
  • Haagen-Dazs;Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream;H Haagen-Dazs
  1. 哈根达斯:爱她就请她吃哈根达斯。

    Haagen-Dazs : If you love her , take her to Haagen-Dazs .

  2. 哈根达斯声称质量十年如一日。

    Haagen-Dazs claims that this attention to quality remains unchanged .

  3. 根据《体育商业期刊》(SportsBusinessJournal)报导,先是与哈根达斯(Haagen-Dazs)达成代言协议,在数年内,每年的代言费高达50万美元左右。

    First came a deal with H ä agen-Dazs which , according to Sports Business Journal , was worth in the'mid-six figures annually for several years .

  4. 耐克(Nike)、Visa和哈根达斯(Haagen-Daaz)跟李娜签下不少代言协议。据《福布斯》(Forbs)杂志编制的数据,这使她成了收入最高的女性运动员之一。

    Companies such as Nike , Visa , and Haagen-Daaz , have been showering Ms. Li with endorsement deals , making her one of the highest-paid female athletes , according to data compiled by Forbes magazine .

  5. 他指出,必胜客、星巴克与哈根达斯(hagen-dazs)堪称外国品牌如何在华取得成功的典范。

    He points to pizza hut , Starbucks and Hagen-Dazs as the gold standard for foreign brand success in China .

  6. 就从这些小地方开始,属于玛塔自己的公司?哈根达斯在1961年诞生了。

    From these modest beginnings sprung mattus 's own company in1961 ? Haagen-dazs .

  7. 哈根达斯当之无愧地成为全球最具人气的顶级冰淇淋品牌。

    Haagen Dazs deservedly become the world 's most popular top ice cream brand .

  8. 哈根达斯测试的是,大型玻璃的“白象”问题?

    Haagen test is that large glass of the " white elephant " problem ?

  9. 哈根达斯为冰淇淋制作树立了新标杆,逐渐成为一个世界知名品牌。

    Haagen-dazs sets a new standard of ice cream and gradually becomes a worldwide band .

  10. 因此,当哈根达斯出现在你脑子里的时候不需要三思而行。

    So when visions of Haagen-Daz dance through your head , don 't think twice .

  11. 必胜客和哈根达斯都在中国建立了庞大的以堂食为主的连锁店网络。

    Both Pizza Hut and Hagen Dazs have built mega-franchises in China rooted in out-of-home consumption .

  12. 很爱哈根达斯细腻的口感和丰富的口味

    I love the creamy taste of Haagen-Dazs , even I just bought them in the supermarket

  13. 当然,顾客们无数的口头宣传也是哈根达斯的有力武器。

    Of course , customers were numerous verbal propaganda H ä agen Dazs is a powerful weapon .

  14. 哈根达斯冰淇淋已经找到了很好的方式将高质量和高产量结合起来。

    Haagen-dazs had already found a good way to combine the high quality and high production together .

  15. 相比其他冰淇淋食品,哈根达斯的消费群体要小得多。

    Compared to other ice cream food , H ä agen Dazs consumer groups to be much smaller .

  16. 在美国,它是其中的一款大牌,就像哈根达斯和芭斯罗缤一样。

    In the States , it 's one of the big ones , like H ä agen-Dazs or Baskin-Robbins .

  17. 像哈根达斯就属于硬冰激凌&通常是说卖几个球的那种。

    Ice creams such as those that Haagen-Dazs serves would be the traditional type of " hard " ice cream .

  18. 在山东青岛,哈根达斯一共有3家直营店。记者从其中的一家店了解到,并不是所有的员工都有健康证。

    In one of the three Haagen-Dazs stores in Shandong 's Qingdao City , not every worker there has health certificates .

  19. 哈根达斯的广告词,总是有许多别出心裁的创意,因此为熟悉它的人们所津津乐道。

    Haagen Dazs advertising words , there are always many creative ingenuity , so it is familiar with relish by the people .

  20. 你不知道的,其实你笑得就像哈根达斯一样甜,使我常常傻子般凝视你。

    You do not know , actually , you smile as sweet as Haagen-Dazs , so I often like staring you fool .

  21. 但这一呆就是3年,为一些很酷的品牌工作,如阿迪达斯、哈根达斯。

    But , 3 years later , I was still there , having worked on cool brands like Adidas and Haagen Dazs .

  22. 将产品贴上爱情标签,使哈根达斯俨然成为情人们的爱情信物和感情见证人。

    Love the product label affixed to H ä agen Dazs has become an intelligence people 's feelings and love Token witnesses .

  23. 而“爱她,就请她吃哈根达斯”这句经典的煽情广告词更是吸引了无数情侣成为哈根达斯常客。

    " love her , let her eat Haagen Dazs " This classic sensational advertisements to attract more numerous Haagen Dazs lovers become regulars .

  24. 首先,哈根达斯自设专卖店,绝不在人流熙攘的普通超市和杂货店里抛头露面,与廉价冰淇淋混成一堆。

    First , Haagen Dazs set up shop not in the ordinary flow Xining supermarkets and grocery stores , show their faces in public , and a bunch of cheap ice cream mix .