
  • 网络lushunkou district;lvshun
  1. 旅顺口区医院、中医院的临近则为业主搭建了一条绿色生命线。

    Located close to the community are also Lvshun District Hospital and Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital , the green lifeline to the property owners .

  2. 园区概况园区位于旅顺口区的西部,分为江西高新技术工业园区和临港产业区。

    Park profile : Located in the western part of Lushunkou District , JIP is divided into Jiangxi Hi-tech Industrial Park ( JHIP ) and a neighboring-port industrial park ( NPIP ) .

  3. 基于栅格数据与矢量数据互操作的大连市旅顺口区退耕还林实现

    Reducing Cultivated Land to Forest and Grass Based on Conversion between Raster and Vector

  4. 本文以大连市旅顺口区为例进行系统分析,提出该区今后建设游憩环境的几点建议。

    The paper took Lvshunkou in Dalian as an example to analyze the four subsystems and raised some suggestions for future construction of recreational environment .

  5. 在继续扶持上述产业的同时,旅顺口区作为大连市的主城区,在“一个中心,四个基地”的建设中,重点发展船舶制造、高新技术和石化等产业。

    While naturally continuing to support these well-established industries , Lushun is focused on development in other areas , most notably shipbuilding , hi-tech and petrochemicals .

  6. 提出了滨海游憩系统构成3要素是游客、游憩环境和交通,用3要素从地理空间角度对旅顺口区陆域、海岸、近海和海岛4个子系统作了分析。

    This article proposed the coastal recreation environmental system constituted three factors : they are tourist , recreation environment and traffic . With three essential factors from the geography space angle , the article analyzes the land , coast , offshore and island four subsystems .