
xuán rèn dài
  • suspensorium
悬韧带[xuán rèn dài]
  1. 目的评价晶状体囊袋张力环(capsulartensionring,CTR)在晶状体悬韧带异常的手术中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the application of capsular tension ring in surgery for zonular deficiency .

  2. 方法在无菌条件下,取新生Wistar大鼠乳鼠晶体,解剖镜下剔除粘附的虹膜及悬韧带;

    Methods Wistar rat suckling lenses were taken out under the condition without bacterium , and the attaching iris and ligament were rejected under the anatomical glasses .

  3. 结果:1.悬韧带离断8周、12周,免疫荧光显示:离断侧晶状体囊膜中fibrillin-1荧光值较非离断侧明显减少(p0.01)。

    Results : 1 . 8 and 12 weeks after surgery , immunofluorescence indicates that fibrillin-1 in capsule of zonule dehiscence side is less than which in the control side ( p0.01 ) .

  4. 经脐置入5mm30°腹腔镜,明确患侧内环口及腹横筋膜悬韧带后脚(posteriorcrus,PC),在耻骨联合与脐孔的中点置入3mm分离钳。

    A 5-mm 30 ° laparoscope was introduced through the umbilicus . The internal ring and the posterior crus ( PC ) on the side of hernia were identified . A 3-mm dissection forceps was placed on the midline between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis .

  5. 悬韧带脆弱的白内障超声乳化技术

    Phacoemulsification technique for cataracts in eyes with zonular weakness or dialysis

  6. 晶体状悬韧带在胎儿第4个月时出现。

    The zonule appears in the4th month of the fetal fife .

  7. 实验性形觉剥夺性近视晶状体悬韧带的超微结构改变

    Ultrastructure changes of lens zonule in experimental myopia induced by eye lid suture

  8. 青年人晶状体悬韧带弹性的实验研究

    Experimental research on the elasticity of suspensory ligament of lens of the youth

  9. 囊袋张力晶状体环在外伤性白内障伴晶状体悬韧带断裂手术中的应用(英文)

    Application of capsular tension ring in traumatic cataract surgery for zonular dialysis ;

  10. 结果术中无悬韧带断裂范围扩大,白内障皮质注吸干净。

    Results Intraoperative extension of the zonular dialysis did not occur in any eye .

  11. 成年尸眼晶体前囊膜及悬韧带弹性的研究

    A study on elastic properties of the lens anterior capsule and zonules in adult

  12. 超声生物显微镜对晶状体悬韧带异常的观察

    Observation of zonule abnormity using ultrasound biomicroscopy

  13. 晶状体悬韧带离断对大分子物质转运和热休克蛋白70表达的影响

    The Effects on Macromolecules Transfer and Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression Caused by Lens Zonule Rupture

  14. 结论人工晶状体脱位与术中后囊膜破裂、悬韧带离断、玻璃体处理不当有关。前玻璃体切割单纯取出重新复位,是处理人工晶状体脱位简单有效的方法。

    To replace the IOL directly is simple and effective method for management of the IOL dislocation .

  15. 喉返神经行于甲状腺悬韧带后方者占92.0%。

    The rate that the recurrent laryngeal nerve was under the suspensory ligament of thyroid gland was 92.0 % .

  16. 结果超声生物显微镜检查207只眼中,悬韧带发生异常的有67只眼(32.4%)。

    Results Examined using UBM , zonular defects were identified in 67 of 207 eyes ( 32.4 % ) .

  17. 双向线性能量和负压控制及不旋转核技术在晶状体悬韧带脆弱的白内障超声乳化手术中的应用

    Phacoemulsification by dual linear control energy and vacuum combined with technique of no revolving nucleus in cataracts patients with zonular weakness

  18. 注意晶状体囊膜特性、晶体厚度及悬韧带是否有断离和异位等。

    Notice ply of character of film of crystalline lens bursa , crystal is reached hang ligament to whether have leave and different etc.

  19. 小切口组后囊破裂2眼,超声乳化组在核乳化后期3眼发生后囊破裂,晶状体悬韧带部分断裂3眼,其他无严重并发症发生。

    The posterior capsule ruptured in small incision group and phacoemulsification group was 2 cases and 3 cases , no other serious complications occured .

  20. 其中,晶状体由晶状体悬韧带悬挂于睫状体上,有五种纤维组成;

    The lens is suspended to the ciliary body by the suspensory ligament ( Zonule of Zinn ), made up of fine transparent fibers .

  21. 结果白内障手术影响I期人工晶状体植入的主要原因为晶状体悬韧带断离、晶状体后囊膜破裂、玻璃体脱出。

    Results Detachment of suspended zonular ligament , rupture of posterior capsule and vitreous prolapse are the main factors influencing IOL implantation during cataract surgery .

  22. 结果术中后囊破裂1眼(0.48%),悬韧带断离2眼(0.95%);

    Results Rupture of posterior capsule was found in 1 eye ( 0.48 % ) , broken suspensory ligament was found in 2 eyes ( 0.95 % );

  23. 方法对220例(233只眼)悬韧带脆弱的白内障患者,应用双向线性能量和负压控制系统的高负压低能量技术结合不旋转核超声乳化法行白内障超声乳化联合人工晶体植入术。

    Methods Phacoemulsification by dual linear control energy and vacuum combined with technique of no revolving nucleus were performed on 220 cataract cases ( 233 eyes ) .

  24. 结论甲状腺手术识别喉返神经的五种解剖标志中,以甲状软骨下角尖(或环甲关节)和甲状腺悬韧带较可靠,其次为甲状腺下极、甲状腺下动脉和气管食管沟。

    Conclusion The inferior horn of thyroid cartilage and the suspensory ligament of thyroid gland are most reliable as the anatomical landmarks for recognizing the recurrent laryngeal nerve .

  25. 术中后囊破裂1例,部分悬韧带断裂1例,乳化头损伤虹膜1例。

    There were posterior capsular rupture in 1 case , partial dehiscence of the zonule in 1 case and iris bitten by the phaco tip in 1 case .

  26. 对3个月至足月胎儿的晶状体纤维、晶状体囊、悬韧带及晶状体周围的血管进行了扫描电镜下的观察。

    Under the scanning electron microscope the structure of the lens fiber , lens capsule , zonule and the blood vessels around the lens of the 3rd month to near term fetuses were studied .

  27. 结论人工晶状体脱位于前玻璃体腔与晶状体后囊膜破裂、晶状体悬韧带断裂及玻璃体脱出有关;

    Conclusions The IOL dislocation into anterior vitreous cavity was related to the rupture of the posterior capsule , break down of the lens zonules , prolapse of the vitreous , improper position of implanted IOL and iris complication .

  28. 结论因悬韧带的损伤是不均衡的,脱位的晶状体悬吊于玻璃体腔的中、前部,故经角巩膜切口,行前部玻璃体切割,摘除晶状体的方法是简捷、有效及安全的。

    Conclusion subluxated lens were hung into anterior or middle vitreous cavity for ambulance zonular lesion , So ICE combined with anterior vitrectomy and undergone from cornea scleral limbal incision , this is a simple and effective method for subluxated lens .