
  • 网络Takeover;Hostile takeover;Hostile Bid
  1. 家族管理可以防止任何恶意收购或绿票讹诈的企图。

    Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt .

  2. 悉尼:澳大利亚投资银行麦格理(Macquarie)对自己提出了一个恶意收购报价。此前,这家收购意愿旺盛的投行对金融分析师表示,已经没有其它合适的收购目标了。

    Sydney : Macquarie , the acquisitive Australian investment bank , launches a hostile takeover bid for itself after telling financial analysts that there are no other suitable targets left .

  3. 然而,这次善意联姻被法国竞争对手bnp对这两家公司发起的恶意收购给拆散了。

    However , this friendly alliance had been unsoldered by a hostile bid for both companies by BNP , a French rival .

  4. 我曾是一家名为FMC哈里斯的肉类贸易公司首席执行官,这家公司遭到恶意收购。

    I was chief executive of a meat trading firm called FMC Harris , which was subject to a hostile take-over .

  5. 阿塞洛-米塔尔28%的股权系从中国钢铁公主陈宁宁(DianaChen)手中购得,后者在今夏一次恶意收购努力受挫后,脱售其所持股份。

    ArcelorMittal bought its 28 per cent stake from Diana Chen , China 's Iron Princess , who is disposing of her holding in the company after a failed hostile take - over attempt this summer .

  6. McQ公司有一段恶意收购的历史,它们收购估值高、拥有大量资产的公司,然后再将其拆分卖掉。

    McQ Corp. has a history of taking over companies with high valuations and a lot of assets and selling it off in pieces .

  7. 针对恶意收购,很多目标公司都采取反收购措施。

    Regarding to hostile takeover , many target companies take anti-takeover measures .

  8. 可能是企图收购的“稻草买家”恶意收购。

    May be a straw buyer for a takeover , hostile bid .

  9. 他恶意收购了两家公司。

    He has attempted a hostile takeover of two companies .

  10. 他们的竞争对手公司正在计划一次恶意收购。

    Their rival company is planning a hostile takeover .

  11. 即便是恶意收购,我们也不应将它排除在外。

    Even hostile takeovers should not be ruled out .

  12. 记得我早就暗示过,这种局面可能会导致准恶意收购。

    Remember when I originally suggested this whole situation could lead to a quasi-hostile bid .

  13. 管理层通常会采取种种反收购措施来阻碍恶意收购的实现。

    Management will usually various anti-takeover measures to impede the realization of a hostile takeover .

  14. 你还是对恶意收购有兴趣?

    Still interested in hostile takeovers ?

  15. 第二部分介绍了恶意收购和反收购的基本理论和国际经验。

    The second part describes the anti-hostile takeover and acquisition of basic theory and international experience .

  16. 这在对国内企业间恶意收购行为闻所未闻的中国来说,实在是胆大妄为得不同寻常。

    This is unusually aggressive in a country where hostile takeovers among domestic firms are unheard of .

  17. 在座有多少人知道,Ichan是靠威胁其他公司恶意收购来积累财富的?

    How many people here realize that Ichan built his fortune by threatening companies with hostile takeovers ?

  18. 恶意收购在商界相当于,没有尊严的核战争,是比较丑恶的一件事情。

    Hostile takeovers at business are business equivalent of nuclear wars but without the dignity , pretty ugly affairs .

  19. 前一种情况下的收购是善意收购,而后一种情况下的收购则是恶意收购。

    The former was acquired in good faith , the latter cases , the acquisition is the hostile takeover .

  20. 被定为兼并对象的公司通过出价收购敌对公司,从而阻止其恶意收购。

    An attempt to prevent a hostile takeover in which a targeted company bids to take over the hostile firm .

  21. 就在并购距成功仅一步之遥时,时间到了90年代,此时恶意收购已经和低薪总裁一起,成了稀罕物。

    It came close to succeeding , and hostile takeovers became as rare in the1990s as an underpaid chief executive .

  22. 相对控股模式能够防止外部公司的恶意收购,维护公司的稳定性。

    Relative holding pattern can prevent the outside company from taking over the company and maintain the stability of the company .

  23. 他表示,自己坚持不让公司从事证券研究和恶意收购,因为他认为这些业务与客户利益相抵触。

    He says he insisted the firm do no equity research or hostile takeovers because he felt those activities conflicted with clients'interests .

  24. 如果奥林巴斯能逃过抄底买家的恶意收购,那么它将需要一个新的领导层。

    If Olympus can escape a hostile takeover from a buyer who sees its shares are cheap , then it will need new leadership .

  25. 英国糖果商吉百利不久将会查明自己是否已被美国卡夫食品恶意收购。

    UK confectioner Cadbury will soon find out if it will be the target of a hostile bid by would-be US suitor Kraft Foods .

  26. 第一章股份收购及表决权信托概述,主要介绍股份收购及表决权信托的基本内容,以及表决权信托运用于善意收购和恶意收购的简要分析。

    Chapter One , Overview of Share Acquisition and Voting Trust . The chapter mainly introduces the basic contents of the acquisition of shares and voting trust .

  27. 公司收购,特别是恶意收购,不与公司管理层发生直接关系,最容易引起管理层的强烈反对。

    The acquisition , in particular the hostile takeover , and management is not a direct relationship , the most easily lead to the strong opposition of management .

  28. 当80年代恶意收购浪潮席卷美国时,胆战心惊的上市公司经理和董事会引入了“毒丸”等反收购新手段,以击退恶意收购者。

    As hostile takeovers swept the US in the1980s , scared managers and boards of public companies introduced new techniques , such as the " poison pill ", to fight off hostile bidders .

  29. 再者,假如黑石集团真打算发起恶意收购,这个财务信息可能会成为它最有效的防御手段(比如,现任管理层包括迈克尔•戴尔本人不适合掌管戴尔公司业务)。

    Moreover , if Blackstone Group were to launch a hostile bid , this financial information could be its most effective defense ( i.e. , current management including Michael Dell is unfit to run the business ) .

  30. 再者,假如黑石集团真打算发起恶意收购,这个财务信息可能会成为它最有效的防御手段(比如,现任管理层——包括迈克尔?戴尔本人——不适合掌管戴尔公司业务)。

    Moreover , if Blackstone Group were to launch a hostile bid , this financial information could be its most effective defense ( i.e. , current management -- including Michael Dell -- is unfit to run the business ) .