
ēn ɡé ěr xì shù
  • Engel's coefficient
  1. 此现象在经济学上就叫做恩格尔系数降低。

    In economics , this phenomenon is known as the decline of the Engel 's coefficient .

  2. 恩格尔系数(食品消费比重)逐年下降。

    In Xinjiang , the Engel 's coefficient ( the food consumption ratio ) is dropping year by year .

  3. CPI偏差与恩格尔系数异常的关联度

    The Relevancy of CPI Bias and Engel 's Coefficient Abnormity

  4. 我国近年来城乡居民收入稳定增长,人均GDP已达1000美元,城镇居民消费的恩格尔系数下降至37.9%。

    In recent years , the incomes of urban and rural residents in our country have grown . steadily and per capital GDP has reached 1000 , the engel coefficient has dropped to 37.9 percentage .

  5. 并结合国民生产总值,总人口数量,恩格尔系数等其它因子来讨论新疆民丰县PRED系统的发展过程。

    The developing process of PRED system in Xinjiang Minfeng country was discussed combining GNP ( Gross National Product ), total population , Engle coefficient and other factors .

  6. 提出以恩格尔系数法、增量效益分析法与平均GNP法作为关键单指标分析方法,同时建立了包括软指标与硬指标的综合指标评价模型,并给出了估计综合指标评价权重最优赋权法。

    So the paper introduces Engel coefficient method , increment benefit method and average GNP method into key index of measures , and establishes a comprehensive index model including soft indexes and rigid indexes as well as optimization method to weight every index in the general model .

  7. 恩格尔系数在我国应用的缺陷及原因分析

    The Application Deficiency and its Reason of Engle Coefficient in China

  8. 贫困测量中恩格尔系数的失效及分析

    The Invalidation and Analysis of Engel Coefficient in the Urban Poverty Measure

  9. 恩格尔系数的局限性及其发展途径

    Limitations of Engel 's Coefficient and the Development Approaches

  10. 物价对城乡恩格尔系数的影响分析

    The Effect of Price Index on Engel Coefficient of Urban and Rural Households

  11. 运用恩格尔系数分析白城市居民生活水平

    An Analysis of People Living Level of Baicheng City by the Engel Coefficient

  12. 影响我国恩格尔系数的因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Influencing Our Country 's Engel Coefficient

  13. 恩格尔系数的适用性与居民生活水平评价

    The Applicability of Engel 's Coefficient and Appraisal of People 's Living Level

  14. 恩格尔系数衡量城镇居民生活水平适用性

    The Applicability of Measuring the Living Standard of Urban Residents by Using Engel Coefficient

  15. 甘肃省农村居民恩格尔系数与消费结构评价

    Evaluation on Engel 's Coefficient and Consumption Structure of Rural Resident in Gansu Province

  16. 解析我国的恩格尔系数

    Analysis of Engel 's Coefficient in Our Country

  17. 恩格尔系数为什么降的这么快

    The Reasons Why Engle Coefficient Dropped So Quickly

  18. 目前在我国,用恩格尔系数反映的居民生活水平与我国居民的实际生活水平有很大偏差。

    Nowadays Engle Coefficient cannot reflect exactly the standard of living of our country .

  19. 中国农村居民家庭恩格尔系数变动情况实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Change of Family Engel Coefficient of Rural Residents in China

  20. 上海城市居民消费恩格尔系数的灰色系统研究

    The Gray System Research into the Consumption Engel 's Coefficient of Shanghai City Residents

  21. 论恩格尔系数的失灵与修正&以内蒙古数据为例

    On Failure of Engel Coefficient and its Correction & Case study of Inner Mongolia

  22. 恩格尔系数与东莞消费水平

    Engel 's coefficient and dongguan 's consumption level

  23. 恩格尔系数的局限性分析及其修正

    An Analysis and Revision of Engers'Coefficient Limitation

  24. 恩格尔系数在我国的应用及修正研究

    Applying and Modifying Research on Engle Coefficient

  25. 结果表明,甘肃省农村居民生活状况整体上符合恩格尔系数变化规律。

    The result showed that rural resident living situation basically conformed to Engel 's law .

  26. 根据恩格尔系数,王教授将两个研究中的家庭作对比。

    Mr Wang matched families from the two surveys according to their Engel 's coefficients .

  27. 恩格尔系数的分析及应用

    Analysis and Use of Engel Coefficent

  28. 恩格尔系数是指居民食品消费支出占消费支出的比重。

    Engel coefficient refers to the proportion of residents ' food expenses of the living expenses .

  29. 有关恩格尔系数的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on Engle Coefficient

  30. 1994年,农村居民的食品支出占消费支出的比重(恩格尔系数)降为58.8%。

    Food expenses dropped to 58.8 percent of the consumption expenditure ( the Engel coefficient ) in 1994 .