
  • 网络family guy;Folks Guy
  1. 2月份这位《恶搞之家》的制作人将首次主持第85届奥斯卡金像奖。

    The " Family Guy " creator will host the 85th annual Academy Awards ceremony for the first time in February .

  2. 尼尔森表示,对于一些最受欢迎的电视节目,例如《办公室》(theoffice)和《恶搞之家》(familyguy),加入dvr收视情况后,相对于直播观众而言,广告收看数量有所增加。

    For some of the most popular shows , such asthe officeand family guy , the amount of commercials watched increases once the DVR viewing is included , relative to the live audience , Nielsen said .

  3. 她说那句引言出自于动画片恶搞之家,是关于二十世纪六十年代的一首歌曲。

    She says it came from an episode of the animated cable TV show Family Guy , about a song from the 1960s .