
  • 网络sydney harbour;sydney harbor;Port Jackson
  1. U2乐队主唱波诺携妻子艾黎和孩子们驾快艇行驶在悉尼港海域。

    U2 frontman Bono takes wife Ali and sons for a spin around Sydney Harbour .

  2. 悉尼港的另一岸坐落着塔隆加动物园。

    On the other side of Sydney Harbour sits the Taronga Zoo .

  3. 一对夫妇为了迎接2010年在比悉尼港烟花汇演到。

    A couple rang in2010 by taking in a fireworks display over Sydney Harbour .

  4. 我们可以给你报2000打纯棉T恤衫,抵达悉尼港成本、保险加运费价16澳元。

    We can offer you 2,000 dozen cotton T-shirts at 16 Australian per dozen CIF Sydney .

  5. 悉尼港前滨管理局的咖啡节组织者之一伊莲•凯莉对这一结果很满意。

    Elaine Kelly , from event organisers the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority , was delighted with the result .

  6. 悉尼港上演烟花晚会,上海灯光璀璨,连朝鲜也燃放起灿烂的烟花。

    Fireworks over Sydney harbor , dazzling light displays in Shanghai , even glittering fireworks in North Korea .

  7. 悉尼港大桥有时被称为“衣架”,的确,它确实像衣架。

    The HarbourBridge is sometimes called the'Coathanger ' , and , indeed , it does look rather like one .

  8. 那会是多刺激啊!哦,我们一定要去悉尼港和悉尼歌剧院。

    That would be exciting ! Oh , and we have to see Sydney harbour and visit the Sydney opera house .

  9. 人员如此众多,悉尼港大桥历史上第三次被关闭。

    There are so many of them , that Sydney Harbor Bridge has been closed for only the third time in its history .

  10. 好的.歌剧院地处悉尼港的本纳隆角,于1973开放,但它的建筑师并不是澳大利亚本地人.

    it 's situated in Sydney Harbour at Bennelong Point . It was opend in 1973 but it wasn 't bulit by an Australian .

  11. 1788年亚瑟•飞利浦船长到达悉尼港,带来了他从巴西和好望角买来的澳洲第一株葡萄苗。

    In1788 Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove he bought along Australia 's first grape vines from Brazil and the Cape of Good Hope .

  12. 为了凑足那个令人生厌的示例,我现在很乐意向您提供迄今为止可能是画得最差的悉尼港大桥的图片。

    To make up for that boring example , I am now pleased to present you with what is possibly the worst picture of the Sydney Harbor Bridge ever drawn .

  13. 正如萨塞克斯的比奇角一样,悉尼港河口的峭壁也是无数对生活完全丧失了信心的自杀者的首选。

    Like Beachy Head on the Sussex coast , the sheer cliffs at the mouth of Sydney harbour have long acted as a magnet to those who have lost all hope .

  14. 兹乐意通知贵方,您所订购的威士忌,已于今天由“阳光”号货轮发运,该轮将于5月5日抵达悉尼港。

    We are pleased to advise you that the whisky you ordered was dispatched by M / S " Sunlight " today , which is due to arrive at Sydney on May5 .

  15. 当然,这座建筑有着得天独厚的地理位置:它高踞一个呷角,三面环水,背景是著名的悉尼港大桥。

    Of course , its location is an enormous help , sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop .

  16. 澳洲有着漫长的海岸线上,鲨鱼袭人事件并不罕见,但是从上世纪90年代末开始,悉尼港再未发生过鲨鱼袭人事件。

    While shark attacks are not uncommon around Australia 's vast coastline , Taronga Zoo shark attack expert John West told ABC no-one had been bitten by a shark in Sydney Harbour since the late1990s .

  17. 报道称,目前正在达令港后面建设的新索菲特悉尼港酒店也采取了不设13层和14层的预防措施,以吸引外国买家。

    The new Sofitel Sydney Harbour Hotel currently under construction behind Darling Harbour has also taken precautions as to not deter foreign buyers , and have simply skipped out on building levels 13 and 14 .

  18. 为什么不选择悉尼为卸货港呢?

    Why not designate sydney as your unloading port ?

  19. 一只有五层楼高的橡皮大黄鸭在近日空降澳洲,悉尼的情人港即将成为一个巨型的大浴缸,这一切都是为了艺术。

    SYDNEY Harbour is about to become a huge bathtub , complete with a five storey-high Rubber Duck , all in the name of art .

  20. 这样的话,只能游览悉尼歌剧院、港桥之类的顶极旅游点了。

    So you can only visit some top attractions such as the Sydney Opera House , Harbor Bridge .

  21. 变形金刚“大黄蜂”在澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院和悉尼港大桥前“现身”。

    The statue of Autobot " Bumblebee " stands in front of Sydney Opera House in Australia , Nov.5,2009 .

  22. 海德公园,圣玛丽天主教堂,皇家植物园,悉尼歌剧院,悉尼港大桥

    Hyde Park , St Mary 's Cathedral , Royal Botanic Gardens , Sydney Opera House , Sydney Harbour Bridge

  23. 悉尼-据警察称,本周三悉尼港发生罕见鲨鱼袭人事件,一名澳洲海军潜水员在击退鲨鱼的过程中受重伤。

    SYDNEY – An Australian navy diver was seriously injured as he fought off a shark in a rare attack in Sydney Harbour on Wednesday , police said .

  24. 这只古怪的橡皮大黄鸭由荷兰艺术家FlorentijnHofman设计而成,这也是2013年的悉尼艺术节的亮点之一。大黄鸭在周六下午抵达悉尼港,将在艺术节活动的第一天进入科克尔湾。

    One of the quirky highlights of Sydney Festival 2013 will be Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman 's Rubber Duck , set to enter Cockle Bay as part of the Day One - The Arrival on Saturday afternoon .