
  • 网络jiamusi university
  1. 最后,基于.NET开发环境和SqlServer2000数据库管理系统,成功开发了佳木斯大学人事管理信息系统,实现了系统的基本功能。

    Finally , based on the NET development environment and SQL Server 2000 database management system , the successful development of the Jiamusi University personnel management information system , realize the basic functions of the system .

  2. 通过问卷调查、电子邮件联系和网上MSN视频采访的形式对以个体主义和集体主义文化纬度为代表的,中国佳木斯大学和美国纽约城市大学共90名师生进行研究。

    The subjects of this study are 90 teachers and students separately from Jiamusi University and City University of New York representing respectively the collectivistic and individualistic cultures . The instruments used in the research are questionnaire , email communication and interview via video chat on MSN .

  3. 佳木斯大学校园草坪杂草群落组成和多样性研究

    Study on the Composition and Diversity of Weed Communities in Jiamusi University Campus

  4. 由佳木斯大学动物实验室提供并饲养。

    Jiamusi University by providing laboratory and animal husbandry .

  5. 佳木斯大学素质教育课程的现状及对策研究佳木斯地块古生代变质作用与构造演化

    Research on the Quality Education Current Situation and Countermeasure of Jiamusi University ; Paleozoic Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Jiamusi Block

  6. 随着佳木斯大学数字化校园建设的不断深入,以及学校各业务部门应用系统的开发和投入使用。

    Jiamusi University Digital Campus with the construction of the deepening and the business school application system development and put into use .

  7. 单位:佳木斯大学预防医学教研室和哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院流行病教研室。

    SETTING : Prevention Medical Research Room of Jiamusi University and Department of Epidemiology , College of Public Health , Harbin Medical University .

  8. 材料和方法:1.实验材料准备:本实验中骨碎补/天然羟基磷灰石/壳聚糖复合材料由佳木斯大学材料工程学院提供。

    Experimental material preparation : the Drynaria , natural hydroxyl apatite / shell polyose compound materials used In this experiment were provided by Materials Engineering college of Jiamusi University .

  9. 通过对佳木斯大学化学与药学院化学系本科生2个年级化工基础课程中的教学实践,介绍了化工基础课的教学改革及在教学过程中对学生能力的培养。

    Introduced teaching reforms and tastes of cultivating students'abilities in chemical fundamental teaching process by 2 undergraduate grades students in chemistry department of college of chemistry and pharmacy , Jiamusi university .

  10. 本系统部分功能己实现和成功部署,已经应用于佳木斯大学人事管理业务中,系统技术路线成熟,通用性和可操作性较强,运行稳定可靠,可为高校人事管理信息化建设提供参考和借鉴。

    This system has realized and the successful deployment of the Jiamusi University , has been applied in personnel management business , system technology is mature , universality and strong , stable and reliable operation , can provide college personnel management informatization construction and provide reference .