
  • 网络enrofloxacin;ENR
  1. 应用竞争酶联免疫法(ELISA)能够快速对动物性食品中的恩诺沙星残留进行检测筛选。

    It is a rapid ELISA method for screening the enrofloxacin residues in animal food products .

  2. RP-HPLC同时测定中华绒螯蟹肝脏中诺氟沙星、环丙沙星和恩诺沙星残留

    Simultaneous determination of norfloxacin , ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin residues in liver of Eriocheir sinensis by RP-HPLC

  3. 采用HPLC法测定血中恩诺沙星及其代谢产物环丙沙星的浓度,用统计矩原理处理药物浓度时间数据。

    Concentrations of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in plasma were determined by HPLC and the concentration-time data were analyzed by statistical moment principle .

  4. 恩诺沙星对鸡细胞色素P450酶系的影响

    Effects of Enrofloxacin on Cytochrome P450s in Chickens

  5. 恩诺沙星在天然水中的降解与光照有关,在室外自然光照条件下恩诺沙星降解很快,3d后水中已经检测不出恩诺沙星。

    The degradation of enrofloxacin in natural water was strongly affected by light . Under outdoor natural light condition , enrofloxacin degraded quickly and was not examined after 3 days ;

  6. 在NaCl含量0.85%~5.00%的培养基中能够生长;恩诺沙星、诺氟沙星对其有抑制作用。

    It could grow in the solid culture added 0.85 % ~ 5.00 % NaCl and was inhibited by enrofloxacin and norfloxacin .

  7. 给10头猪分别按体重5mg/kg单剂量内服和肌注恩诺沙星。

    Ten pigs were treated with enrofloxacin by oral or intramuscular administration , at a single dosage of 5 mg / kg .

  8. 恩诺沙星对隆腺蚤(Daphniacarinata)的急性活动抑制毒性测定

    The Acute Immobilization Toxicity of Enrofloxacin to Daphnia Carinata

  9. 恩诺沙星(enrofloxacin,ENR)是动物专用的氟喹诺酮类药物,广泛用于动物疾病的治疗和预防。

    Enrofloxacin ( ENR ), a fluoroquinolone , is specific for treatment and prevention of animal disease .

  10. 采用HPLC法测定血浆和乳中恩诺沙星及其代谢产物环丙沙星的浓度,用统计矩原理处理血浆中药物浓度-时间数据,计算非房室模型的药动学参数。

    The concentrations of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin in plasma and milk were determined by HPLC method and the concentration time data were subjected to statistical moments to compute the non compartmental model pharmacokinetic parameters .

  11. 在常规饲养条件下,对健康猪按2.5mg/kg体重的剂量肌肉注射2.5%恩诺沙星注射液,每日2次,连续注射3d。

    Each healthy pig was administered enrofloxacin i.m. twice a day at a dosage of 2.5 mg / kg bw for three successive days .

  12. 用Ci-ELISA检测鸡组织中恩诺沙星残留

    Determination of Enrofloxacin Residues in Chicken Tissues Using an Indirect Competitive ELISA

  13. 体外药动模型中恩诺沙星对嗜水气单胞菌的药动及药效研究

    Pharmacodynamic effect of enrofloxacin against Aeromonas hydrophila in vitro pharmacokinetic model

  14. 鳗鱼中恩诺沙星、环丙沙星和诺氟沙星残留的测定方法

    Detection method of enrofloxacin 、 ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin residues in eel

  15. 恩诺沙星在猪组织中残留消除规律研究

    Studies on the depletion of enrofloxacin residues in the porcine tissues

  16. 研究了恩诺沙星长效注射液给猪肌注后的药物动力学特征。

    The pharmacokinetic properties of enrofloxacin long acting injection were studied .

  17. 恩诺沙星及其代谢产物在奶牛乳中的消除规律

    Depletion of Enrofloxacin and Its Metabolite in the Milk of Lactating Cows

  18. 恩诺沙星分子印迹聚合物的制备及应用

    Preparation and Application of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer of Enrofloxacin

  19. 恩诺沙星抗体制备及免疫检测方法的初步研究

    Studies on the Preparative Technique of Enrofloxacin Antiserum and Its Immunoassay Method

  20. 猪口服恩诺沙星包被剂的药物动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of Enrofloxacin Coating Preparation Following Oral Administration in Pigs

  21. 低浓度恩诺沙星在离体肠道模拟系统中对人体肠道菌群的影响

    Effects of enrofloxacin on human intestinal microflora under simulated human gut conditions

  22. 恩诺沙星残留对土壤细菌种群基因多样性的影响

    Effects of enrofloxacin on DNA sequence diversity of soil cultural bacterial community

  23. 恩诺沙星对小型模型水生态系统中底泥微生物的影响

    Effects of Enrofloxacin on Microorganisms of Silt in Aquatic Microcosms

  24. 恩诺沙星壳聚糖纳米粒的制备及其体外释药特性研究

    Preparation and release characteristics of enrofloxacin chitosan nanoparticles in vitro

  25. 恩诺沙星和环丙沙星的血药浓度分别用两个室来描述。

    Two compartments were used to describe the enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin disposition profiles .

  26. 恩诺沙星固体分散体片的制备及体外溶出度的研究

    Preparation and in Vitro Dissolution of Enrofloxacin Solid Dispersions

  27. 恩诺沙星免疫抗原与检测抗原的制备及鉴定

    Preparation of Immune Antigen and Detection Antigen on Enrofloxacin

  28. 采用碳二亚胺法和氯甲酸异丁酯法合成恩诺沙星的人工抗原,结合比为15∶1。

    Using carbodiimide method and isobutylchloroformate method , two artificial antigens were synthesized .

  29. 恩诺沙星、环丙沙星在鸡组织中残留量的检测方法研究

    Study on the Detection Method of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin Residues in Chicken Tissues

  30. 恩诺沙星的代谢分数为35.01%、44.06%、45.73%;

    Metabolic rates of enrofloxacin were 35.01 % ? 44.06 % ? 45.73 % ;