
  • 网络Hang Lung Properties
  1. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .

  2. 《福布斯》(Forbes)估计,陈氏兄弟的身家合计30亿美元,在香港富豪榜上名列第17位。二人的父亲创建了恒隆地产。

    Forbes estimates that the brothers , whose father founded Hang Lung , are worth a collective $ 3bn , placing them 17th on the Hong Kong rich list .