
  • 网络Albertsons;Albertson's;Albertson
  1. 艾伯森为维护该大学的声誉将不惜一切。

    Albertson will stop at nothing to safeguard the reputation of the university .

  2. 这顶帽子是用家得宝连锁店和艾伯森公司的可回收塑料购物袋做成的。

    This hat was made from recycled plastic shopping bags from The Home Depot and Albertson 's.

  3. 艾伯森还称,在这种情况下,人们会试图搞明白只言片语背后的完整含义,并预测说话者接下来要说什么。

    Emberson also said that in such a situation people try to make sense of snippets of conversation and predict what speakers will say next .

  4. 艾伯森并没有马上售卖自己粗心大意得来的发明,直到18年后,他为家乡旧金山的一场消防员舞会准备了这种自创的冰品。

    Epperson didn 't start selling his accidental invention until 18 years later when he prepared his frozen treat for a fireman 's ball in his hometown of San Francisco .

  5. 是的,这就是冰棍儿最开始的名字,他的孩子们经常把冰棍儿称作“流行的新玩意”,并说服艾伯森改成了“冰棍儿”,孩子们改得好啊!

    Yes , that was the original name , until his children - who always called them " pop 's ' sicles " - convinced him to change it . Good work , kids .