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shuài zhēn
  • openness;forthright and sincere
率真 [shuài zhēn]
  • [forthright and sincere] 直率而真诚

  • 为人率真

率真[shuài zhēn]
  1. 其书抒情气氛浓郁,既有含蓄的一面又有率真、坦诚的一面。

    His letter is lyrical in atmosphere , forthright and sincere .

  2. 侗寨建筑在独特的气候与环境中派生出来,形成了侗族地区独特精湛的建筑式制,同时又创造出质朴率真、独树一帜的侗族建筑文化。

    Dong ethnic building was derived from the unique environment and climate , not only formed the unique superb architectural type system in Dong ethnic district but also created the plain forthright and sincere Dong ethnic architecture culture .

  3. 他以自己的率真迷住了观众。

    With ingenuous sincerity , he captivated his audience .

  4. 她是一个美丽而率真的女孩。

    She is a beautiful , uncomplicated girl .

  5. 哪里有和谐与率真,那里就有美丽。

    Where there are harmony and simplicity , there is beauty .

  6. 我喜欢司各特是因为其作品清新、率真而文思激昂。

    I like Scott for his freshness , dash and large honesty .

  7. 她有很多美德,如忠诚、勇敢、率真。

    Among her many virtues are loyalty , courage , and truthfulness .

  8. 在一个个机器般的候选人中间,他那大呼小叫的率真是有市场的。

    His blustering candor has currency in a landscape of android candidates .

  9. 约翰因孩子般的率真而博得了大家的喜爱。

    John is much loved for his childlike candor .

  10. 这个女孩真是诚实率真。

    If nothing else , this girl is honest .

  11. 他们不随意、不率真、不自然;

    they are not free , ingenuous , natural ;

  12. 她的性格迷人而率真。

    She has an engaging , outgoing personality .

  13. 率真洒脱,是新时代的先驱。

    He si the pioneer of modem era .

  14. 诚实的人总是率真的。

    An honest man is always a child .

  15. 我们之间没有秘密,他是个率真的人。

    We have no secrets , he is like an open book to me .

  16. 同时,中国的年轻人也深受倡导个性与率真的西方文化的影响。

    Chinese youngsters have also been influenced by Western culture which advocates individuality and directness .

  17. 契诃夫在他的儿童系列中,创造了一批率真可爱的儿童形象。

    Chekhov creates a set of naive images of children in his series of children characters .

  18. 但实际上,你只需要对率真的自我感到自豪就可以。

    But , really , you just have to be proud of who you are naturally .

  19. 在字里行间让你感应到率真,强烈的感性和缠绵悱恻的性感。

    Therefore , you can realise her straight-forwardness , keen emotions and lingering sexiness among her lines .

  20. 此款香水宛如阳光透过轻帘,展现女性的率真本质。

    Like the warm sunlight filters through the light curtain , Hypnose Senses reveals the essence of femininity .

  21. 西奥多·德莱塞是19世纪末20世纪初美国著名的批判现实主义作家,其小说一向以粗犷、率真的现实批判与富有人道主义温情而著称。

    Theodore Dreiser lives at the turn of the 20th century , renowned as a critical realism writer .

  22. 樱木花道是我最喜欢的卡通人物。他专一,可爱,率真,自信,他永远相信自己的天才。

    He 's very dedicated to his pursuits and loved ones and has unwavering faith in his genius .

  23. 然而,引起轰动的并不是艺术家非凡的绘画才能及其对人性率真的洞察力。

    Alas , the artist 's breathtaking skill and candid insight into human nature were not the cause .

  24. 杰克霍夫曼与最佳女配角失之交臂,花落劳拉?邓恩,她的反应率真搞笑

    Jackie Hoffman 's maybe hilarious reaction after losing out to Laura Dern for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries

  25. 在极其率真而朴素的《以斯帖记》中,你会发现某种令人震撼的情节。

    There is something impressive , awful , in the simplicity and terrible directness of the book of Esther .

  26. 在世间必须学会以真诚示人:率真乃是诚实与勇敢之子。

    You must study to be frank with the world : frankness is the child of honesty and courage .

  27. 埃夫龙记下来了。在她的职业生涯期间,她率真地写到了自己的公众和私人生活的方方面面;

    Ephron did . During her career she wrote frankly about all aspects of her public and personal life ;

  28. 不过他一开口说话,那低沉有力,诚挚率真的语调立刻渗透进了每个人的心灵。

    But when he spoke , his words were strong and true , delivered in a straightforward , matter-of-fact manner .

  29. 真诚的人性与和平的生活环境对于丰子恺追求率真自然的童心有着重要的影响。

    Sincere humanity and peaceful living environment are important influences on Fengzikai 's pursuit of genuine and natural childlike heart .

  30. 他的诗歌通俗浅白率真,与他追求个性自由的精神互为表里。

    His poetry , easy , popular and innocent , was the very reflection of his pursuit of personal freedom .