
  • 网络Kaisa;KAISA GROUP
  1. 今年,一度最受外国投资者亲睐的开发商佳兆业集团(KaisaGroup)差一点发生离岸债务违约,后来幸得另一家开发商出手相救。

    Kaisa Group , once a favorite of foreign investors , nearly defaulted on its offshore debt this year before being rescued by another developer .

  2. 去年,佳兆业集团违约之后市场情绪产生巨大波动,引发了有关政府开始撤销对开发商隐形支持的担忧。

    Last year saw a large swing in sentiment after the default by Kaisa Group aroused fears that the state was withdrawing its implicit support for property developers .

  3. 辞职仅数月后,身陷困境的中国房地产开发商佳兆业集团前掌门人出人意料地再次掌权。这让人们怀疑,竞争对手对该公司的救助是否会继续。

    Just months after resigning , the former head of the embattled Chinese property developer , the Kaisa Group , returned unexpectedly to the helm , raising doubts about whether the company 's rescue by a rival will move forward .