策略进行调整。

    This article innovatively combined flow collection technology with flow control technology , and then proposed an idea of dynamic traffic management system , which adjust network traffic management strategy to the actual network environment according to the total and personal network bandwidth usage .

  14. 以ENGINE构建的多业务网络通过动态分配带宽资源,可以最大化地利用现有资源,相应地节省所需的总的带宽容量。

    The multi-service network based on ENGINE could utilize the existing network resource and save band capacity by assigning band resource dynamically .

  15. 针对总预留带宽最小化及总平均时延最小化的优化目标,本文提出了一种较为少见的分层式路由算法。

    To minimize the total reserved bandwidth and total average delay , this paper proposed a novel hierarchical routing algorithm .

  16. adhoc网络路由协议的主要目的是网络拓扑的动态变化、任意两个节点之间建立一个使得通信总费用和带宽消费最少的正确和有效的通信路径。

    The main aim of any such ad hoc network routing protocol is to meet the challenges of the dynamically changing topology and establish a correct and an efficient communication path between any two nodes with minimum routing overhead and bandwidth consumption .

  17. 但是如何处理它的数据却是一大难题,原因在于它总的方位向带宽通常远远大于方位向采样率(PRF),这样会产生严重的方位向频谱混叠效应。

    Because usually its azimuth 's bandwidth is much larger than the pulse repetition frequency ( PRF ), these will cause serious azimuth spectral aliasing phenomenon .

  18. 一般的电压比较器由多级直接耦合放大器组戒,其精度(灵敏度)主要取决于总电压增益,响应速度取决于总带宽,精度与响应速度是矛盾的,难以实现高速和高精度。

    The common voltage comparators consist of multistage DC amplifier . It is difficult to realize high speed and high precision .