
  • Hummer;Humvee;HMMWV
  1. 它的涂装和军用吉普车悍马H2的一样。

    It 's painted with the same paint used on the Hummer H2 , he notes .

  2. 东风汽车(dongfengauto)销售一款名为“汗马”的汽车,与悍马同音。

    Dongfeng Auto sells a squat vehicle called the Hanma , a name that sounds the same as Hummer in Chinese .

  3. 一个家伙甚至为他的悍马H1配上装甲

    One guy even put armor on his H1 .

  4. 几乎每个关注通用汽车(GeneralMotors)破产案的人都在问同一个问题:收购通用汽车旗下悍马(Hummer)品牌的这家中国公司到底是何方神圣?

    Nearly everyone following the General Motors bankruptcy case is asking the same question : Who is the Chinese company buying GM 's Hummer ?

  5. 吉普救援很清楚的是为了挑战悍马和它的新H2而来的。

    The Jeep Rescue is clearly a response from Jeep to the success of Hummer and the newer H2 .

  6. 他们成功的克隆了悍马H1,美国军方的主要产品。

    It has successfully cloned the Hummer H1 , a staple of the US military .

  7. 然而,悍马H2和悍马H3是基于其他较小的民用市场的车辆。

    However , the Hummer H2 and the Hummer H3 were based on other , smaller civilian-market vehicles .

  8. 接着又传出消息称,中国计划购买悍马(hummer),并令其变得更为环保。

    Then came news that China plans to buy Hummer and make it greener .

  9. 春季时,随着汽油价格飙升至每加仑4美元,通用汽车旗下悍马SUV的销售一落千丈。

    By the spring , with gas prices soaring to $ 4 a gallon , sales of GM 's Hummer SUVs were in free fall .

  10. (例如,他一直对民众对于威士忌和悍马车(Hummers)的普遍喜爱予以谴责。)

    ( For example , he has condemned a widespread fondness for whiskey and Hummers . )

  11. 该公司还将展出动力更为强劲的新版悍马(hummer)h2和h3,而该公司夸口称,新型h2比上一个版本能效更高。

    The company will also display more powerful versions of the Hummer H2 and H3 behemoths , though it boasts that the new H2 is more fuel-efficient than predecessor .

  12. 作为重组计划的一部分,今年1月通用将萨博以及土星(saturn)和悍马(hummer)等其它非核心品牌一同挂牌出售。

    GM put Saab up for sale in January , together with other non-core brands such as Saturn and Hummer , as part of its own restructuring efforts .

  13. 那天他刚见过罗德尼·麦坎德利斯(RodneyMcCandless)的父亲,19岁的罗德尼在伊拉克悍马爆炸事故中受伤死去。

    Earlier that day he 'd met the father of Rodney McCandless , a 19-year-old who died in the same humvee explosion in Iraq that injured him .

  14. 对悍马DVO8V振荡压路机振动性能,尤其是在低振动作业许可环境下的特性进行了研究。

    The vibratory properties of DVO8V oscillatory roller are studied , especially under low vibratory situation .

  15. 一名助手应和说,如果能看到这位前州长开着装甲车在洛杉矶转上一圈,那将是一件乐事&这种车比他偶尔开的悍马(Hummers)还要大上一些。

    An aide remarked that he would enjoy seeing the former governor drive it around Los Angeles - a slightly larger version of the Hummers he sometimes drives .

  16. 通用汽车将表示,它计划在未来18个月内加速关闭工厂、减少经销商、出售或重组其8大品牌中的部分品牌,包括悍马(Hummer)、萨博(Saab)和土星(Saturn)。

    GM will say that it plans over the next 18 months to speed up plant closures , reduce dealers , and sell or restructure some of its eight brands , notably Hummer , Saab and Saturn .

  17. 例如,在汽车行业,中国企业能够竞购萨博(saab)、沃尔沃(volvo)或悍马(hummer)的全部股权,而外国公司却只能在与中国本地汽车制造商成立的合资企业中持股50%以内。

    In the car sector , for example , while Chinese companies are able to bid for all of Saab , Volvo or Hummer , foreign companies are limited to 50 per cent stakes in joint ventures with local producers .

  18. 大眼睛、高鼻梁、丰乳,现在又流行起了体型庞大的悍马(hummers)中国似乎正沉浸在对尺寸的痴迷之中,而恰恰在这时,世界其它地区正在认识到节制的优点。

    Big eyes , big noses , big breasts and now humungous Hummers China seems to be indulging an obsession with size , just when the rest of the world is learning the virtues of moderation .

  19. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  20. 下NAMM表明,我们看到鲍德温大了看上去像悍马和画中的最荒唐的颜色你见过。

    The next NAMM show , we saw Baldwin Grands made up to look like Hummers and painted in the most ridiculous colors you have ever seen .

  21. 这桩交易看起来非常不谐调,以致有人猜测,这完全是中国企图比照民用悍马改造出一款军用车辆的无耻阴谋。民用悍马的表亲军用悍马(Humvee)没有包括在这笔交易之中。

    The deal seems such a mismatch that it has led to speculation it is all part of a dastardly Chinese plot to reverse-engineer a military vehicle out of the civilian Hummer , cousin of the military Humvee , which is not part of the deal .

  22. 警官,我们查了这辆悍马的牌照。

    Sir , we ran the plates on that Humvee .

  23. 我就用我的悍马轧过去。

    I 'm gonna drive over them in my humvee .

  24. 国产悍马军车是我国下一代陆军装备,其挡泥板设计为PP/GMT材质。

    Its fender is design of PP / GMT composite .

  25. 什么疯子才会偷一辆黄色悍马啊?

    What kind of a tool steals a yellow Humvee ?

  26. 把他抬上悍马车,我们来掩护。

    Get him to the humvees . we 'll hold down the corner .

  27. 悍马会让四川腾中成为一个家喻户晓的名字吗?

    Will Hummer make Sichuan Tengzhong a household name ?

  28. 通用汽车表示,悍马的买家将积极投资于悍马未来的产品计划。

    GM said Hummer 's buyer would aggressively fund future Hummer product programmes .

  29. 所有的悍马客户将继续享受服务。

    All Hummer warranties will continue to be honored .

  30. 他们如果批准悍马交易,将是一大矛盾。

    For them to approve the Hummer deal would be a big contradiction .