
è gùn
  • villain;thug;scoundrel;ruffian;bully;rogue;tough;miscreant;wretch;blackguard;monster;bastard;tough guy;a nasty piece of work
恶棍 [è gùn]
  • [ruffian;scoundrel;bully] 胡作非为、作恶多端的人

  • 一帮恶棍

恶棍[è gùn]
  1. 他这是来这里威胁我!流氓!恶棍!

    He 's threatening me from there ! Hooligan ! Ruffian !

  2. 她一想到那个恶棍就不寒而栗。

    The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder .

  3. 剧中国王的形象是一个恶棍。

    The king is represented as a villain in the play .

  4. 他是个十足的恶棍。

    He 's a real bastard .

  5. 我演的第一个角色是奥哈格蒂船长,一部儿童剧中的恶棍。

    My first part was Captain O'Hagarty , a dastardly villain in a children 's play .

  6. 在第一幕中,恶棍混进了他企图谋杀的男子的家庭。

    In the first act , the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill .

  7. 他有时也会表现得很有魅力,但他本质上还是一个恃强凌弱的恶棍。

    He can be very charming , but he is fundamentally a bully

  8. 沃德先生根本不是恶棍。

    Mr Ward wasn 't a rogue at all .

  9. 看到一个恶棍罪有应得真是大快我心。

    It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves .

  10. 他是一个粗俗无礼、满嘴脏话的恶棍。

    He 's a coarse , foul-mouthed bully .

  11. “那么那些真正的恶棍在哪里?”——“是啊,到底在哪里?”

    ' Now where are the real villains ? ' — ' Where indeed ? '

  12. 他被说成冷酷的恶棍。

    He was branded an unfeeling bully

  13. 他们收缴毒贩的船、车和房产,并在这些恶棍被定罪后将其拍卖掉。

    They take drug dealers ' boats , cars and houses and auction them off after the crooks are convicted .

  14. 几个恶棍逐渐将他团团围住时,警察到了。

    The police arrived as the hoodlums closed in on him .

  15. 一见那个恶棍,他就火冒三丈,但他还是使自己冷静了下来。

    His anger rose at the sight of the villain , but he calmed himself .

  16. 他是一个无可救药的恶棍。

    He is a black villain .

  17. 1919年的时候美国人就已经开始用这个词了,1929年的无声电影《沙漠之夜》里就把一个有钱的女恶棍称为bimbo。

    Use of this term began in the United States as early as 1919 . The 1929 silent filmDesert Nights describes a wealthy female crook as a bimbo .

  18. 留下恶棍的印象是不可避免的

    The impression of villains was inescapable .

  19. 希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已

    Hitler 's early'successes \\ " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon .

  20. 希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。

    Hitler 's early " successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon .

  21. 一个玩世不恭的人,一个生活放荡的家伙,总而言之,是个恶棍。

    A scoffer , a debauched person , and , in brief , a man of Belial .

  22. 他表面看来和和气气的,其实是个粗野狂暴的恶棍。

    He 's got a surface flow of suavity , but he 's rough as a rasp underneath .

  23. 这时,墨丘利出现了,用棍棒痛打了他一顿,而且还重复那人所说的话:“你这个恶棍,现在你的正义感又去哪里了呢?”

    Suddenly Mercury appeared , and belaboured him with his staff , saying as he did so , " You villain6 , where 's your nice sense of justice now ? "

  24. roundup赶拢,集拢;围捕,兜捕警察逮捕恶棍。

    The police rounded up the crooks .

  25. 上周银行业又有一出莎士比亚悲剧上演,此次扮演卑鄙恶棍的是渣打银行(StandardChartered)。

    Yet another Shakespearean banking tragedy opened this week , with Standard Chartered starring this time as the villainous rogue .

  26. 该片是《X战警:未来昔日》的续集,也是《X战警》系列电影的最新力作。我们将在片中看到“X战警”大战恶棍“天启”(Apocalypse)。

    A sequel to X Men : Days of Future Past , the latest instalment in the X Men series will see them fight the villain Apocalypse .

  27. 在一个骚乱的夏天之后,这位NBA最新的“恶棍”正在找寻安宁并在湾区一众科技巨头中建立自己的帝国。

    After a turbulent summer , the N.B.A. " s newest " villain " is finding peace and building an empire among the Bay Area 's techies .

  28. n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯n.邪恶;恶行;坏事;罪恶

    a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law a character in a book , play , film , etc. who harms other people

  29. 2008年,甄子丹(DonnieYen)首次在《叶问》一片中饰演该角色,塑造了一个有修养的顾家男人,在受到威胁的情况下打败恶棍。

    He was first played in 2008 by Donnie Yen , who portrayed him as a cultured family man who could take down villains when threatened .

  30. 对于Gru来说,作为一个超级大恶棍并不容易。

    For Gru , being a super villain isn 't easy .