
wú yì shi
  • unconscious;automatic
无意识 [wú yì shí]
  • [unconscious] 出于不知不觉的,没有留意到的

  • 无意识的偏见

无意识[wú yì shi]
  1. 在意识心理之下存在很多层次的无意识。

    Beneath the conscious mind there are many levels of the unconscious .

  2. 催眠师能直接作用于无意识思维。

    A hypnotist can act upon the unconscious mind directly .

  3. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。

    Breathing is an automatic function of the body .

  4. 其他眼征包括眼球的无意识节奏运动。

    Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball .

  5. 身体所有的无意识功能,甚至呼吸,都受到影响。

    All of the automatic body functions , even breathing , are affected .

  6. 在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。

    In examining the content of the unconscious , Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs .

  7. 对每一个动作,无论它显得多么随意和无意识,都不能放过一丝细节。

    Every movement , no matter how casual and spontaneous , needs to be worked out to the last detail

  8. 她无意识地把一只手放在他的手臂上。

    Without conscious thought , she put a hand on his arm .

  9. 这些思想是无意识学到的。

    These ideas are not learnt consciously .

  10. 利物浦大学的专家布鲁尔博士说:"对吸引力的判断往往是无意识的,但我们都是这样做的,我们甚至可以对一些小事做出判断,比如某人看起来是累了还是不健康。"

    Dr. Brewer , an expert at the University of Liverpool said " Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious , hut we all do it , and we are able to judge on even son thing small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy . "

  11. 伯克无意识地摊开四肢靠着窗户睡着了

    Burke was asleep , sprawled obliviously against the window .

  12. “电邮呼吸暂停”指的是在查阅邮件时出现的规律呼吸的无意识暂停。

    Email apnea refers to the unconscious and temporary suspension of regular breathing while checking and reading email .

  13. 研究小组特别关注所谓的洗脑神曲,学名叫作“无意识音像”。

    In particular , the team focused on catchy2 earworms , technically3 known as ' involuntary musical imagery ' .

  14. “自我纵许”指做了一些好事之后会无意识地允许自己做点不好的事。

    Self-licensing is the unconscious tendency to allow yourself to do something bad after you have done something good .

  15. 另一组则接受了“安慰剂疗法”。帕金森病导致部分大脑逐渐受损,引发一系列症状,比如无意识的颤抖和肌肉僵硬、不灵活等。

    Parkinson 's causes parts of the brain to become progressively damaged , resulting in a range of symptoms such as involuntary shaking and stiff , inflexible1 muscles .

  16. 对于重赛的决定,国际残奥委会发言人克莱格·斯宾塞表示,27日的比赛后收到申诉,称比赛中“第五道的中国运动员(李桂芝)和第六道的荷兰运动员(利塞特·布鲁斯曼)发生了无意识的接触”。

    The re-swim came after a statement by International Paralympic Committee spokesman Craig Spence , who said that there had been an appeal after Friday 's race , during which " the Chinese athlete in lane five [ Li Guizhi ] and the Dutch athlete in lane six [ Liesette Bruinsma ] unintentionally came into contact with each other . "

  17. 有意识障碍者血清EDLS明显高于无意识障碍者(P<0.05)。

    Serum EDLS was higher in patients with coma than in patients without coma ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. STROOP效应及其反转:无意识和意识知觉

    Typical and reversed Stroop effect : unconscious and conscious perception

  19. 但是偶尔我们会创建一个引用,它在内存中包含对象的时间比我们预期的要长得多,这种情况称为无意识的对象保留(unintentionalobjectretention)。

    But every once in a while , we create a reference that holds an object in memory much longer than we expected it to , a situation referred to as unintentional object retention .

  20. 实验分为三个组:实验A组接受无意识层面的团体催眠心理辅导,实验B组接受意识层面团体心理辅导,对照组不接受任何形式的干预。

    The experiment is divided into three groups : The participants of A group received hypnosis group psychotherapy of unconsciousness stratification plane . The participants of B group received common psychological intervention of consciousness stratification plane , and then the participants of the control group received nothing .

  21. 有意识障碍的脑梗死患者的血浆炎性血清标志物hsCRP、MMP9I、L-6水平均明显高于无意识障碍者。

    The levels of the plasma hsCRP 、 MMP9 and IL-6 of patients with mental disorder were significantly higher than those patients without mental disorder .

  22. GOMS还定义了几个规则用于判断什么时间点用户会停下来进行无意识的心理活动。

    And GOMS also defines some rules for deciding when users will stop to fall into mental activities unconsciously .

  23. 结论:急性脑血管病患者有心电图的异常改变,其心电图的异常检出率与病变部位及有无意识障碍有关,与病变性质无关。心肌保护采用改良St.A组不灌注St。

    Conclusion : Abnormality of ECG , especially ischemic ST T change , can be found in patients with acute cerebral vasular disease , and the change of ECG may be related to the location of attack and the disturbance of consciousness .

  24. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  25. Rybakken的想法是创建一个无意识的感觉,因为他扩展了空间,最大限度地减少了对比,只有创造一个幻想的自然日光。

    Rybakken 's idea was to create an unconscious feeling as he expands the room and minimizes the contrast to only create an illusion of natural daylight .

  26. 遗憾的是,身为一面无意识“镜子”的这个区域,在它们被使用的那些造物周期尽头,从未被取消铸造(uncast)。

    Alas this region of domain that is a non-conscious " mirror " was never uncast at the end of the creational cycles that they were used .

  27. 烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心之外国人客户无意识。

    The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious .

  28. 重要的是在无意识里有一个根本的改变。

    What is important is a radical change in the unconscious .

  29. 刍议少年学生无意识心理与道德行为习惯养成

    The Unconscious Psychology and Nurture of Moral Behaviors of Juvenile Students

  30. 我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。

    From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace .