
  • 网络HARLEY-DAVIDSON;harley davidson;Davidson;Harley·Davidson
  1. 他骑着一辆哈雷戴维森摩托车。

    He rode a Harley davidson .

  2. 上世纪90年代中期摩托车旺销时,哈雷戴维森公司(简称哈雷公司)的股票与惠普(Hewlett-Packard)一样都是增长型股票。

    Amid booming sales in the mid-1990s , Harley was pronounced a growth stock , on a par with , say , Hewlett-Packard .

  3. 先说一下案例背景。2010年8月,摩托车狂热爱好者、职业创业者(serialentrepreneur)克劳迪奥•卡斯蒂廖尼(ClaudioCastiglioni),从哈雷戴维森(Harley-Davidson)手中回购了意大利标志性摩托车品牌奥古斯塔(MVAgusta)。

    The story . In August 2010 Claudio Castiglioni , a motorcycle aficionado and serial entrepreneur , bought back the iconic Italian motorcycle brand MV Agusta from Harley-Davidson .

  4. 一提到哈雷戴维森摩托车(Harley-Davidson),大家可能就会想到皮革、胡须,以及轰隆的引擎声。

    When you think Harley-Davidson , you probably think about leather , beards , and loud engines .

  5. 我喜欢骑摩托车&特别是哈雷戴维森。

    I love riding motorcycles & especially Harley Davidsons .

  6. 哈雷戴维森迎来第二个衰退期。

    Harley-Davidson 's ride has hit another recession pothole .

  7. 当然,哈雷戴维森并不是唯一一家正在开发电动单车的摩托车制造商。

    Of course , Harley-Davidson isn 't the only motor cycle maker exploring electric bikes .

  8. 哈雷戴维森今年将在美国各地举行路演活动,明年还打算远赴加拿大和欧洲。

    Harley-Davidson 's roadshow will travel across the United States this year and next in addition to going to Canada and Europe .

  9. 但他的确认为,这款单车可以改变哈雷戴维森的形象,或许能够吸引一些新人加入重型摩托手的行列。

    But he did think that the new bike could change Harley-Davidson 's image and maybe bring some new people into the hog-riding family .