
  • 网络scarlett;Scarlett O'Hara;Scarlet
  1. 七年后再次提名Esquire杂志评选年度最性感女人,女神斯佳丽约翰逊再次赢得此称号。

    Seven years after being named Esquire magazine 's sexiest woman alive , Scarlett Johansson has earned the title for a second time .

  2. 阿希礼:斯佳丽,你在躲避谁?

    Ashely : Scarlett , who are you hiding from here ?

  3. 我们想最好还是不要告诉你,斯佳丽。

    We thought it best not to tell you , Scarlett .

  4. 斯佳丽:先生,你不该这样出现的。

    Scarlett : Sir , you should make your presence known .

  5. 斯佳丽:哦,爸爸,你说话的样子像个爱尔兰人。

    Scalett : Oh , Pa. You talk like an Irishman .

  6. 我在想你跟斯佳丽的差别。

    I was just thinking of the difference between you , and .

  7. 斯佳丽:只有这条路走了,梅兰妮。

    SCARLETT : It 's the only way , Melanie .

  8. 斯佳丽,你仍然决定要做这么疯狂的举动吗?

    Scarlett , are you still determined to do this crazy thing ?

  9. 斯佳丽小姐,巴特勒船长来看你了。

    Miss Scarlett , Captain Butler here to see you .

  10. 斯佳丽小姐,她派我来找你。

    Miss scarlett , she done sent me for you .

  11. 斯佳丽,你越来越漂亮。

    Scarlett , you know , you get prettier all the time .

  12. 斯佳丽:你为什么不说你是个胆小鬼?

    Scarlett : Why don 't you say you are a coward ?

  13. 斯佳丽,在北佬来之前快走吧!

    Go , scarlett , before the Yankees get here .

  14. 斯佳丽,如果爱情真有份量的话。

    Miss scarlett , if true love carries any weight with you .

  15. 没有比这更荣幸的,斯佳丽。

    Nothing would give me more pleasure , miss scarlett .

  16. 斯佳丽:我只知道我爱你。

    Scarlett : I only know that I love you .

  17. 女性主义视角下的斯佳丽新女性形象之解读

    An Analysis of Scarlett as a New Woman from a Feminist Perspective

  18. 斯佳丽的爱情故事里包含了许多复杂的因素。

    There are many complicated factors in her love .

  19. 斯佳丽非常爱你,尽管她自己并不知道。

    Scarlett loves you a great deal & much more than she knows .

  20. 斯佳丽:梦想,老是梦想,从来没正常过。

    Scarlett : Dreams ! Always dreams with you ! Never common sense .

  21. 斯佳丽:但你不如在乎我般在乎她。

    Scarlett : But you care not her as you care for me .

  22. 斯佳丽:阿希礼,我爱你。

    Scarlett : I love you , I do .

  23. 斯佳丽:我很久没有新东西了。

    SCARLETT : It 's been so long since I had anything new .

  24. 斯佳丽:先生,你真不是君子。

    Scarlett : Sir , you are no gentle-man .

  25. 但是斯佳丽,这样是不对的,这你是知道的。

    But , Scarlett , this isn 't right and you know it .

  26. 好漂亮的衣服呀!斯佳丽亲爱的。

    What a lovely dress , scarlett , darling .

  27. 在这里也充分地表现出了斯佳丽顽强的不屈不挠的性格。

    Here is also a full demonstration of the indomitable Scarlett tenacious character .

  28. 艾希利把一些泥土放进斯佳丽的手中。

    Ashley puts into Scarlett 's hands some soil .

  29. 什么?斯佳丽,有秘密吗?

    What is it , Scarlett , secret ?

  30. 是的,斯佳丽,我当然会的。我们明天就去。

    And , Scarlett , I 'm going to see that you are safe .