
  • 网络exemption right
  1. 关于别除权,我国先后使用了两个概念。

    China has used two concepts to explain exemption right .

  2. 别除权是破产法的一项重要权利。

    Exemption right is an important right in bankruptcy procedures .

  3. 第一部分是证券公司的别除权问题。

    The first part is about Securities companies ' exclusion right .

  4. 别除权就是在破产程序中存在的一种很特殊的权利。

    Exemption right is a special kind of right in bankruptcy procedure .

  5. 第二部分,研究别除权的基础权利。

    Second , the basic rights of exemption right .

  6. 破产程序中别除权的保护

    The Protection of the Power in the Bankruptcy Procedure

  7. 对别除权的深入研究,无疑将有助于相关立法和司法制度的完善。

    A thorough study on the Exemption right will perfect corresponding legislation and judiciary .

  8. 别除权制度最初产生于德国,其后逐渐发展到其他国家。

    Exemption right initially arose in Germany , and then gradually spread to other countries .

  9. 着重对破产债权的认定、破产财产的范围、破产别除权制度进行了分析。

    Focusing on the bankruptcy cognizance , the range of bankrupt estate , bankruptcy exemption system is analyzed .

  10. 由此提出别除权的基础权利是担保物权和法定特别优先权。

    The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .

  11. 同时,新《破产法》对于在破产企业和解和重整程序中对于别除权的行使也作了相关规定。

    The new Bankruptcy Law also stipulates some concerning the Exemption Right in the process of reconciliation and re-engineering .

  12. 由于对别除权的不同认识,各国对别除权概念的规定也不尽相同。

    Because of different understanding of exemption right , the concept of exemption right in different country is not the same .

  13. 随着破产免责制度的产生、确立和发展,各国纷纷在其破产法中作了具体规定。二、两大法系代表性国家破产法上的别除权。

    Many countries have made detailed description about bankruptcy relief after its birth and development . Second is bankruptcy relief system .

  14. 别除权是破产程序中一项重要的优先受偿权利,其优先权的行使不受破产清算与和解程序的限制。

    Exemption right is an important priority in bankrupt procedures and its exercise is free from restrictions from the liquidation and reconciliation procedures .

  15. 别除权是债权人不依破产程序,而由破产财产中的特定财产或者法律规定单独受偿的权利。

    Creditors first priority is not in bankruptcy proceedings , and by the insolvency of a particular property or property rights laws alone compensation .

  16. 别除权的行使虽然原则上独立于破产程序,但仍受破产程序的制约。

    Although the exertion of the exemption right is independent of the bankruptcy procedure principally , it is still constrained by the bankruptcy procedure .

  17. 别除权是大陆法系国家破产法的称谓,英美法系国家的破产法,称之为有财产担保的债权。

    The first priority is the continental title of national bankruptcy laws , the bankruptcy law in common law countries , as a proprietary secured claims .

  18. 别除权不是破产法创设的实体权利,而是破产给予某些既成的实体权利的特殊待遇。

    Bankruptcy law is not the first priority for the creation of entities right , but not the bankruptcy of certain entities the right to special treatment .

  19. 笔者试图通过对破产法中的别除权的历史沿革中探讨相关问题,并寻求完善别除权之最佳方案。

    The author attempts to give first priority in the bankruptcy law to explore issues related to the history and the best first priority for improving the program .

  20. 因此,在破产法中对别除权的界定与行使,不仅对于债权人来说意义重大,同时也有利于公平维护破产债权人的正当利益。

    Define and exertion to the Exemption right in the Bankruptcy Law is not only important to creditors , but also propitious to vindicate creditors ' justifiable interests fairly .

  21. 实践中债权质押中的无效率与破产程序中别除权的行使均影响担保权利的实现。

    In practice the realization of the right of guarantee is influenced by the no-efficiency of credit mortgage and the exercise of the right of exception in bankruptcy procedure .

  22. 有别除权的债权人放弃优先受偿权利的,依破产清算程序行使其权利。

    Where creditors with right of priority give up the right of being liquidated in prior , they shall exercise the right according to the procedure for bankruptcy liquidation .

  23. 在破产理念由破产清算转向破产预防的大背景下,别除权的绝对优先受偿性受到质疑和挑战。

    In the big background of the idea of bankruptcy transferring from bankruptcy liquidation to bankruptcy prevention , the absolute superiority of exemption right has been disputed and challenged .

  24. 我国法律将留置权视为担保物权,因此只要符合留置权的生效要件,就可以构成别除权。

    Chinese law considers the lien as a kind of real rights , so when the lien meets the elements of enforcement , it can constitute an Exemption Right .

  25. 公司破产对股权质押权的影响问题分析,笔者主要介绍了股权质权的优先受偿权与别除权的关系。

    Regarding the impact of corporate bankruptcy on share pledge , the author mainly explains the relationship between the priority of compensation and exemption rights under the share pledge .

  26. 如果请求权的履行条件已经成就或期限已经到来,该请求权的内容为设定抵押权,则请求权人可以行使别除权。

    When the performance condition realizes or term comes and the content of the claim is setting the mortgage , the party with the claim can use the exemption right .

  27. 在对跨国破产中的别除权进行规制时应充分考虑到各国立法的差异,以平衡各方利益,使跨国破产得以顺利进行。

    In addition , the differences in legislation among different nations should be considered thoroughly to balance interests of all sides when regulating the exercise of exemption right in transnational bankruptcy .

  28. 我国破产制度对资产证券化运行中的真实出售、抵消权及别除权的行使形成诸多障碍。

    China 's bankrupt system has formed many obstructions against the conversion of assets security in its " actual sale " and in its exertion of the rights of countervail and differentiation .

  29. 尽管职工债权优先于别除权受偿将在一定时期存在,但新破产法明确了其终结期。企业破产案件审理法律适用上的最大障碍将不存在,法院被扭曲了的司法功能得以恢复。

    Though officers and workers ' legal right be better than the warrant power will be exist at a certain period , but the new bankrupt law explicit it 's over period .

  30. 然而,我国现行破产立法对别除权的规定内容甚少,有关司法解释也仍有不少问题,且法律效力层次较低。

    Nevertheless , there are very few regulations on the Exemption right in our present Law , and there are still many problems about judicature explain , and its force adeffects are very weak .