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  • unauthorized agency
  1. 论无权代理的法律效果

    On the Legal Effects of Unauthorized Agency

  2. 加大对无权代理抗辩的限制力度。

    Enhance the restriction of counterplea of unauthorized agency on negotiable instruments .

  3. 对于后者,则称为表见代理,表见代理即被视为有代理权之无权代理,将发生与有权代理一样的法律后果。对于后者指Fe,Ni和Co。

    For the latter , continental law system names it as agency by estoppels regarded as the agency of authorized agency . for the later represents Fe , Co and Ni .

  4. 无权代理制度是代理制度中的重要内容。

    The non-right commission system is an important content in the commission system .

  5. 关于完善我国无权代理制度的思考

    Reflections on the Perfection of the System of Agency without Authorization in China 's Legislation

  6. 无权代理若干问题研究

    Study on Several Issues of Unauthorized Agency

  7. 首先,在我国《民法典》的制订中应充分认识代理和无权代理制度规范化,对我国社会主义法制经济建设的重要意义,将代理和无权代理以专章专节加以规定。

    Firstly , the system of the unauthorized agency should be emphasized in the coming civil law code of China .

  8. 通过对表见代理性质的探讨,本文认为表见代理属于一种特殊的无权代理形态。

    According to the author of this paper , the expression attorneyship is in form a special kind of attorneyship without authority .

  9. 由于无因管理、无权代理和侵权行之间界限的模糊不清,在适用上造成很大的困难。

    As the non-management , agents and right boundaries of the blurred line between infringement and , where applicable , causing great difficulties .

  10. 笔者分节讨论了国内外关于狭义的无权代理和表见代理制度,并对这些制度中的重点内容进行了评述,提出了作者自己的见解。

    After discussing and analyzing the unauthorized agency in a narrow sense and agency by estoppel , this thesis lodges its own opinions .

  11. 关于无因管理与无权代理,二者的性质、当事人、主要规制内容、效力、意思不同。

    Negotiorum gestio and unauthorized agency are different in the nature , the parties , the main regulatory contents and the " meaning " .

  12. 表见代理在性质上与无权代理和有权代理有着明显的差别,应属于一种独立类型的代理。

    Agency of estoppel is different from representative without authority and authorized agency in nature , and it is an independent kind of agency .

  13. 论无权代理中被代理人的追认权其二是关于本人追认权行使的问题。

    On the Principal 's Right of Ratification in Agency by Ratification Part three discusses some problems of agency by estoppel which mainly talks about two problems .

  14. 代理是“代理的完全形式,无权代理是“代理”的缺陷形式,表见代理是“无权代理”的变异形式。

    Agency is the complete form of " agency ", unlawful agency is the defective form of " agency ", superficial agency is a variation of unlawful agency .

  15. 表见代理本质上属于无权代理,但与狭义无权代理也有区别,因此,表见代理是广义的无权代理。表见代理的概念涉及构成要件和法律后果问题。

    On the one hand , apparent agency is the agency without authorization intention by the person concerned , so apparent agency belongs to the scope of unauthorized agency .

  16. 狭义的无权代理是一种效力未定的法律行为,可能发生代理无效的法律效果,也可能发生代理有效的法律效果;

    The former is a kind of legal behavior without specific validity , thus presumably leading to the legal effects of valid agency , as well as those of invalid agency .

  17. 同时,关于表见代理的本质,本文提出了自己的观点,即认为表见代理本质上属于无权代理。

    At the same time , as for the essence of apparent agency , this thesis gives out its own point that thinks apparent agency in essence belongs to powerless agency .

  18. 表见代理与狭义无权代理比较之我见每个代表只有一次表决权。

    My Opinion on the Comparison of the List Agency and the Narrow Ex-agency ; The chairman decides the time and place of the meeting . Each delegate has one vote .

  19. 本文主要从我国代理制度的立法特点、立法不足、引进隐名代理以及完善无权代理等几个方面进行探讨。

    This paper makes a major probe into the agent system in China from such aspects as the legislative characteristics , inadequacy of legislation , introduction of undisclosed agent and perfection of ex agency .

  20. 无因管理、无权代理和侵权行为是私法领域的三项重要制度,这些制度的创设包含着道德的、经济的、法律的多层面的价值考量。

    Non-management , agents , and violations are not entitled to three important areas of private law system , the creation of these systems contain a moral , economic , legal multi-level value of the consideration .

  21. 无因管理与无权代理、侵权行为相似,都是没有法律义务而干涉他人之事务,其法律制度的内容和体系存在千丝万缕的联系。

    Non-management with the right agent , similar violations , there is no legal obligation to interfere in the affairs of others , the content of its legal system and the system there are inextricably linked .

  22. 在行为人的无权代理行为产生表见代理后,行为人从相对人处暂时取得属于本人的财物,应当及时移交给本人。

    In the behavior of the human right to act to generate the table sees the proxy , behavior person from relative person to obtain a temporary get my property , it shall timely transfer to me .

  23. 对民法上通过承认而得到补正的民事行为进行重新分类可以发现:对无权代理行为的承认,实质上是对自己行为的承认;

    From a wholly new angle , the author classifies the civil act in civil law that can be complemented and corrected through recognition and points out that the recognition on non-right agent act is essentially the recognition on his own act ;

  24. 关于无权代理理论,学界大多主张狭义无权代理不具代理权之表象,且本人有过失并非表见代理的构成要件。

    With regard to the theory of unauthorized agency , most of scholars argue that unauthorized agency in narrow sense has no appearance of right of agency , and the fault of principal is not the essential elements of agency by estoppel .

  25. 本文结合国内外学者的研究成果,对代理和无权代理进行了定义,并指出了无权代理的两个下位概念(狭义的无权代理和表见代理)的联系与区别。

    Based on the research by the scholars home and abroad , this thesis defines the unauthorized agency in a new viewpoint , and also explores the similarities and differences of the two parts of the unauthorized agency ( unauthorized agency in a narrow sense and agency by estoppel ) .

  26. 保险代理人滥用代理权,未被追认的无权保险代理行为等不能产生保险代理的法律效力,应由保险代理人个人承担民事责任。

    If the insurance agent abuses of the power of agency and the non-acknowledged act unauthorized insurance agency is emerged , the result will be that the legal effect of insurance agency is not elicited and the insurance agent must accept the due civil liability .

  27. 无权处分产生的法律后果之一为善意取得,无权代理产生的法律后果,不适用善意取得制度来调整。

    No right to dispose of one of the legal consequences for the acquisition in good faith , acting without legal consequences , does not apply in good faith to achieve a system to adjust .

  28. 当享有选择权的相对人认为向无权代理人追究其权利更有利时,则可主张狭义的无权代理。

    When the counterpart who has right to choose considered that his right to the unauthorized agent is more beneficial , he may claim the narrow unauthorized agency .