
qíng xù bù wěn
  • Emotional instability;unstable sentiments
  1. 如果持续睡眠不足可以出现幻觉和情绪不稳。

    If sleep deprivation continues , hallucinations and mood swings may develop .

  2. 我的医生告诫过我要注意情绪不稳、潮热和不规则的经期。

    My doctor had warned me about mood swings , hot flashes , and sporadic periods .

  3. 猫是出了名的自信,独立,但情绪不稳,自高自大。

    Cats are known to be self-confident and independent , but also as being unpredictable and arrogant .

  4. 他说他妻子情绪不稳、滥用暴力,有次还打了他孩子学校的校长。

    He said his wife was unstable , physically abusive and at one point hit the principal in his children 's school .

  5. 新近研究表明,该病的发生和发展与情绪不稳、家庭生活事件、性生活满意度和饮食习惯等有关。

    The resent research showed that the development of cyclomastopathy was related with emotional instability , family life events , sexual life satisfaction and eating habit .

  6. 虽然那种极端可能导致这个时期的孩子情绪不稳,但这种情形并不代表大多数的十几岁的孩子。

    Although that extreme may be the case for some kids and this is a time of emotional ups and downs , that stereotype certainly is not representative of most teens .

  7. 其特点是社会交往和沟通能力的明显损伤,表现出包括性格孤僻、情绪不稳、行为、兴趣或活动模式刻板等症状。

    Its characteristic is social interaction and communication skills of obvious harm , including withdrawn character and emotional instability , behavior , interests , or activity mode inflexible and other symptoms .

  8. 失眠人群中倾向内向-情绪不稳及外向-情绪不稳的人群均高于正常人群,提示情绪不稳定、焦虑、紧张、易怒的个性特征诱发或加重失眠。

    Insomnia people tend to be introverted , emotional instability and outgoing-unbalanced population were higher than normal people , prompt emotionally unstable tension , irritability , anxiety , personality characteristics induce or worsen insomnia .

  9. 梵蒂冈官方一名发言人称,本周四平安夜当晚,当罗马教皇本笃十六世走进圣彼得大教堂准备主持平安夜弥撒时,一名“貌似情绪不稳”的女信徒将其撞倒。

    An " apparently unbalanced " woman approached Pope Benedict XVI and caused him to fall Thursday as he entered St Peter 's Basilica to celebrate Christmas Eve mass , the Vatican spokesman said .

  10. 结果表明,高耻群的主要心理特征是:体育信念、态度的好意度较低,焦虑倾向大,情绪不稳,意志薄弱;

    The results indicate that the main psychological characteristics of people with high shame-consciousness are as follows : low favor to sports belief and attitudes , strong tendency towards anxiety , unstable emotion and weak will ;

  11. 当你的妻子情绪不稳时,你所要做的就是给她一个大大的拥抱,或是其他能够表达感情的方式。你也可以选择静静地倾听妻子的烦恼,但注意不要让自己也陷入这种负面情绪当中去。

    When your wife is struggling , the best thing to do is to try to console her with a hug or other expression of love , or by letting her talk , but be careful not to let your wife draw you in to her negative emotions .

  12. 以情绪不稳的人为例,他们收到点赞及留言时,才会感到自己“被接纳”,若所发内容无人理会,则可能感到“被孤立”。

    Taking emotionally unstable men as an example , they will feel " accepted " when they get other people 's likes or someone leaves his words below their post , but if what they put on the network site does not get others ' attention , they may feel " isolated . "

  13. 在希腊的主权债务评级再次被下调之后,市场开始担心欧元区周边地区的状况,投资者的情绪更加不稳。

    Adding to the uncertain mood were fresh concerns about the eurozone periphery following another downgrade to Greece 's sovereign debt rating .

  14. 我刚刚情绪极为不稳。

    I 'm just one big , emotional wreck .

  15. 没有,·没有受伤,·只是情绪有点不·稳。

    No , no , I 'm just a little upset .