
  1. 石灰土山地土地资源基层分类与生态经济开发&以浙江开化县塘坞乡为例白云山(英文)医巫闾山国家重点风景名胜

    Basic classification of land resources in limestone soil mountain and the

  2. 山地灾害与水土流失医巫闾山国家重点风景名胜

    Mountain Disasters and Soil and Water Loss

  3. 《燕行录》中的千山、医巫闾山和首阳山形象如何想象彼得和一座金山&萨特论意象及其对象

    How to Imagine Peter and a Golden Hill & Sartre : On Image and its Object

  4. 医巫闾山变质核杂岩构造系统对区内金矿有一定控制作用。

    It is therefore held that the Yiwulushan metamorphic core complex system must have played an important controlling role in the formation of gold deposits .

  5. 经过野外宏观观测、室内显微分析及同位素年龄测定,基本厘定医巫闾山是一个白垩纪时形成的变质核杂岩。

    Yiwul ü shan mountain is proved to be a metamorphic core complex formed in Cretaceous according to field survey , microstructural analysis , and isotropic dating .

  6. 就是昨天在医巫闾山的时候,我中午抽空到山脚下的小店去买来的。

    Yesterday when we were at the Yiwulu mountain , I made time around noon to buy it at a little shop at the foot of the mountain .

  7. 辽西医巫闾山变质核杂岩中间流变层变形特征山西医科大学学报(基础医学教育版)

    Deformation Characteristics of Middle Ductile Rheological Bed of the Yiwul ü shan Metamorphic Core Complex in Western Liaoning Province Journal of Shanxi Medical University ( Preclinical Medical Education Edition )

  8. 华北地块北缘晚古生代盆地演化及盆山耦合关系辽西医巫闾山北段中生代构造格架及其对金矿形成富集与分布的控制作用

    The Evolution of Late Paleozoic Basins in North Margin of North China Block and the Coupling Relationship between Basin and Range Mesozoic Structure Framework and Its Controls on Accumulation and Distribution of Gold Deposits in the Northern Part of Yiwul ü Mts. , Western Liaoning Province
