
  • 【医】feeling of helplessness
  1. 但这恰恰是过去一周内发生的情形,中国人在各种动机(包括正义感、无助感,或只是想幽默一下)的驱使下,蜂拥访问白宫我们人民(WethePeople)网站。

    But that is exactly what has happened over the past week as Chinese people , motivated variously by a sense of justice , powerlessness or just plain humour , have flooded the White House We the People website .

  2. 但这恰恰是过去一周内发生的情形,中国人在各种动机(包括正义感、无助感,或只是想幽默一下)的驱使下,蜂拥访问白宫“我们人民”(WethePeople)网站。

    But that is exactly what has happened over the past week as Chinese people , motivated variously by a sense of justice , powerlessness or just plain humour , have flooded the White House " We the People " website .

  3. 慢性强迫游泳能够使大鼠的体重增长减慢、快感缺乏、无助感出现、自主活动减少。

    Chronic forced swimming can make weight gain slow , pleasure lack .

  4. 我们已经体察到民众中存在的某种无助感。

    We have detected a certain sense of helplessness among the people .

  5. 论习得性无助感及其防治

    Discussion on Learned Helplessness and Its Prevention and Cure

  6. 这段时间,我经常会产生无助感。

    I often felt very helpless at this time .

  7. 这可能是由于异常的无助感,他们的经验。

    This may be due to abnormal feelings of helplessness that they experience .

  8. 他一开口,我的无助感就荡然无存了。

    The helplessness had faded as he spoke .

  9. 试论归因训练对运动学习无助感的影响

    Influences of attribution training on athletes ' feel of helplessness in sport and learning

  10. 我的无助感压倒一切。

    My sense of helplessness was overwhelming .

  11. 习得性无助感是指在青少年成长过程中可能出现的一种心理障碍。

    Learned helplessness is a psychological barrier in the process of the growing of some children .

  12. 体育习得性无助感是后天获得的,是在体育活动的实践中产生。

    " Sports Learned Helplessness " is acquired postnatally and engendered during the practice of sports .

  13. 你为了减少内疚感、焦虑感、无助感和抑郁感而工作。

    You work in order to reduce feelings of guilt , anxiety , helplessness and depression .

  14. 假后综合症的症状包括感到疲惫、没有胃口、无法集中精力、易怒和无助感等。

    Symptoms include fatigue , lack of appetite and concentration , irritability and a feeling of helplessness .

  15. 不过,你同时感受一种莫名的无助感。你不知道应该作什么。

    At the same time , you feel frustrated , you don 't know what to do .

  16. 形成习得性无助感的原因很复杂,有客观原因,但更主要的是学生本身的因素。

    This phenomenon can be attributed to external factors , but inner factor of student himself are more important .

  17. 常规的锻炼也是发泄和无助感的一种科学方式。

    Doing regular exercise is also a physical way to let go of angry feelings or feelings of helplessness .

  18. 行为主义和社会学习理论则强调:个体已形成的习得无助感加剧了戒烟困难;

    Yet the behaviorism stresses that it is the individual learned helplessness that sharpens the difficulty of giving up smoking .

  19. 但让我吃惊的是,我发现只有在工作的时候才能减轻我的无助感。

    But to my surprise , I found that going to work when I could eased my sense of helplessness .

  20. 学生习得性无助感的心理预防与调整与其说是诉诸理性,不如说是诉诸感情

    Psychological prevention of & adjustment to the sense of helplessness of acquired character appeal to the gut rather than the mind

  21. 尽管如此,一想到还要走下去的崎呕山路,笼罩在心头的那种强烈的无助感便无法排遣。

    But nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness that overwhelmed me whenever I contemplated the frowning mountains that lay ahead .

  22. 许多研究表明,悲观者的无助感会损害人体的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。

    Many studies suggest that the pessimist 's feeling of helplessness undermines the body 's natural defenses , the immune system .

  23. 体育习得性无助感是儿童或者青少年拒绝参加体育活动,或者仅仅做一试偿,然后马上退出。

    Sports Learned Helplessness is a child or youth who refuses to participate in sports or quits after just having a try .

  24. 论学业习得性无助感向自我效能感的转换英语教师教学效能感和主观幸福感关系的研究

    ON TURNING LEARNED HELPLESSNESS IN STUDY TO SELF-EFFICACY ; Teacher Efficacy and Subjective Well-Being of English Teachers in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges

  25. 其间最令人担忧的是在许多个案中,人们所呈现的强烈的无助感和无力感。

    But what is more worrying is that , in many of these cases , the people involved show a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness .

  26. 研究员不清楚确切地原因。但是说缺少睡眠能影响到认知能力还会导致判断力下降增加无助感。

    The researchers do not know exactly why , but said lack of sleep may affect cognitive function and lead to poorer judgment and increased hopelessness .

  27. 人们对精神疾病之污名,会影响病患就医意愿并使罹病者产生无助感,因此减少对精神疾病之污名,是精神卫生与福利政策上之重要议题。

    Reducing psychiatric stigma is an important public heath strategy because it can promote timely treatment seeking and reduce the burden of disability caused by mental problems .

  28. 有时候,一种与世隔绝的无助感也会将我裹挟,如同将我抛进一股寒冷的雾霭当中,我孤独地坐在那道关闭的生命之门面前苦苦等待。

    Sometimes , it is true , a sense of isolation enfolds me like a cold mist as I sit alone and wait at life 's shut gate .

  29. 不是关注于他们的问题,他们的症结和他们的无助感,你关注的是他们的本质,他们的完整,他们闪耀的美丽。

    Instead of focusing on their problems , their issues and their feelings of disempowerment , you focus on their essence , their wholeness , their radiant beauty .

  30. 况且,与国外教师相比,国内教师还面临着竞岗竞聘的生存挑战,以至教师的心理疾病,职业厌倦,工作无力感和无助感问题相当普遍。

    Compared with the foreign teachers , the domestic have to confront more work contest , as a result , more mental disorder , professional accidie and sense of helplessness .