
  • 网络franchisee;Distributor;Exclusive Distributor
  1. 外商投资设立汽车总经销商、品牌经销商有关工作,由外资司负责;

    Foreign Funds Department is responsible for foreign tradesmen 's investment in automobile distributor or brand distributor .

  2. 2011年11月,他被任命为摩根汽车的首位在华总经销商,这一结果多多少少是出于偶然。

    Mr James was appointed as Morgan 's first general distributor in China in November 2011 - more or less by accident .

  3. 诚征全国各地区总经销商。总代理!

    Wanted various regions of the country the dealer .

  4. 此外,总经销商也可向思科服务的销售代表或客户服务经理了解此次价格调整的相关问题。

    Distributors can also contact their Cisco Services marketing representative or service account manager for questions related to this change .

  5. 建议总经销商通过订购工具查看最新的折扣。

    Distributors are encouraged to refer to the ordering tools , which have been updated to account for the new discount .

  6. 本供货商希望在亚洲某些地区开拓市场,并相应地委任本经销商作为覆盖本地域内市场的特许总经销商。

    The Supplier desires to expand into certain markets in Asia and accordingly appoints the Distributor to be the exclsuive distributor of the Products in the Terrotories covering these markets .

  7. 此外,在销售激励策略下,建立改进的库存策略模型,提出总经销商的让利行为会对分销系统的协同化高效运行起到积极作用。

    Based on the model outcome , a reasonable stock-sharing strategy of the distribution system is achieved . In addition , given sales incentive strategy , margin let of general dealer will play a positive role in efficient operation of distribution system .

  8. 在听证会上,通用和克莱斯勒的总经理与经销商们并肩坐在了一起。

    In the packed chamber , the GM and Chrysler executives sat side by side with dealers .