
  • 网络Emotional stability;Emotional balance;Emotionormal
  1. 回到家人身边会使儿童的情绪稳定下来。

    Being back with their family should provide emotional stability for the children .

  2. 平静稳定的精神或心理状态;情绪稳定。

    A stable mental or psychological state ; emotional stability .

  3. 情绪稳定是保证他在竞争中胜出的先决条件之一。

    His balance is one of the prerequisites that ensure his success in the competition .

  4. EPQ测试结果显示,以情绪稳定,性格外向为主。

    EPQ showed that the new soldiers were mostly outgoing and generally had stable moods .

  5. 该研究小组在某些天然食物原料中发现了被他们称之为在化学上同丙戊酸(valproicacid)惊人相似的成分,而丙戊酸是在医学上被广泛应用于情绪稳定的处方药物。

    The team found natural ingredients bearing what they describe as ' a striking chemical similarity ' to valproic acid , a widely used prescription mood-stabilizing drug .

  6. 该研究小组在某些天然食物原料中发现了被他们称之为“在化学上同丙戊酸(valproicacid)惊人相似”的成分,而丙戊酸是在医学上被广泛应用于情绪稳定的处方药物。

    The team found natural ingredients bearing what they describe as ' a striking chemical similarity " to valproic acid , a widely used prescription mood-stabilizing drug .

  7. EPQ中精神科护士的情绪稳定因子和SCL-90中9个因子得分显著低于普通内科护士(P<0.05~0.001);

    Stable factor of emotion in EPQ and nine factors of SCL 90 of psychiatric nurses were much lower than those of internal medicine nurses ( P < 0.05-0.001 ) .

  8. 虽然你觉得她听不见,但她其实是可以听见的,要尽量保持她的情绪稳定。”

    She can hear you even if you think she can 't. '

  9. 喜怒无常的人常常令情绪稳定的人感到困惑。

    Moody people are often baffling to those of us with steadier emotions .

  10. 学生的情绪稳定,比班级管理更重要。

    The emotional well-being of my students is more important than classroom control .

  11. 他原来很著急,我总算把他的情绪稳定下来了

    He have be quite anxious , but I manage to settle his mind

  12. 给她开了止痛药让她情绪稳定下来

    gave her some painkillers , kept her calm .

  13. 情绪稳定,心态平衡,乐观向上;

    Stabilization of feeling , balanced mood , optimism ;

  14. 情绪稳定和言语推理能力对就业型创业者胜任水平的影响

    The Effect of Emotional Stability and Verbal Reasoning Ability on Successful Entrepreneurial Performance

  15. 爵士乐:友好、情绪稳定、缺乏足够的责任感

    Jazz : Friendly , emotionally stable , with a limited sense of responsibility

  16. 无论是哪个年龄段,社会上有上百万的有才能而且情绪稳定的市民,

    Societies with millions of talented , emotionally stable citizens

  17. 结果:48例乳腺癌患者均情绪稳定,积极配合治疗和护理。

    Results The 48 patients are all optimistic and actively accept treatment and nursing .

  18. 爵士乐:友好,情绪稳定,责任感不强。

    Jazz : Friendly , emotionally stable , with a limited sense of responsibility .

  19. 你情绪稳定,可能对你个人生活中发生的变故产生影响。

    Your emotional stability may influence the changes taking place in your personal life .

  20. 她情绪稳定,所以觉得没有必要告诉雇主。

    Her moods were stable , so she felt no need to tell her employer .

  21. 而对于女性来说,被评价为随和、情绪稳定的人往往有更长的寿命。

    for women , the traits associated with longer life were agreeableness and emotional stability .

  22. 我在门廊里坐了好久,等待着我的情绪稳定下来。

    I sat on the porch a long time , waiting for my emotions to ebb .

  23. 因此,在工作中,好的绩效的提示,最重要的相关性涉及到富有责任感和情绪稳定两个方面。

    So the most significant correlation involves conscientiousness and emotional stability as indicators of positive performance at work .

  24. 在精神病院里,医生也常常让病患听一些很柔和的音乐,使他们的情绪稳定下来。

    In mental institutions , doctors often let the patients listen to soft music to calm their emotions .

  25. 亮化:当身体吸收了日光后能增强例如血清素这样的情绪稳定化合物的效果。

    Lighten up : When the body absorbs sunlight , it enhances the effect of mood-stabilizing chemicals like serotonin .

  26. 另一种是缓慢轻松的风格,观察者认为这是情绪稳定的标志。

    the other was a slow , relaxed style , which observers interpreted as a sign of emotional stability .

  27. 心理控制源与情绪稳定可以作为学习动机的预测变量。

    Locus of control and emotional stability can be seen as the predictive variables of study motive . 4 .

  28. 留学生们体温正常,身体健康状况良好,情绪稳定,对中方的安排表示满意。

    They are in good health and stable mood with normal body temperature and satisfied with China 's arrangement .

  29. 紧急部署抗震自救工作,确保师生生命安全和情绪稳定。

    Urgent deployment of disaster relief and self-rescue work to insure the whole college 's life safety and emotion stabilization .

  30. 厄瓜多尔边锋看上去要缺席好一阵子,但现在情绪稳定。

    The Ecuadorian winger is likely to be out of action for a while , but remains in good spirits .