
lǎo jiā huo
  • geezer;codger;crock;old cock
  1. 他真是个令人厌烦的老家伙。

    He was a miserable old devil .

  2. 但你不需要像我这样的老家伙。

    But you don 't want some old crock like me .

  3. 这会儿那可怜的老家伙又喝得糊里糊涂的了。

    Right now the poor old devil 's drinking himself silly

  4. 那个老家伙一直在跟你说些什么?

    What 's that old rascal been telling you ?

  5. 曼弗雷德,你是个可疑的老家伙。

    Manfred , you 're a suspicious old devil

  6. 他是个不错的老家伙,但是作为一个政治家就太差劲了。

    He 's a nice old rascal but a disaster area as a politician .

  7. 你还好吗,老家伙?

    Are you all right , old chap ?

  8. 那可确实激怒了那个老家伙。

    That really teed off the old boy .

  9. 他们没修养,很乏味,是一群无聊古板的老家伙。

    They 're not cultured or interesting , they are boring stodgy old things .

  10. 得跟这么一群无聊的老家伙呆在一起,他会满腹牢骚的。

    He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics .

  11. 他穿着高及膝盖的皮护腿,留着海象般的八字胡,真是个古怪的老家伙。

    He is the queer old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache .

  12. 老家伙还有不到几个月的寿辰,让他见见Zach,扮演一个溺爱Zach的外祖父。

    The old man 's gonna be dead in a couple ofmonths , maybe less . Let him meet Zach , play the doting grandfather ...

  13. 他说,RFU委员会——也就是所谓的“老家伙”,他们代表基层——“非常重要”。

    The RFU Council - the supposed " old farts " that represent the grassroots - is " extremely important , " he says .

  14. O’Docherty先生:好了,该你了,小伙子。让我们这些老家伙见识见识。

    Mr. O'Docherty : Well , come on then , son.Show us old ones how it 's done .

  15. 这才发现,药师是个瘦小、眼神欢乐、赤褐色的老家伙,几乎没有牙齿,说他各方面都像《星际大战》里的犹大(Yoda)并不夸张。

    The medicine man , as it turned out , was a small , merry-eyed , russet-colored old guy with a mostly toothless mouth , whose resemblance in every way to the Star Wars character Yoda cannot be exaggerated .

  16. 我是个老家伙了,有许多怪癖。

    I 'm an old man , lots of bad habits .

  17. 动手干活吧,老家伙,他说。

    " Get to work , old man ," he said .

  18. 他是一个乐天的、随随便便的老家伙。

    He was a merry old man , always wandering about .

  19. 我走10英里路,那个坏脾气的老家伙就能走50英里。

    The old goat could walk fifty miles to my ten .

  20. 我只是个穿着破衣服的老家伙。

    I 'm just an old man in a crap suit .

  21. 老家伙的意见很重要,迪克。

    The old man thought it was pretty important , dick .

  22. 听一个老家伙在毕业典礼上长篇大论的感受。

    listening to some old gasbag give a long-winded commencement speech .

  23. 别相信他,他是个狡猾的老家伙。

    Don 't trust him . He 's an old fox .

  24. 太棒了老家伙喜欢他看到的我们成劳斯莱斯了

    Old man likes what he sees and we are Rolls-Royce .

  25. 我差点和一个俊俏的45岁意大利老家伙睡了一觉。

    And I kind of slept with a45-year-old cheesy ltalian guy .

  26. 他本人已变成一个严肃的老家伙。

    He himself had changed into a grim old dog .

  27. 比如杀死一个老家伙,伪造他的遗嘱!

    Like kill an old fart , forge his will !

  28. 但是维琪没有杀那个老家伙。

    But then v.i.k.i.didn ` t kill the old man .

  29. 然后他就要求采取最坏的行动,卢修斯那个老家伙。

    And then he asked for the worst , did old Lucius .

  30. 怎么了?你觉得凡是老家伙就一定心意相通了?

    Why ? Do you think all old people are soul mates ?