
è bǔ
  • cram for
恶补 [è bǔ]
  • (1) [taking too much tonic]∶过量服用补品、补药

  • (2) [taking too many supplementary lessons]∶临时大量补习、补课

  1. 夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。

    Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read

  2. 为应付考试,恶补英语

    Cram for one 's English exam

  3. 28岁的詹尼弗·哈钦森(JenniferHutchinson),来自英国福尔柯克(Falkirk),她本已打算嫁给交往八年的男友尼克·荷加斯(NickHogarth),但她仍觉得对方急需恶补一下如何做家务。

    Jennifer Hutchinson , 28 , from Falkirk , may already have agreed to marry Nick Hogarth , her boyfriend of eight years , but still felt he was in dire need of a crash course in general housekeeping .

  4. 我正在为了去英国的旅行恶补英文。

    I 'm brushing up on my English for the England trip .

  5. 因此,他每天晚上在家花30分钟恶补这方面的信息。

    So , he spent 30 minutes every evening catching up at home .

  6. 不要在考试前夜填鸭式恶补。

    Don 't cram the night before the exam .

  7. 我父亲为了入学考试帮我恶补。

    My father crammed me for the entrance examination .

  8. 他们认为许多本科生都需要恶补学习技能这一课。

    They feel that many undergraduates now urgently need remedial help with study skills .

  9. 后来有几年的时间,我下足功夫“恶补”。

    The last few years have been for me the " era of the great catch-up " .

  10. 约会前的几天花费时间恶补一下时事和热门话题。

    In the days before a date take time out to catch up with current events and hot topics .

  11. 首先,我租了一套西服,然后恶补了一下就餐礼仪。

    First of all , I rent a suit , and then I work hard at perfecting my eating manners .

  12. 如果你不是很熟悉“一休哥”,那我们现在来恶补一下,这部动画片讲述了和尚“一休”的童年故事。

    In case you are not familiar with Ikkyu-san , the anime tells the childhood story of Buddhist monk Ikkyu .

  13. 特去买几本散文来恶补下,看是否能够好好的培养下那种语感的美。

    Special buy some catching under the essays and see whether the kind of good sense of language training under the United States .

  14. 选择恶补睡眠对于一个早上精力充沛的人来说效果不那么好,他们在天亮以后可能就不能入眠了。

    A sleep binge is a less effective option for true morning people , who may not be able to sleep much past dawn .

  15. 但考虑到学习效果的提高,或许除了最后关头的恶补,些许不适感正是他们所需要的。

    But given their improved learning outcomes , perhaps a bit of discomfort , aside from last minute cramming , is what they need .

  16. 艾尔:我老板叫我考一个试,所以我正在恶补一些必要知识。

    Al : My boss asked me to take a test , so I 'm just boning up on some things I need to know .

  17. 为此,很多学习财务的大学毕业生进行了一阵恶补,特别是对国家出台的税收优惠政策进行了了解。

    For this reason , many college graduates to learn financial cramming for a while , especially the state has adopted preferential tax policies were understood .

  18. 但他们计划参加高考的同班同学,在这个重要日子来临之前的数年时间里,除了紧锣密鼓地恶补做准备,几乎没有时间做其他事情。

    But their classmates planning to take the gaokao have little time for anything other than intense cramming in the years leading up to this rite of passage .

  19. 比如说,去年的总统选举中,戈尔和布什都努力摆脱木讷的形象,拼命恶补在选民面前搞笑的本领。

    For example , in the presidential election last year , both Al Gore and George W. Bush tried to shed their wooden image by making wisecracks before their voters .

  20. 其实老实说我跳舞真的不行,所以专门找了老师来恶补了一番,还有舞群来搭配,出来的效果还蛮好玩的。

    To tell you the truth my dancing isn 't good so I especially found a teacher and also had some dancers to match up with , it was very fun .

  21. 虽然鲍卡斯肯定会恶补安全事务,但是他很有可能不会像前几任那样经常干预白宫和五角大楼对军事和政治问题的处理。

    While Baucus will certainly get up to speed , he 's probably less likely than his predecessors to interfere with the White House and the Pentagon on military or political issues .

  22. 在离开新加坡的航班上,我恶补了一大堆报纸,对从盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义圣殿中泛起的愤怒、忧虑和恐慌情绪感到震惊。

    On my flight out of Singapore , catching up on a stack of newspapers , I was struck by the rage , fear and panic bubbling from the temples of Anglo-Saxon capitalism .

  23. 举家团聚、共贺新春、恶补电视剧……这些可能都会出现在你的寒假活动清单上,但不要忘记还有一件重要的事:同学聚会。

    Reuniting with the family , celebrating Spring Festival , catching up on missed TV series ... All of these activities may be on your list of things to do in the winter holiday . But don 't forget one important thing : the class reunion .