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jiā lì
  • beauty;beautiful woman;good, beautiful;nice
佳丽 [jiā lì]
  • (1) [beauty]∶美丽

  • (2) [beautiful woman]∶美貌的女子

  • (3) [nice]∶美好

佳丽[jiā lì]
  1. 他为几位倾世佳丽拍过照片。

    He has photographed some of the world 's most beautiful women .

  2. 众佳丽上海竞秀。

    Beautiful girls compete for the beauty crown in shanghai .

  3. 特佳丽多美玩具公司设计的“Hi-kara”袖珍卡拉OK机7厘米见方,重不到1磅,但功能和真正的卡拉OK机一样好。

    The " Hi-kara " karaoke machine , by Takara Tomy , is a7-cm cube which weighs less than a pound and works like a real machine .

  4. 昨晚的舞会上有许多佳丽。

    There was plenty of talent at the party last night .

  5. 那边的那位绝色佳丽就是他的妻子。

    And that vision of loveliness over there is his wife .

  6. 佳丽们把美丽带到中国,也把爱心带到了中国。

    These charming ladies bring beauty and love to China .

  7. 环球佳丽靓银滩&2006环球比基尼小姐大赛圆满结束

    2006 Miss Bikini of the Universe was Successfully Completed

  8. 海南吸引各路富豪及佳丽纷至沓来。

    Hainan attracts the well-heeled and the beautiful .

  9. 罗讷河谷的典型葡萄:歌海娜,西拉和佳丽酿。

    Typical grapes of the Rh ô ne Valley : Grenache , Syrah and Carignan .

  10. 每一个海滩的王者在其后宫都可能有很多佳丽。

    Each beach master on these shores may have dozens of females in his harem .

  11. 你想了解那一位佳丽?点击你喜欢的佳丽照片去看更多的资料。

    Who do you want to know ? Click on the picture to learn more .

  12. 中国区总决赛将首次选派前8名佳丽同时走向世界总决赛的舞台。

    The top8 contestants from China will be entitled to participate in the world finals .

  13. 我的车在第51街和哈佛路口抛锚了,就在佳丽雅购物商场旁边。

    My car broke down on Fifty-first and Harvard , next to the Galleria Shopping Mall .

  14. 歌海娜,美乐,赤霞珠以及佳丽酿,是属于法国南部的经典葡萄酒。

    Grenache , Merlot , Cabernet Sauvignon and Carignan , a typical varietal from Southern France .

  15. 跻身前五名中的其他几位佳丽分别来自多米尼加共和国、墨西哥和俄罗斯。

    The rest of the top five were from the Dominican Republic , Mexico and Russia .

  16. 两位来自中国的佳丽分别选择了迪奥的礼服以及美国设计师卡罗琳娜海莱娜的作品。

    The two Chinese debs , for instance , have chosen Dior and US designer Carolina Herrera .

  17. 拔得此次大赛头筹的佳丽将成为海峡两岸旅游形象大使。

    The winner of the beauty pageant will work across the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan to promote tourism .

  18. 共有来自12个国家的24位佳丽出席,其中包括首次获邀的澳洲与委内瑞拉。

    Bringing together 24 debutantes from 12 countries , the event includes for the first time Australia and Venezuela .

  19. 大家好,我们是2007年中华小姐环球大赛入围总决赛的12位佳丽的代表。

    Good evening ladies and gentlemen . We are the 12 finalist of the 2007 Miss Chinese Cosmos Pageant .

  20. 其与时下才子佳人小说中的淑女佳丽鼎足而立,竞相媲美、各领风骚。

    With nowadays , " Romantic " novels lady contestant separate categories , competing rival , leading the trend .

  21. 2015年伊拉克的选美冠军是ShaymaaAbdelrahman,20岁,身材高挑,黑发碧眼。她是一位来自伊拉克基尔库克多民族城市的佳丽。

    The jury chose Shaymaa Abdelrahman , a tall , green-eyed 20-year-old from Iraq 's multi-ethnic city of Kirkuk .

  22. 杨和岳先生出生在风景佳丽的雁荡山麓,自幼承受大自然熏萌发绘画的志向。

    Yang Heyue was born at the foot of beautiful Yandang Mountain . From hischildhood , nature was his inspiration .

  23. 德国佳丽安吉莉娜-格拉斯的这个动作颇有难度,不知各位功夫大侠怎么看待?

    Germany pageant angelina-glass , the action quite difficult , I do not know how you look at Shanhaiguan effort ?

  24. 哦,是的,我忘了:理查德还有一个魅力四射的后宫佳丽,她想把他的衣服都扒了。

    Oh yes , I forgot : Richard also has a harem of attractive women who want to rip his clothes off .

  25. 连苍穹也要搬下来作妆饰品,罗列每个佳丽去赞他的佳丽,用种种浮夸的比喻作成对偶,

    Who heaven itself for ornament doth use And every fair with his fair doth rehearse Making a couplement of proud compare ,

  26. 由于当所有的母鸡挂光光,詹尼为了救亡图存保后代,只好自兼皇上和后宫佳丽了。

    When all the hens died in Jenny 's living circle , it had to carry the responsibility of continuing its own species 。

  27. “江南佳丽地”的享乐文化所导致的资本倒流限制了民营经济的扩大再生产;

    It have limited ampliative reproduction that dolcevita culture of " the place of beauty in south of Yangzi " induces reflux of capital ;

  28. 佳丽附逆呀的研究者们表示他们已经发现即使是一次短时间与狗接触也能帮助心脏病人缓解压力。

    Researchers in California say they have found that even just a short visit with a dog helped ease the worries of heart patients .

  29. 本文以牛血清蛋白、明胶及皂土为下胶材料,对赤霞珠和佳丽酿为原料酿造的低醇葡萄酒进行下胶试验。

    The low-alcohol wines made from Cabernet sauvignon and Carignane were treated with the colloid materials such as bovine serum albumen , gelatin and bentonite .

  30. 所有候选佳丽都拥有一头乌黑的长发、白皙的肤色、明亮的大眼睛以及完美笑容。

    All of the contestants have dark , long hair ; fair , pale skin ; big eyes and a perfect , bright white smile .