
  • 网络Omdurman
  1. 阿尔叙努特的对岸,在恩图曼(Omdurman)一侧,沙特和科威特的投资者买了一大片土地,他们想建个巨大得金融中心。

    Opposite Alsunut , on the Omdurman side , Saudi and Kuwaiti investors have bought a large plot of land on which they intend to build a huge financial centre .

  2. 恩图曼干道上的大清真寺。

    Big Mosque on the main road of Omdurman .

  3. 先生们,都听好了……战争故事都千篇一律,从滑铁卢到恩图曼。

    All right , gentlemen , listen here . Everyone tells us the same story , from Waterloo to Omdurman ...

  4. 今天我们去了恩图曼监狱,甚至去了上诉法院以打听这一消息,但是我们什么都没打听到,上诉法院似乎还没有发布什么命令。

    We went today to the Omdurman prison and even went to the Court of Appeal to find out about this news , and that we have found nothing yet , still the Court of Appeal did not issue any court order .